crab pot trial for wilson & irwin inlets
not sure how thick the crabs can be in these inlets, but knowing how other places have been hammerd with pots, im sure in time this will also cause issues locally in those inlets
Pot trial aims for crab boost
A two-year trial aims to ensure the sustainability of blue swimmer crabs.
Commercial and recreational fishers will co-operate to ensure the sustainability of blue swimmer crabs in the Wilson and Irwin inlets during a two-year trial project which has begun on the south coast.
Previously prohibited, commercial fishers will set pots in the inlets in an aim to boost the supply of crabs, a pilot project backed by the Department of Fisheries with support from both the commercial and recreational sector bodies.
WA Fishing Industry Council chief executive John Harrison anticipated the trial would demonstrate the environmental benefits of using pots to catch crabs.
"This, in itself, is a rare achievement worthy of celebration," he said.
"It also highlights how the commercial and recreational sectors can work co-operatively with regulators to adapt management of WA's fisheries to better protect their long-term sustainability."
Mr Harrison said commercial licence holders in Wilson and Irwin inlets generally targeted species such as cobbler, sea mullet and black bream, with blue swimmer crabs kept as an increasingly valuable by-product.
"Under the pilot plan, the use of pots will allow fishers to exclusively target crabs without taking other species," he said.
WA's peak recreational fishing body Recfishwest has supported the two-year trial which will undergo a review by Fisheries in 12 months time.
Department of Fisheries regional manager Kevin Donohue said the project would test the method to assess its viability in locations where pots were previously not permitted.
He said if successful the trial could lead to another approved fishing method in the fishery and a greater understanding of crab stocks.
"It's a win-win for all concerned," he said.
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 227
Date Joined: 10/05/10
Well it sure worked in
Well it sure worked in cockbourn sound traping was so much more effective than netting it fucked that fishery injust a few years be interesting to see if the catch rates in sharkbay and carnarvon have stayed the same I doubt it. What recfish are doing backing this is beyond me as suppose they can still keep the ones they catch while netting just another fucking mess courtesy of the w.a fisheries department .
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 22/07/12
Crabs have only been around
Crabs have only been around in numbers here in Denmark for the last couple of years. The nesters pull a
fair few out so commercial pots will kill supply for rec fishers pretty quickly.