fisheries management what would you like to see changed

given the herring discussion , i thought there may be other bag limits/fisheries management changes that people would like to see

probably the no 1 is to have 1 dhufish per licnece holder

one of my choices would be to see the size limit on crabs increased from the curent 127mm , up to 135 mm , given the bag limit of only 10 per person blah blah , ten bigger crabs at 135 mm is a good feed

i like to see some changes in the shark bay pink snapper rules as well ,

would people want a shore based fishing licence to match the boat fishing licence , that excluded payment for kids under 14 and pensioners,

or my preference of general fishing licence that gave you access to both shore and boat, & when doing the application you can tick a box which one you do most or exclusivly for data info to fisheries on activity etc


is the bag limit of squid too many ?

probly lots of others , fire away



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scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

heres a good one...

Thu, 2014-07-17 12:53

I needed to sit a test to get my drivers licence
I needed to sit a Test to get my Riggers, Crane Driver, Scaffold, EWP, builders registration, etc, etc
I needed to sit a test to get my first aid cert.
Fuck, I neded to sit a test to simply set foot on a construction site.

whats the only license that doesn't require a test to get?
a fishing licence.

I think it should be mandatory, to complete a simple test on general species ID, size, and more importantly bag limits, so that when offenders are caught, they get dragged through every prosecution possible.

that, and lift every ban on killing sharks, protected or not.

TorquenFish's picture

Posts: 321

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Insightful as always Scotto.

Fri, 2014-07-18 11:46

Insightful as always Scotto.


Posts: 1081

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All the tests you sat relate

Mon, 2014-07-21 20:58

All the tests you sat relate to potential injury or death to yourself or to others.

You wont die from taking undersize fish, but if you fail the test at the boat ramp you will pay a penalty :)


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Paul H's picture

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From an SA perspective I'm

Thu, 2014-07-17 12:52

From an SA perspective I'm pretty happy with current regs but most of all I'd like to see more fisheries inspectors employed to follow up leads and reports of illegal fishing more than anything. They are drastically undermanned and way behind the 8 ball in catching anything more than a fraction of what goes on.

No fishing licence in SA currently but I'd be happy to pay a yearly fee IF it went into more fisheries manpower rather than sucked up into black hole of general revenue (pensioners and under 15 should be exempt) - wishful thinking I know!!


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axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

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 They need undercover

Thu, 2014-07-17 13:12

 They need undercover fisheries or special task force fisheries.

jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

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 Definetly the lifting of the

Thu, 2014-07-17 13:04

 Definetly the lifting of the boat limit of Dhufish to 1 per licensed fisho on board not just 2 per boat, obviously complying with how many  the hull is licensed to carry  with icrease to55cm as legal size giving them at leastt one mre breeding season before capture.

Baldchin to be same as dhufish 1 per license.

Lifting demersal limit from 2 to 3 per person , because of dermersal closure and considering how well  snapper stocks have recovered, due to long term closed seasons , with pink snapper to be allowed to be two thirds of your total catch .

Bread and butter species to remain at 30,, apart from herring as stocks seem badly affected by climatic incidents , with a return to normal bag limits when stock has recovered to an agreed level .


Agree with crab size inrease as long as it applies accross the board to both recs and pros, a very good idea ,

 Shark bay snapper lifted to 2 per day no tagging lottery , but size increased from 41cm to 50 thus ensuring at least 2 more spawning events before they can be taken.

 Leave bag limit of cephlapods as is .

 No change to shark and non demersal limits


No change to recreational netting


Recreational rock lobster season to open in october or earlier to maintain 5 percent recreational portion of total allowable catch.


Far Quirk!

dumper's picture

Posts: 1027

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 Not sure about lowering the

Thu, 2014-07-17 13:05

 Not sure about lowering the baldchin limit.  From what I've noticed, I'd say the baldy population is pretty healthy at the moment 

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 08/12/12

 Agree, plenty of baldies

Thu, 2014-07-17 16:34

 Agree, plenty of baldies around in the metro area, and defiantly 1 dhu per license 



Posts: 157

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what he said.

Fri, 2014-07-18 13:51


kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

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 Just got back from a week at

Thu, 2014-07-17 14:16

 Just got back from a week at Tamala Station. My first time there ( normally go to Peron Nat park where you can have 2 snapper) really think it is time they finish the tag lottery for the Tamala area. Couldn't get past the pinkies for anything else. I believe it puts extra pressure on other species such as blue bone.

My 2 cents


Tradewind's picture

Posts: 754

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As the others I want to see 1

Thu, 2014-07-17 14:20

As the others I want to see 1 Dhu per licence instead of 2 per boat

I'm also fine with 15 herring instead of 30


I'd like to see an annual fishing licence for land based for around $5 - $10 which the proceeds would be redirected to more fisheries officers and more fishing facilities. We're seeing more groynes closed off and deteriortating jetties just closed instead of repaired.


I also want some sort of test to obtain a licence of it's class for the first time.

Additionally a Gold card which encompasses all activities for the year at a reduced rate as i'm tired of paying for a Cray, Boat, Fresh, Abalone, Maron ,Net seperately, and while i like giving back to the fisheries I feel a savings could be had for that many cards.

With the Gold card or on the RBFL an optional area for your Skippers Ticket info (If you have it) so you only need the one card when going out

Gonad Man's picture

Posts: 51

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Thu, 2014-07-17 14:34

limit to be 2 per license, max four per boat & increase minimum size to 600mm


would also like to see the same for pinkies with a minimum size of 500mm

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

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Thu, 2014-07-17 18:32

the Pinky size limit is 500mm

Posts: 5818

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Not up here it isnt.

Fri, 2014-07-18 19:44

Not up here it isnt.


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Everyone's just winging it.


grantarctic1's picture

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Breaksea Cod

Thu, 2014-07-17 14:41

I would like to see Breaksea Cod moved from demersal to Nearshore category. They can still have a limit of 2 but within th 16 bag limit.

Also would like to see a boat limit of Pink Snapper returned for Cockburn sound, some might disagree but i have seen 8 people on a boat get 16 snapper and brag they had done it every day that week. I think the sound is still prone to over fishing of the snapper.

