Mackie Lures
Submitted by jayce on Wed, 2014-08-27 03:41
Hi All
I know its probably a hotly debated subject but is it essential to have wire leadr on mackie lures? Or can you get away with just using a length of 200lb leader?
Can you buy pre maid wire leaders suitable or is it not worth it?
Cheers Jayce
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
As a general reply, yes it is
As a general reply, yes it is essential to use wire on Mackies. 200lb leader is easily cut through by a Mackies teeth. Use single strand wire tied with the twist method. Just go online Im sure you will find something to demonstrate. It takes a little practice to perfect the twisting but its not important that it looks like a pro has tied it. You probably can buy premade leaders and it will give you an idea how to tie them as well. One of our sponsors might be able to show you in their shop if your lucky.
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Date Joined: 05/03/13
Another tip is to store your
Another tip is to store your pre-made traces in a length of PVC tube. Single strand kinks very easily.
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Date Joined: 14/11/10
Why would you not want to use
Why would you not want to use wire on Macks?
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Date Joined: 23/06/09
Not for me, seldom lose any macs hooked just running an 80lb wind on to a snap swivel.
Posts: 360
Date Joined: 06/02/14
yep always use a wire leader
yep always use a wire leader for mackies they got sum fangs on em
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
Definitely not essential to
Definitely not essential to have wire on a mack lure.
you will get more hits without.
just use 120 - 200lb jinki or similar.
honestly think you will catch more mackies per lure lost without wire.
IE you will get twice as many hits and catches without wire but only loose 10% more to cut offs.
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Date Joined: 07/04/10
whats the reason for that
whats the reason for that then? single strand wire is much harder to see than 200lb leader, i reakon your making that up
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
Bitten: "i reakon your making
Bitten: "i reakon your making that up"
What I wrote above is just my experiences of 25 years fishing north. Ofcourse Im not the most experienced fisherman out there. many will have other opinions and that's no probs but I have found that I get many more hits with out wire and certainly don't loose much gear. I said ..that's just my experience and my opinion.
but talking about making things up !
50kg......the one in your avatar ??? haha
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Date Joined: 07/04/10
44kg mate
thats some serious detective work right there that was 4 years ago, i wondered what you were getting at, i might have stretched it a bit it was 44kg mate wieghed on the fishing co-op's scales
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 03/06/12
Wire not 100% necessary.
Have landed mackeral, and generally target them with no wire. If you are chasing macky trolling and using a large bibbed minnow say 190-220mm this will often be enough length to avoid the bite off. Seen as macky generally aim to bite the tails off baitfish off first, the way they hit will most often be aimed towards the rear of your lure. Also wire may decrease the chance of hookups with tuna if in the area. This is not to say I never use wire, just not too often.
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 23/06/09
Agree with luke, also the snap swivel adds 30-40mm in front of the lure as well for a bit more protection.
Bitten, Would love to see some pics of your 44kg spanish, that would have beaten the Australian record of 42.2kg!
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From years in Karratha
Started with a full single strand leader. Shortened this with the best off both worlds just a short 200-300mm trace off single strand haywired to the lure via a snap and tied directly to a windon leader. The less visible swivels the better as mackies will often try and eat any bubble trial creating connection. This way you get more hook ups, and yet loose less lures/fish to bite offs due to the protection offered by the short segment. Have also hooked coral trout on this setup as a bycatch and they never seem to go for single strand leader.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 18/08/13
I was in Perth this time
I was in Perth this time last year and picked up some pre-made single strand traces from Oceanside. Razor Haywire Twist I think they are called.
Posts: 1875
Date Joined: 04/09/08
When up at gnarloo recently
When up at gnarloo recently were useing the x wrap hades without wire lots of fish landed without wire
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 10/12/11
If it helps any one we lost 2
If it helps any one we lost 2 trolling lures for the trip and landed maybe 15-20 macks.
1 lure lost was with wire and got sharked and busted it off above the wire.
The other had no wire and was lost due to rookie error of having drag to loose and the reel over spooling and birdsnesting.
The rest of the trip we ran all lures with no wire and had no dramas. Thats just my limited experience but thought it might help.