Ford falcon 2003

 Hi guys,

need some advice, my son has a Mitsubishi lancer 2004. Has been driving for a year on his learners, gets his P Plates at the end of the month ( god help me) he wants to trade and get a 2003 ( BA)or 2004 (xr6) ford. Wants to spend about $5000, I don't know anything about cars.  So my question is are these cars mechanically ok, are do they have faults that make them a lemon etc.


i can see this will turn into a ford vs Holden but here we go

Dale's picture

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Sun, 2014-07-20 20:09

 Yeah, they had pretty bad wheel alignment issues from memory. Every time you hit a speed bump too hard, you knocked the front wheels out.




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BA Palcon

Sun, 2014-07-20 20:21

Common for diff mounts to split, requires the entire rear suspension dropped out of the car to replace them with revised after market ones, same with territorys, tailshaft couplings and center bearing mounts split, common brake booster issue that will cause the brakes to 'drag', cooling system leaks, including the auto trans cooler in the rad to leak, contaminating the cooling system with ATF, but worse is the coolant making its way into the trans which can lead to a gearbox rebuild if not detected early. Common for ignition coil failures causing missfires, power steering shuddering and leaks are common, the failure of Ford to continue to have load bearing ball joints in their front suspension means they wear out. All just off the top of my head from my experience, but really, like any car of that age, it comes down to how well it has been maintained and if things get fixed along the way. I advise getting any vehicle inspected prior to purchase, we've had plenty of customers bring a recently purchased vehicle in only to be told it needs major work.


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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 Look around for a BF also,

Sun, 2014-07-20 20:43

 Look around for a BF also, they had a lot of the issues ironed out then, but the auto trans issues were still around. But as Tim says, get it checked out before purchase.




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Sun, 2014-07-20 20:49

 For the heads up, if we find something will have a professional inspect the car first.

wickky's picture

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 I had a 2003 falcon for 5

Sun, 2014-07-20 23:15

 I had a 2003 falcon for 5 years. Just sold it. Only problems I had where the power steering pump leaking, which was leaking for 5 years topped it up twice.

Coil packs shat themselves at around 170,000. wouldn't rev over 3k. Replacing them is easy as tho. Hood lining was peeling off, window reg was toast aswell as the mirrors.  03 was one of the first BA so a few problems. Try to get a bf with a zf 6 speed. All easy fixes.

Cheers zac



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 Ford didn't do the ZF box in

Mon, 2014-07-21 08:03

 Ford didn't do the ZF box in the BF until late quite late, maybe 2006 in the updated model and continued them into the FG's. The only way a 6 speed auto could be in a BF if it is a very late model, but worth the effort to get one, my Falcon has it and I love em.




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Mr Wolf



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 My brother in law has one

Mon, 2014-07-21 05:23

 My brother in law has one and has replaced the steering column 3 times because the ignition barrel has basically shattered 3 times, and I believe that the whole steering column has to be replaced because of the barrel issue,I know he is selling it because of this issue!


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 I have got one and they are

Mon, 2014-07-21 07:51

 I have got one and they are NOT worth $5k. There is a manual BA round the corner from me for $1950. Thats about the mark