The Squid limit is fine, and with a boat limit too i think it is well managed.

jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

Date Joined: 25/05/11

 I also agree with a

Thu, 2014-07-17 15:11

 I also agree with a dicounted umbrella license that covers all forms of fishing ie , rocklobster, netting, , marroning , rfbl and freshwater  , used to be available for 90 dollars , but not now under this money grubbing government,  suppose somebody has to pay for buswell the buffoons stuff ups .


Aleo support a general license of say 20 dollars to cover landbased fishing , as well as crabbing and prawning as l8ng as money doesn't go into consolidated revenue and is used for the benefit of lbf'S jetty repairs , groynes and keeping access available to fishing areas .


Far Quirk!

Seaquest's picture

Posts: 1132

Date Joined: 22/10/09

I would like to see bight

Thu, 2014-07-17 15:49

I would like to see bight redfish (nannys) bag limit increased. There is tonnes of them out past the hundreds off the capes but not worth the fuel to go out and only get two each. Would definately take some pressure of other demersals.

I also think the metro should be it own bioregion and not include areas like the southwest and the Geraldton region. I know this would never happen because it would just complicate things but I can't see why we here in the south west are subjected to the same rules as Perth.

big john's picture

Posts: 8766

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Thu, 2014-07-17 16:51

'Bulk' artificial reefs made and deployed.

Freshwater fishing opportunities developed, Murray cod, yellow belly etc.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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grantarctic1's picture

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Thu, 2014-07-17 17:13

Fully agree with more reefs, and the fresh water development. With the fresh water access, i would like to see the water corp stripped of its power to close of half our fresh water dams. The nonsence about keeping terrorist out is just bullcrap, every other state in Australia alows access without problems, in fact it is the puplic that usualy report anything out of the ordinary.

Posts: 5818

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+2But artificial reefs do not

Fri, 2014-07-18 19:45


But artificial reefs do not need to be multimillion dollar concrete sculptures.



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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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big john's picture

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Fri, 2014-07-18 21:12

I'd be happy to start bolting tyres together.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Costa Concordia keeps coming

Fri, 2014-07-18 21:29

 Costa Concordia keeps coming to mind lol


Love the West!

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Trawler Fitzroy

Mon, 2014-07-21 07:36

The burnt out, fully stripped hulk of the trawler Fitzroy has been tied up in the harbour here for years because no one can guarantee that it will not drift along the bottom on a cyclone.
Someone said they want a $10 grand deposit to ensure if it does move it covers the cost of putting it back in its original position.

We already have the Lady Joyce wrecks and the old barge that get fished heavily and adding this one would take the load off the others.

Admittedly not fisheries but at least they could put their hand up in an effort to get things moving. All that is needed is to hang an anchor and chain off it tied up with rope, tow it out , cut the rope supporting the anchor and chain and open the scuttling valves

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Sounds like common sense not

Mon, 2014-07-21 08:24

 Sounds like common sense not prevailing. It'll probably end up on the bottom of the harbour one John and they'll have to pay for it themselves to get salvaged.


Love the West!

Posts: 361

Date Joined: 09/08/09

There is not many free things

Thu, 2014-07-17 16:56

There is not many free things left. I am fishing land based only, not very often now days and most of the time I come back with less fish then I went out with. So I pay for the bait, fuel, hooks, and bits and pieces which are all taxed. It also keeps the bait fishermen, the bloke at the servo, little kid in BCF employed, who also pay income tax and so. There should be enough income for the government generated from that to be put back into the infrastructure. So if you look at it from a bigger scale, it would not be beneficial to have a paid LB licence. LB licence might not put me and most of people here off fishing, but it would certainly put off lot a lot of people, who buy a cheap combo for their kid to spend a fun afternoon on the beach every now and then. So those $20 would actually “cost” the system much more. You could argue the same about the rest of the licences and tax / licence fee wise, you would be right. Especially in cases, when you have to pay for parking at the ramp, which is essentially a launching fee. But I don’t think anybody sold their boat because of the boat licence. When you are bit more serious, about what you are doing, you just bite the bullet. If you do it twice a year for fun, even $20 can spoil it.  

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Have it like Canada

Thu, 2014-07-17 20:16

 Province by province licencing/seasons/bag/restrictions same as we have state to state, but a fishing licence required for all forms of fishing.  They sell the fishing licences through Canadian Tyre which is like a Bunnings crossed with a Kmart open 7 days a week, licences available by the day, week, month, quarter or year.  

In some ways boat fishers are subsidising lb fishers in terms of policing by fisheries/facilities/infrastructure from the rbfl funds so right from the start I was all for a 'Fishing Licence' as opposed to boat/landbased approach.  For a start there are what 90,000 registered boats in WA, how many RBFL's? However there are an estimated 700,000 rec fishers in WA. Supposing that one boat = 2 rec boat fishing licences then: 90,000 x $30 x 2 = $5,400,000 or Fishers: 700,000 x $15(A nominal annual fee made up by me) = $10,500,000 in funding?


Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

Management of our Estuary Systems.

Thu, 2014-07-17 17:07

I would like to see the fisheries dept. take a more active role in the management of our rivers and estuary systems as per the fisheries act.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Definitely one Dhuie per

Thu, 2014-07-17 17:48

 Definitely one Dhuie per licence, would save a lot of the bigger Dhuies going to waste because of not being released properly. And Scotto nailed it with a basic sit down test for identifying and knowing the rules. No arguments that you no speaka engrish , you just get the book thrown at you. 


Love the West!

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

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Thu, 2014-07-17 18:41

Agree with most above. My thoughts on changes within the West Coast Bioregion

Dhufish - 1 per licence, no boat limit, new min size 55cm.

Bight Redfish (Nannygai) - 4 per licence, no boat limit, same legal size.

Keep Pinks, Baldies, Breaksea etc. and Deep Drop species at 2 each.

High Risk Bag Limit up to 4 (instead of 2)

Also like the sound of Brendans idea of making metro it's own zone so those of us outside (SW/Midwest) have a little more flexability.

Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

agree with Metro zone.How can

Fri, 2014-07-18 19:47

agree with Metro zone.

How can 100km of coast with over a million people and multiple boat ramps have similar pressure as elsewhere?


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Boydy's picture

Posts: 623

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One Dhu per license holder on

Thu, 2014-07-17 20:10

One Dhu per license holder on board, open to the idea of an increased size limit to 55cm for them.
An increased demersal/high risk bag limit of 3 outside the metro area as mentioned above, SW/Midwest regions.
I think the idea of some sort of basic competency of fish identification, size and catch limits would be good, although not sure what additional cost this would attract.

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

A lot of good

Thu, 2014-07-17 20:12

I'm of the opinion that there are a lot of good comments being made on this subject. It's good to see fishermen/women taking an active interest in this subject and letting their views be know. Good stuff

terboz123's picture

Posts: 1358

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 I am on the fence about the

Fri, 2014-07-18 03:32

 I am on the fence about the dhue limits being increased......


though I would like more land based policing and or a land based license brought in with a education principle being the main reason. See too many people taking undersized fish crabs or what not.... And I am not specifically saying a certain race, I have see whites, Asians , blacks etc etc... 


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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Dhuvinile's picture

Posts: 228

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 Keep dhufish at 2 per boat!!

Fri, 2014-07-18 09:23

 Keep dhufish at 2 per boat!! How ofter do you see a boat come in with two 20kg dhuies? VERY RARELY!! i remember when i was about 10 years old we had a day offshore with 2 boats catcing 10 dhuies to 20kg, all kept as it was a limit of 4 per person back then. Personally i catch a fair amount of dhuies with approximently 50% released but majority of the time they are not large fish.


Pink Snapper are the same as well, when was the last time we seen huge numbers of big pinkies? 10-16kg range metro...its been a very long time and with there slow growth rate  it probably wont be for another 10-15 years. 


I say keep Demersals at 2 per person, pelagics 3 per person.

Do not change any netting. 

Open rock lobster all year round like the professionals are allowed. Best numbers of inshore rock lobster are from june - october.

Crabs i am all for increase on size limit.

squid have a short life time so 15per person is fine


Dhuvinile's picture

Posts: 228

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 Keep dhufish at 2 per boat!!

Fri, 2014-07-18 09:23

 Keep dhufish at 2 per boat!! How ofter do you see a boat come in with two 20kg dhuies? VERY RARELY!! i remember when i was about 10 years old we had a day offshore with 2 boats catcing 10 dhuies to 20kg, all kept as it was a limit of 4 per person back then. Personally i catch a fair amount of dhuies with approximently 50% released but majority of the time they are not large fish.


Pink Snapper are the same as well, when was the last time we seen huge numbers of big pinkies? 10-16kg range metro...its been a very long time and with there slow growth rate  it probably wont be for another 10-15 years. 


I say keep Demersals at 2 per person, pelagics 3 per person.

Do not change any netting. 

Open rock lobster all year round like the professionals are allowed. Best numbers of inshore rock lobster are from june - october.

Crabs i am all for increase on size limit.

squid have a short life time so 15per person is fine


Willlo's picture

Posts: 1490

Date Joined: 07/10/11

 1 Dhuie per licence outside

Fri, 2014-07-18 10:58

 1 Dhuie per licence outside metro areas,but increase size to 600mm

Increase demersals to 3 per licence outside metro areas

Squid should be left as is (they are the most prolific breeder in the ocean)

Herring 20 . and keep everything else as is.

Not keen on any more licences ,permits etc ,but a greater presence of fisheries on the coal face so to speak would be good.


 Call Sign - BZ785

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Iceman's picture

Posts: 747

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Charter Boats

Fri, 2014-07-18 11:20

 Limits on how many people they can take out. Seen up to 30 people on boats out of Hillarys and can imagine what 30 lines would do to one spot.

Increase size limit on Dhufish to 600mm. 1 per licence

Increase tailor size to 40cm

Restrict number of abalone licences issued each year. (or only one per household) - protect the reef and stocks

More fisheries officers visable land based


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


The Saint's picture

Posts: 475

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One dhuie per licence

Fri, 2014-07-18 12:44

On dhuie per licence would be good start, with an inceased minimum size as a trade off.

Would like an increase in demersal bag limit, with maybe a couple more fish such as Breaksea and red snapper allowed.

No problem with squid limits, in fact would like to see 15 per licence, scrap boat limit, they are extremely prolific breaders.

Not sure about sitting a test for a licence, would increase the cost, and I think safe to say those doing the wrong thing are usually aware of the rules and just taking the chance.

Cruise Control's picture

Posts: 973

Date Joined: 03/11/10

A really good thread and all

Fri, 2014-07-18 12:56

A really good thread and all great ideas. So who is feeding all of this input back to someone who can make a difference and letting them know what recreational fishermen are thinking out there ?

Posts: 159

Date Joined: 03/12/13

I'm with Big John and

Fri, 2014-07-18 14:13

I'm with Big John and Grantarctic1, the freshwater fishing scene needs to be developed like what has occured in the eastern states. There are almost 30 dams between Perth and Collie yet fishing is permitted in just 5 of them and of those 5 four are dominated by runt Redfin Perch. Its been demonstrated time and time again that Trout cant compete with Redfin in dams in WA yet the fisheries dept continue to stock many tens of thousands of them each year. Apart from a few thousand ex brood fish that provide a short and fun fishery each spring the rest of the trout just seem to disappear. Surely it makes sense to stock a native australian species that has been demonstrated to succesfully compete with and even help reduce the numbers of the introduced pest fish whilst providing a a great sport fishery.

With Perth and WA's population continuing to grow and more and more people getting boats it makes sense to develop a decent freshwater fishery to take some of the fishing pressure off the ocean as without it the bag limits will continue to be reduced as the number of people going fishing increases. Freshwater impoundments are far more easy to manage than the ocean with regards to fish numbers especially when fish that wont breed in dams are used.

NORUN NOFUN's picture

Posts: 1035

Date Joined: 15/08/11

Open up dams and introduce

Fri, 2014-07-18 17:20

Open up dams and introduce bass and yellowbelly - wa needs to open its eyes and look at the east coast fishery on dams - more money spent by rec fisherman !

wrasseman's picture

Posts: 8

Date Joined: 28/12/09

 I reckon get rid of the

Fri, 2014-07-18 21:11

 I reckon get rid of the demersal size limits altogether and just have bag limits, releasing blown small fish that die is pretty pointless, maybe a slight increase of bag limits as well (1 per licence). A single fishing licence covering FW boat and shore would also be great to see. An end to recreational netting (other than castnets) would also be great. 

jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

Date Joined: 25/05/11

 No end to recreational

Fri, 2014-07-18 21:24

 No end to recreational netting , its down to one day per week 9 months of the year now ,in the peel

If you ban the recreational fishers are you going to have guts to ban the pros who would take at the very least 10 times what recs do?

The main recreational targets are mullet which are extremely difficult to catch any other way , plus alot of pensioners use it as a means to supplement their incomes by catching a feed and as a rare social gathering !


Far Quirk!

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 15/05/14

With all the money they get

Fri, 2014-07-18 23:10

With all the money they get from out fishing lisences, why don't they breed the high risk species like dhufish and baldies, i mean instead of all this study and limiting peoples catches, bread them and release. Do they limit the pro's quota? i bet not.

I know i'll be very lucky to catch 1 dhufish on a trip anyway but it would save a hell of a lot of problems just by breeding, they do around the would with other high risk species.

It's not really fair we pay the money to fish but get penalized with all these restrictions. We have to watch out that if we accept all these fishing limits, in 10 years they won't let us catch anything lol.


Posts: 11

Date Joined: 15/05/14

With all the money they get

Fri, 2014-07-18 23:10

With all the money they get from out fishing lisences, why don't they breed the high risk species like dhufish and baldies, i mean instead of all this study and limiting peoples catches, bread them and release. Do they limit the pro's quota? i bet not.

I know i'll be very lucky to catch 1 dhufish on a trip anyway but it would save a hell of a lot of problems just by breeding, they do around the would with other high risk species.

It's not really fair we pay the money to fish but get penalized with all these restrictions. We have to watch out that if we accept all these fishing limits, in 10 years they won't let us catch anything lol.


Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

Pros are restricted on

Fri, 2014-07-18 23:23

Pros are restricted on fishing days, and there have been many changes in their regulations. These were brought in before the rec changes.



 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

Date Joined: 25/06/09

Have you done any research at all?

Sat, 2014-07-19 07:10

 Of course they limit pro quotas, there is also stict reporting on numbers caught, kept and released, as said by Rob restricted fishing periods and areas.

Have a look through here:

Why not breed Dhufish and Baldies? Well, because they are demersal scalefish, which generally means bottom dwelling and slow growing.  What is the point breeding a fish that takes 25-30 years to reach maturity? This is also why black bream are not a target for aquaculture.  However Dolphinfish and other pelagics are with dollies having exceptional growth rate.  Challenger Tafe in Freo has a great facility for aquaculture education and again here for some more info:

Posts: 918

Date Joined: 06/03/09

It's not farm-to-plate, but

Sun, 2014-07-20 19:03

It's not farm-to-plate, but bream are definitely raised in aquaculture-

Bream restocking in the Blackwood-

MandurahMatt's picture

Posts: 613

Date Joined: 18/09/13

I belive all the curent rules

Sun, 2014-07-20 10:35

I belive all the curent rules and regulations are just fine. Better enforcment of the rules is required. LB fishing should be licenced, Licenceing creates accountability in place of ignorance.


 Bewdey Fellaz

iana's picture

Posts: 652

Date Joined: 21/09/09

Licence for shore based fishers.

Mon, 2014-07-21 05:19

Licence for shore based fishers. Education at schools re looking after our fish stocks. More shore based fisheries officers. Maybe a test to get the licence.

Posts: 23

Date Joined: 20/08/09

 With regards to the quotas1.

Tue, 2014-07-22 15:59


With regards to the quotas

1. Coral trout limit needs to be reviewed 1 trout is absolute rubish they are one of our more common fish up north and to catch and release 20 in a day isn't uncommon, they are also a prime eating species and it's not reasonable that its fine for me to go to wollies and buy a couple for dinner but I can't keep a few if I spend 200 bucks on fuel and A similar amount on tackle and bait. 

2. Red claw - Opera style pots should be ok to use anywhere (these are a pest species) the crap about it being ok to use opera pots in one dam but no where else is absolute rubish.

3. Dhu fish, it does not make sense that you have a boat limit as well as a per person limit if your going to limit average joe to 2 per boat then turn around and say 6 is ok if your a charter. Absolute rot. (personally I think 1 per person is fine - if 6 of you go fishing how do you decide who keeps the 2 dhu's?)

4. The 20kg fillet limit is ridiculour when you consider large pelagic fish. For example when 1 dogtooth tuna/yellowfin tuna/bluefin tuna/spanish mackeral can give you over 20kg of fillets... it would be far more reasonable have each fillet of a pelagic fish considered as half a fish (eg 2 fillets per fish) people can further cut there fish up at home. I would support a 20kg fillet limit for non - pelagic fish while maintaining a further 3 pelagics fish on top of this. It's unreasonable to expect big pelagics to be kept whole or even top n tailes as you need a massive esky which can be beyond a trailer boats ability and if your out for a few days it uses a lot more ice then fillets.

5. Barramundi cannot be speared in Western Australia - this dates back to a fresh water fishing rule which fisheries has adapted just for barra in salt water... it is moronic to suggest its ok to catch a barra on line and keep it out of salt water yet not ok to spear it and keep it.


On the topic of Licenses -


I enjoy fishing and I actually need all of these to do the fishing I chose to do... thats over $200 for licensing to go fishing each year. I think it was an excellent ploy by fisheries to divide up the fishing licenses as people look at each one and go... aww yeah 40 bucks is reasonable for a rock lobster permit.... on a whole though its a bloody rip off.

I now pay over $200 in license fees to catch the same critters which are I might point out a resource that other then stocked dams (none where I fish) I don't see a single $$ worth of extras from the fisheries department I didn't allready have when I didn't need a license costing this rediculous sum. The point I make is a single reasonable fee is all that should be required if a fee is required at all... which lets be honest it isn't. I havent seen any boat ramp repairs or even decent lighting being done at any of the boat ramps up here which my boat and trailer rego is ment to be covering and I sure as heck don't see fisheries stocking the area's I fish.

To those who feel some form of test should be taken to make a person elligable to recieve a fishing license... you have too much time on your hands... a copy of the rules should accompany each license sent out and thats it - job done.

Did you want a pass mark added to your fishing license test? I would assume so as otherwise there is no point having the test, I might also ask you should an intellectually disabledled person who can't pass the test not be allowed to Fish or should there be an age limit??? I would suggest you stop putting extra limits on what should be a RIGHT and a freedom not something we all have to pay to take part in.

Some interesting situations that might make a few of you think more about the benefits of this "licensing".

1.A mate was fined after handing a crayfish up to another person on the boat... he didn't have a "rock lobster license" but the guy he handed it to did, it was the only cray they caught. Fisheries jumped on board asked who caugth the cray the guy without the license owned up to it and said he caught it and gave it to the bloke with the license... he was fined for possession of a crayfish without a license and the cray was confiscated (the boys had allready got a cooking pot out ready to cook it when fisheries jumped over the side). (I would suggest this is absolutely ridiculous!!! it means if your mum comes to visit and you take her out in the boat she needs a license to catch a fish can't just put it on your bag limit).

2. 4 guys went spearing they caught under 1 days total bag limit of pelagics which was also under 2 days worth of fillets. They were fined for not having there names written on each bag although all 4 took full responsibility for the 76kg of fillets (note the rule used to be 20kg of fillets each on an overnight stay).

The point I make in mentioning the above situations which are just 2 of many is we should be careful what sort of rules and regulations we wish for as common sense is NOT a part of the law and fisheries officers are not ment to use common sense in it's application rather they are employed to carry it out to the letter (something many of us including myself at times forget as unreasonable as it can be).


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 With regards to the quotas1.

Tue, 2014-07-22 15:59


With regards to the quotas

1. Coral trout limit needs to be reviewed 1 trout is absolute rubish they are one of our more common fish up north and to catch and release 20 in a day isn't uncommon, they are also a prime eating species and it's not reasonable that its fine for me to go to wollies and buy a couple for dinner but I can't keep a few if I spend 200 bucks on fuel and A similar amount on tackle and bait. 

2. Red claw - Opera style pots should be ok to use anywhere (these are a pest species) the crap about it being ok to use opera pots in one dam but no where else is absolute rubish.

3. Dhu fish, it does not make sense that you have a boat limit as well as a per person limit if your going to limit average joe to 2 per boat then turn around and say 6 is ok if your a charter. Absolute rot. (personally I think 1 per person is fine - if 6 of you go fishing how do you decide who keeps the 2 dhu's?)

4. The 20kg fillet limit is ridiculour when you consider large pelagic fish. For example when 1 dogtooth tuna/yellowfin tuna/bluefin tuna/spanish mackeral can give you over 20kg of fillets... it would be far more reasonable have each fillet of a pelagic fish considered as half a fish (eg 2 fillets per fish) people can further cut there fish up at home. I would support a 20kg fillet limit for non - pelagic fish while maintaining a further 3 pelagics fish on top of this. It's unreasonable to expect big pelagics to be kept whole or even top n tailes as you need a massive esky which can be beyond a trailer boats ability and if your out for a few days it uses a lot more ice then fillets.

5. Barramundi cannot be speared in Western Australia - this dates back to a fresh water fishing rule which fisheries has adapted just for barra in salt water... it is moronic to suggest its ok to catch a barra on line and keep it out of salt water yet not ok to spear it and keep it.


On the topic of Licenses -


I enjoy fishing and I actually need all of these to do the fishing I chose to do... thats over $200 for licensing to go fishing each year. I think it was an excellent ploy by fisheries to divide up the fishing licenses as people look at each one and go... aww yeah 40 bucks is reasonable for a rock lobster permit.... on a whole though its a bloody rip off.

I now pay over $200 in license fees to catch the same critters which are I might point out a resource that other then stocked dams (none where I fish) I don't see a single $$ worth of extras from the fisheries department I didn't allready have when I didn't need a license costing this rediculous sum. The point I make is a single reasonable fee is all that should be required if a fee is required at all... which lets be honest it isn't. I havent seen any boat ramp repairs or even decent lighting being done at any of the boat ramps up here which my boat and trailer rego is ment to be covering and I sure as heck don't see fisheries stocking the area's I fish.

To those who feel some form of test should be taken to make a person elligable to recieve a fishing license... you have too much time on your hands... a copy of the rules should accompany each license sent out and thats it - job done.

Did you want a pass mark added to your fishing license test? I would assume so as otherwise there is no point having the test, I might also ask you should an intellectually disabledled person who can't pass the test not be allowed to Fish or should there be an age limit??? I would suggest you stop putting extra limits on what should be a RIGHT and a freedom not something we all have to pay to take part in.

Some interesting situations that might make a few of you think more about the benefits of this "licensing".

1.A mate was fined after handing a crayfish up to another person on the boat... he didn't have a "rock lobster license" but the guy he handed it to did, it was the only cray they caught. Fisheries jumped on board asked who caugth the cray the guy without the license owned up to it and said he caught it and gave it to the bloke with the license... he was fined for possession of a crayfish without a license and the cray was confiscated (the boys had allready got a cooking pot out ready to cook it when fisheries jumped over the side). (I would suggest this is absolutely ridiculous!!! it means if your mum comes to visit and you take her out in the boat she needs a license to catch a fish can't just put it on your bag limit).

2. 4 guys went spearing they caught under 1 days total bag limit of pelagics which was also under 2 days worth of fillets. They were fined for not having there names written on each bag although all 4 took full responsibility for the 76kg of fillets (note the rule used to be 20kg of fillets each on an overnight stay).

The point I make in mentioning the above situations which are just 2 of many is we should be careful what sort of rules and regulations we wish for as common sense is NOT a part of the law and fisheries officers are not ment to use common sense in it's application rather they are employed to carry it out to the letter (something many of us including myself at times forget as unreasonable as it can be).


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terboz123's picture

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 have you ever herd of

Tue, 2014-07-22 16:08

 have you ever herd of splitting the catch???every time i have been away or on my boat, if some one is cleaning up and others arnt (generally how it goes) we would split the catch. i am sorry most of your points regarding pelagics, dhues etc etc is just irrational and the RNP mentality ........and thats dieing.


if every boat took 6 people out and landed 6 dhues, we are in serious trouble. THERE IS A REASON THEY CUT BACK THE NUMBERS! if you actuelly fish, you would of seen the dramatic improovement in juvenile dhus these days,


i am sorry i stopped reading after your barramundi point. I fish for the future & plan to teach my kids fishing like my dad taught me, with some of your proposal there will be nothing left in the sea.


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Tue, 2014-07-22 16:19


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If your going to eat it there

Tue, 2014-07-22 17:06

If your going to eat it there is no difference between spearing a barra or catching it online... so I don't see your point of fishing for the future at all. If your suggesting catch and release for barra thats fine the point I make however is the rules should be the same for both spearing and line caught fish as with the bag limits, the difference is when your spearing you just look at the fish if you don't want to eat it.

With regard to splitting the catch we do that on every trip... the point I made being there is NO difference to fish stocks from 6 guys in a charter boat keeping a fish each Vs 6 guys in a rec fishing boat keeping a fish each it just doens't make any sense that its ok to take more fish if you payed for a charter Vs if you went out on your boat with the same crew... 1 rule for everyone not rules where it's ok for some but not for others. 

It's not a rape and pillage mentatlity that I am describing, I personally am incredibly selective and although I have seen dhu's over the size limit havent speared any yet as I havent seen one worth spearing. The point I make about pelagics is that if you catch decent size pelagics (eg Spanish mackeral) 1 fish is 20KG worth of fillets meaning you can't take any other fish... so on a 3 day fishing trip you catch one mackeral and your in trouble if you allready have a few other fillets (eg coral trout or red emperor) then you may even be expected to throw out half of your mackeral which is a bloody waste! I don't know about you but I don't see taking more then 1 fish as rape and pillage on a 3 day trip. If you disagree thats fine.

If your actually concerned about the fish numbers then you would agree at the very least that it makes no difference if 6 blokes on a charter with 6 people keep 6 Dhu fish or if 6 people on a rec fishing boat keep 6 fish... it's the exact same impact on the fish stocks... so if your going to say only 2 per boat then it should be across the board... not this crap where there is different rules for everyone.


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 your not getting my point

Tue, 2014-07-22 17:28

 your not getting my point here regarding why i stopped reading at the barra quote...i have never fished for barra so i cant comment, i mean i stopped reading your all of your points are so irrational


your point about the charter operators, generally people using charters only get out once a year , so hence why there is an increase limit and cosidering most charters have at least 12 people on them........hence the rise, dont think you will find a reco boat that fished with 12 on board.and trust me if your in metro waters, i have been on numerous charter boats that didnt see a dhue all day.......when iw as growing up and boatless

your point about a 3 day trip.

you say you split your catch,


your with 3 -4 mates, you catch one 20 KG mackeral....... why cant you split that beween all 4 of you, and not keep another mackeral,,,if your a spearo, well tough love, thats what you get for being able to hand pick your catch...if you already have your demercal limits, tough love dont spear a mackie, again thats what you get for spearing.


you have really just contradicted your self alot.


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Tue, 2014-07-22 19:21

 "Generally people that go on charters only go out once a year".... That's one of the shittest calls I've ever heard. What a crock of utter bullshit! You reckon seasport, shakiri, Bernie vale, fuck, even mills and blue juice only take new people out on every trip?!? Get your hand off your dick turboz...


Also, it IS shit that spearos can't take some fish when fisherman can. Why should the limits be different??? You can't say you don't target fish you hypocrite. You going to tell me you drag skirts and pushers for dhuies and snapper??


Just cos your too much of a limp dick faggot to get in the water, doesn't mean you should be allowed more fish than the guy who trains mentally and physically to hunt his catch. 

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You can take whole fish on a

Wed, 2014-07-23 21:41

You can take whole fish on a trip instead 20kg fillets RE:Mackerel


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Be mindful trip limits have

Thu, 2014-07-24 19:58

Be mindful trip limits have 'whole' fish options not just 20kg

RE: Trip limit

Dont quote me on it - Trip limit = 2 days bag limit per license or 1 day bag while fish plus 10kg fillets


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 except Abrolhos where it is

Thu, 2014-07-24 20:18

 except Abrolhos where it is 10 kg OR 1 days whole fish or trunks


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if the guy with the cray

Tue, 2014-07-22 16:32

if the guy with the cray licence read the rules guideline booklet that was sent out with his licence, he would of known that what they were doing was not legit, maybe he would of failed the test LOL.

For every bit of burocratic crap made up there is a precedent of people doing dodgy stuff. its my understanding that for Abalone and crays the rule that you must be activly fishing for them was introduced as many people would get a licence for thier wife, two sons, daughter, aunty sue & her kids, none of whom activly took part in the fishing process so they could then take 9 bag limits home with them when one person did all the work.

not a sustainibal action.

yes i do think its fair that a charter boat with 12-20 people can take 6 dhuies but my self and the two mates i take out can only take two, i have no problems spliting the fillets between us.

Fish sor the future.






 Bewdey Fellaz

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 When you have a boat parked

Tue, 2014-07-22 17:21

 When you have a boat parked in a meter of water with all your cooking gear ready to go because you have all pulled up for lunch at the island... it makes no difference who grabs the cray your all standing on the boat looking at (there feelers poke out from under shallow shelfs)... as long as one of you on the boat has a license which would make it legal... Yes due to the "burocratic crap" you mentioned it should have been the bloke who had the license but he is also the best cook... so there you go.

With the "actively fishing rule" for abalone/crays I don't think it would be at all reasonable to take the 5 peoples worth when there is 2 of you in the boat so we are in agreement there... I merly think if you have a possesion limit and there are 2 of you in the boat then it shouldn't matter who caught it rather it should matter who "possesses" it.  anyhow we digress.

Can I take the above comment to mean it's reasonable for 6 mates in 3 boats to go fishing together and keep 6 dhu fish, but not ok for 6 mates in one boat to go together in 1 boat and keep 6 Dhu fish? The point I was making is overall there is no reason someone who pays to go on a charter should be entitled to keep more or less fish then someone who goes in there own boat. At the end of the day the impact of taking 6 fish from a stock level is identicle either way.


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 er...your cooking

Tue, 2014-07-22 17:30

 er...your cooking comment...jesus christ your one eyed. the laws are there , its pretty simple follow them or contend with a fine if caught. whether we agree with them or not, follow them or you will get a fine


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 ease up terboz123 its just

Tue, 2014-07-22 18:36

 ease up terboz123 its just his opinion bud, no need to attack

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We all know the fisheries

Tue, 2014-07-22 19:04

We all know the fisheries laws but.....
think this thread is about what you would like to be changed with the fisheries laws.

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 yerh your all right

Wed, 2014-07-23 04:38

 yerh your all right ...apologies, i didnt intend for a personal attack nor did i want it to look like that.


my bad


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To quote you from above...

Tue, 2014-07-22 19:23

"have you ever herd of splitting the catch???every time i have been away or on my boat, if some one is cleaning up and others arnt (generally how it goes) we would split the catch. "


So that is officially breaking the rules, and is near identical to what you are criticising DM about. 


Now who's contradicting themselves??

terboz123's picture

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 how is that breaking the

Wed, 2014-07-23 04:36

 how is that breaking the rules?


everyone has guy catches two 15 kig dhues,


there is your boat limit, you go home a split the dhue up....


no rule broken there 


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You're a dickhead!

Wed, 2014-07-23 05:03

 The rule is 1 dhuie per person per day, you dumb fuck!


need me to explain again how the dude that keeps 2 dhuies is breaking the law?? 


I am of the opinion that you fish the boat limit, not your own bag limit, but you're the one that's harping on about not breaking any rules, or that spearfishers deserve less fish than line fishers. 

terboz123's picture

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my bad....that slipped, i

Wed, 2014-07-23 05:37

my bad....that slipped, i meant


in terms of what i meant was that if you have multple licenses on board, and you have your 2 dhues to multiple licenses ..... you all know what i mean , you can split that catch /


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 and scott you twat, i have

Wed, 2014-07-23 05:26

 and scott you twat, i have never said anything in terms fo speearos getting less then fishos. i just said i stopped reading at your barramundi boats. So please re read what i said.

i didnt have any idea about the spearing laws with barramundi as i have never had an opptinutiny to fish them



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How else should this be interpreted

Wed, 2014-07-23 05:41

"why cant you split that beween all 4 of you, and not keep another mackeral,,,if your a spearo, well tough love, thats what you get for being able to hand pick your catch...if you already have your demercal limits, tough love dont spear a mackie, again thats what you get for spearing."???


Why should being able to hand pick your catch make any difference to your quota??


Yeah, let's all go spearing together, except I'm the only one that can shoot a fish. You other 3 can just jerk each other off in the water or something.....

terboz123's picture

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Wed, 2014-07-23 05:45


NOTHING bar the barramundi one or others i have no clue about. 


whos the dumb fuck now, i never said anything about the limits a fisherman catch compared to the spearos ALL I SAID IT IS WHAT IT IS FOR WHEN YOU CAN HAND PICK YOU CATCH. NOT MY PROBLEM.

so what you want the spearos limits change to meet their needs?





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Wed, 2014-07-23 06:01

 So what about spearos not being able to take cod or wrasse in the ningaloo marine park, just to name one...


blue groper around rotto...


there are no differences in bag limits between line and spear fisherman, but you're implying that spearos should only shoot one fish between them, purely because they can "hand pick their catch"!


Its the same thing as your mate keeping the 2 x 15kg dhuies, you utter pleb! 


terboz123's picture

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 no your making assumptions

Wed, 2014-07-23 06:07

 no your making assumptions and twisting my words with what i say.


please let me repeat this.


I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THE SPEAR FISHING LAWS, i have repeated and repeatedly said this, and frankly i dont care.


1) i never went into discussion with DM about the spear fishing LAW


what his discussion was , was about pelagic fishing and the size you can get them to, he brought up spearing i think (i may be wrong) and i used an example......


and fact is the limits or quotas or what ever you want to call them , are put in the place and i dont choose them,


obviously you take your spearing very very seriously and i have rubbed you up the wrong way, and you have read my comments completely wrong in how they were meant to be read, whether thats my wording or the one eyed view from you , F*** knows.

so please lets moove on , cause i had no intentions to talk about something i know fuck all about, and only done once or twice in my life!





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NO turboz,

Wed, 2014-07-23 06:56

what I'm getting at is this:

you keep harping on how the rules are gospel and should never be broken (let alone by someone as law abiding as yourself...), but yet you don't have a correct interpretation of the rules (and have obviously broken them before), but you feel it necessary to bag out others that have done a similar thing.

terboz123's picture

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 oh there goes all the spear

Wed, 2014-07-23 07:52

 oh there goes all the spear fishing comments..

no your wrong scotto,

i have never broken the rules, in fact i have never brought more then one dhu home at all any one time (as a boat limit, as i prefer boldies to eat over dhues anyway), as the entire boat limit. so moove on, you have no fucking idea what i have done or where i have fished or what i have done.

secondly, as i said it was a mistake in what i meant to say......  read post above.

get over it, everyone types mistakes and i said mine was a mistake......and what i meant about splitting catch and i re explained my self.


by by i have better things do then type with some angry spearo/fisho that cant get over a simple mistake i typed. 


P.S...........i do preach the laws, and do my best to follow them. Secondly you have no idea who i am or what i am as a person , so please dont tell me i am a law abiding or rule breaking person. 


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Wed, 2014-07-23 07:54

I'm done.

terboz123's picture

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 cool, over it to. 

Wed, 2014-07-23 08:03

 cool, over it to. 


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 I am wrong , regarding this.

Wed, 2014-07-23 06:43



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 Fucking hell, I think

Wed, 2014-07-23 08:22

 Fucking hell, I think everyone is actually stupider for having read that "conversation". 


big john's picture

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Wed, 2014-07-23 21:36

Nailed it torquenfish.


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Yep Mandurah Matt When your

Wed, 2014-07-23 21:44

Yep Mandurah Matt

When your AB diving officers will be watching to see that you collected the ABs, not grandma on the beach


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I agree that the license is

Fri, 2014-07-25 10:51

I agree that the license is too expensive if you want to have multiple categories.  I would like to see an umbrella license at a reasonable cost.  


On 4 I disagree and think that the current laws are doing a good job as they are.  I think 20kg of fillets is a lot of fish and the reduced pressure has made a noticeable difference to metro stocks at least in the 8 short years I have been in the state.  Saying that there is probably a good case for having even more genouous limits outside the metro zone.


On Spearing, I think there are certain fish that are more susceptible to spearing and have a such great community value that they deserve special protection.  Specific examples include the spearo closed zone around rotto (attracts lots of visitors for snorkelling) and Barra (people heading up north to target this legendry sports fish).  And before anyone has a go I am a long time spearo.

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I just read your comments in

Tue, 2014-07-22 18:23

I just read your comments in the Ex mouth sharks thread... I doubt you even eat fish Terboz.

If there is 2 of you sitting in the boat and one of you is going to grab the cray it makes no difference to the number of crays which of the two grabs it, it only makes a difference in the eyes of the law which fair enough the other lad should have grabbed it. As it was they then needed another cray for lunch which was quickly appropriated by the cook, so 2 dead crays instead of 1 "burocratic crap" at its finest. it's like saying 2 of you fishing on the boat an one guy catches 2 coral trout he can't give one to the other guy... hope that hasn't complicated it too much for you.

I see also you like marlin fishing so perhaps I can use an analogy... do all your mates pay good money to come and watch you catch marlin all day? No I think not.
For this reason also when a bunch of guys go out to catch fish for dinner all of them would like to catch a fish or two and also keep a fish or two they have caught... not just eat the one you caught hence why more then one person might like to spear a mackeral even if it was a big one... otherwise we would all go to the fish shop and purchase our fish.

If you think all charters are 20+ people thats unfortunate... there are plenty of small operators out there and i take it all of them can keep 6 fish if they have 6 fishers onboard... if I am missunderstanding and this rule of 6 fish per boat only apply's to large operators I humbly appologise and for not further researching it.

As I have quite obviously struggled to get any of my points across to you... I shall try once again to get a point across to you.

A day bag limit of 3 whole mackeral + an entire quota of bottom fish can currently be caught... yes you may use your favourite words of "rape and pillage" to sum this quantity up.
The main point I however made is if you were to fillet just one of these mackeral you could get 20kg of fillet from it and likely wouldn't be able to take home any bottom fish, if you allready had some bottom fish you would have to discard part of the fillet so you were under your 20kg total which i see as a waste.

A little variety is a nice thing and I feel it reasonable to be able to take home 1 mackeral and a trout or red... if you don't agree and lets be honest I don't really care if you do as I have read a few of your post which seem quite greens related and while thats ok... I also like to eat fish.

To make the posts less "irrational for you".

1. There are plenty of coral trout, having a bag higher then 1 trout is reasonable from what i can see.
2. Red claw are a noxious pest its easy to catch them in a opera pot so let people do it state wide rather then some select areas if anything it will help native fish/cray populations
3. I don't think an overall limit of 1 Dhu per person is to much, if it is close the species to commercial and rec fishing and let it regenerate.
4. see above
5. Bag limit should be same for fishing/spearing either way the fish is dead what makes a barra special Vs other species?


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 .....mate i just

Wed, 2014-07-23 05:23

 .....mate i just apologised..but now i should that back.


accusing me of being a green?


you dont know me from a bar of soap, and frankly i have no ambition to kow you more then a bar of soap. and to be honest i eat fish more then probaly 50% on here.....i am currently eating a beautiful smoked 8 pound rainbow  trout.


1) i dont pay money to go marlin fishing, i normaly go out on my own boat (before i sold mine) or friends. If you ask any of my friends i have been with generally i am the last on the strike, as i have caught a couple blues and numerious blacks my self. I get as much satisfaction watching some one pull in a good fish as i do myself. so your wrong there..and i dont know where money comes into this? 

2) I am green related, no not at all, i have been lucky enough and greatful enough to travel the world through work and back packing, and fortunately through my experiences in diving, fishing and see other countries albiet 1st world, 2nd world or 3rd world, you realise what fisheries management is doing here in WA is a very very good thing. I have been to places where the demercals are next to 0,pelagics are being raped to where they are keeping juvenile mackies to 40 cm long and i am sorry i want to teach my kids about the ocean just like my dad did to me one day. ( i am only 26). I dont want this to happen to the beautiful country we live in. And i think some people are blind to how bad it is else where.

3) I love a feed of fish, but would happily release a 15 kg dhu if i was at my limit or boat limit, or my boat has got 2 in the eski. and generally when i am in perth  i have very low stocks in my freezer as i fish so regulary i reather eat it fresh. and yes i am lucky i have the oppitinuity to fish so regulary when i am home, but i have other personal sacrifices to do so, which are none of your buisness. Albiet i have not spent anytime significant time in perth in a long time.

4) regarding my comments in the exmouth shark thread, if you knew me i have spent a fair bit of fishing time in exmouth, and i have raraely had a problem with sharks. there is a reason to that, but that is my secret. and no i dont agree with chopping fins off and letting it sink to the bottom, if your going to kill it make it humanely or dont do it all. 


enough said.


i did not intend it to be a personal attack. Just a heated disucssion.


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

2 dermersal

Tue, 2014-07-22 19:21

per angler 6 max (3 people),I know its that way but only 2 dhues ,should be any demersal .better than trying to bring dhues back to life, 1 drop in right area 4 dhues instantly,2 keepers a slim chance in other 2 living ,even though you have used realease led.imagine how many big cod died (not allowing anything over a metre).now u can.99 % of people if they get 2 good dhues will keep trying for black ass pinks baldie or kgs ,what happens .dhue after dhue.I would love 2 dhues back per person ,

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

Opening the Rec crays up all

Tue, 2014-07-22 20:52

Opening the Rec crays up all year would show greed just like the pros... Let them spawn and reap the rewards at a later date... Good thread Hezzy, too much to agree/disagree on!! But the Cray thing is crap

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Tue, 2014-07-22 21:04

The pros are on quotas now that limit each ones total catch allowing them to choose when they want to fish[ like when the price is sky high] instead of being limited to the normal season.
Wood ducks have had their season extended by a month with their season starting on October 15 not November 15 like it has done for the last 20 years plus

Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

honestly, some people just

Tue, 2014-07-22 21:43

honestly, some people just have no idea-thats not a problem in itself but to then launch into slagging commercial fishermen off "Opening the Rec crays up all year would show greed just like the pros"?

Carnarvonite has beaten me to it and summed it up, except to add that the total catch is now restricted to roughly half what it has been for the last 20-30 years.

The attitude of a blanket "its commercial so it must wrong and greedy" is what will see PEW, PETA and other radical green foreign groups to carve our fisheries into a series of marine parks with tiny slots between where you might be allowed to catch a herring or squid.

It takes very little effort to learn the facts of why it is now a year round fishery.

For my 2 cents I think that the rec fishery should be the same if the catch still isnt up to the allocated 5%, or at least the Abrolhos amateur season to align with coastal as amayeur effort there is minimal and crays are virtually unfished in the shallows nowadays


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.