How to balloon

Hi all,

Was thinking about giving ballooning a shot when I head up north in a couple weeks from the beach and was wondering if anyone had any rigs they'd be willing to share with me. Do I use helium or just air, what can I catch, how far do I let out the ballon, what sort of rig do I use, where do I place the bait in the water, what bait do I use, overhead or spinning?

Any advice would be helpful

cheers Rob

big john's picture

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Sun, 2016-03-13 14:41

 Pm Sherbert.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

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Sun, 2016-03-13 14:49

 You use helium mate, and you have it so your bait is skipping across the top of the water. We used gardies and ended up catching some pike (pretty sure that's what they were called) and used them and they got smashed! Our set up was on a  6 foolish rod with over head reels. The rigs are another story, my mates old boy was making them up and I can't remember how exactly he done it. Good luck with it mate. Oh and balloons were expensive so try and keep em safe

anypuddle's picture

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car exhaust

Mon, 2016-03-14 14:16

 Ive heard of people using a funnel and filling large balloons with car exhaust,  does anyone know if this works?


Anywhere anytime

cudbfishn's picture

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Date Joined: 06/04/09

 Yer it does but the exhaust

Mon, 2016-03-14 17:33

 Yer it does but the exhaust gas isn't as light as helium, so u need big balloons. We use about a meter or 2 of wire trace to a swivel which can be a 3 way swivel for the balloon to attach to. Then a 4-5 windon to ur mainline. The balloon is then tied to the swivel with about 10m of 30-40 leader. So it's high in the air and hopefully doesn't go into the water when a fish hits. U can either use spin or overhead but we use overhead, you need the line capacity. We have around 600m of 40lb braid with a mono top shot. Depending what we have it can be anywhere from 30-150m, 40-50lb. We use 12-13ft overhead rods. We use this at wagoe chasing maks. 

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 15/09/15

Thanks cudbfishn

Mon, 2016-03-14 18:15

any idea how much helium I would need to put in a 3ft (90cm) ballon compared to the bait and what's the best bait to use and best sized ballon?


sandbar's picture

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The BIG 90cm balloons are the go and

Mon, 2016-03-14 20:03

 you're helium ratio depends on weight of bait, wind, and conditions. I tie my balloons in a way that I can untie them and adjust if needed. It seems a hassle to some but every little bit you do can only help you get that fish.


I will try explain and draw a rig the same way I saw on a previous post today.


I have a running swivel on my main line then tied to a 80-100lb swivel. On that is 2mtrs wire trace to a set of gangs. Now back to that running swivel on the main line. I use 10mtrs of 10lb line tied from that running swivel to the balloon.  When ready to launch you stand on the cliff and hold your bait, then open bail arm and let the balloon fly away. KEEP HOLD OF YOUR BAIT!!!, When the balloon is about 40 meters away toss the well presented bait into the ocean and close the bail arm. Watch your bait as it scoots through the water at a rapid rate of knots. The balloon will continue to take your bait out because you have previously created a big loop in the sytem. When balloon hits its limit of line you will see the bait start to "dance" hopefully across the top of the water. Then you play with how much line you pay out or retrieve and helium till you get the perfect action of a baitfish skipping and splashing across the surface attracting predators.


  I tried drawing but can't work it out.  

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 15/09/15


Tue, 2016-03-15 19:57

can't wait to give it a go, where can I buy helium tanks in Perth rather than hiring a tank?

cheers for the help 

mrwinta's picture

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Date Joined: 14/01/10

Exhaust Gas...

Tue, 2016-03-15 01:27

 I have to give thet a try..... 
