Fri/Sat weather forecast
Submitted by Jim on Wed, 2015-03-11 00:06
Doesnt look too bad to get out in the boat on these days but I cant help wonder if we are going to get another storm like the last one and go from 5kts to 40knts in 2minutes.
I wont last long if that weather comes thru and im on the water. I only just made it to the ramp last time!
Anyone planning on heading out those days?
Bend over
Posts: 129
Date Joined: 05/07/14
Hahah true
Hey mate I was out that arvo fishing for pinkys on the ffb and I could not believe it. It was a light se then it swung Ne at 40knts fukn crazy. Saturday looks the same As that day rid
shut up and fish
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Weather forecast should be:
Weather forecast should be: Calm with the slight chance of a super intense storm like youve never seen!
Bend over
Blowie 78
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 21/05/14
Can change quickly
Me and my mate were out a few years ago, and it went from a glass off to 40 + knots and pouring down( in 15 min) It can be a scary place when it wants to be.The wind was swirling and made the 6 km trip back a bit hairy.When we got back to the ramp and logged off at sea rescue, they informed us that they got no wind just rain.
Ol Tom
Posts: 331
Date Joined: 17/12/13
There is a cyclone due over
There is a cyclone due over the weekend so best keep an eye on it over the weekend
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 07/03/15
im going for a play at the FFB on thursday
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
The friday forecast is for
The friday forecast is for possible thunderstorms in the evening. It might still be ok in the morning.
Saturdays forecast is for possible winds above 34 knots and seas exceeding 4 meters, depending on the cyclone. I wouldn't be going out in that.
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Friday will be a cracker if
Friday will be a cracker if the storms hold off till the evening. I'll definitely be heading out if so , will make the call tomorrow arvo.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 07/10/11
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
yep going to have
a crack tom.
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs