The first of the Titans

I was going to wait until both rods were built but mine will take a while so here is the first.

A basic build based on my good mates requests and I really like the end result. The open thread work exposes the Carbon weave and it has come up great.

The blank is the 5'6" ML and the total build weight comes in at 211 grams or around 7.4 ounces. The rod is rated to 45lb so a similar class to the JM Three Kings Special and Fallings UL rods. I'm impressed with the light weight of this rod and mine will be much lighter again. For one I'll be using the new Fuji Torzite guides.

Fuji Alconite K guides and a SIC tip, Fuji VSS size 17 seat with night camo grips and Fuji rubber butt cap.

I hope my mate doesn't see this post before he gets this as it's a birthday present.

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paul83's picture

Posts: 97

Date Joined: 13/12/12

Impressive build mate

Sat, 2014-06-28 06:15

Impressive build mate.


Pick it up, put it down....

scano's picture

Posts: 1247

Date Joined: 31/05/07

I tell ya what

Sat, 2014-06-28 06:54

 I would be bloody stoked if I got that for a birthday present!


awesome looking rod!


have you looked at or ventured into the dragon scale effect butt wrapping?

a mate from Queensland has done a few like that at they look cool.





Bunny's picture

Posts: 678

Date Joined: 05/08/10

 I have done Dragon scales

Sat, 2014-06-28 07:03

 I have done Dragon scales Scano. If I could post a pic here I would to show you. They certainly are very nice.

Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

Nice Bunny, my birthday is

Sat, 2014-06-28 07:12

Nice Bunny, my birthday is coming up soon !

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Looks amazing, top quality

Sat, 2014-06-28 07:13

 Looks amazing, top quality finish

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Quality build once again

Sat, 2014-06-28 07:29

 Quality build once again Bunny  Mate I'm loving mine.


Love the West!

fishcrazy's picture

Posts: 1235

Date Joined: 27/01/07

very nice

Sat, 2014-06-28 08:52

Nice work mate good lookin rod

Bunny's picture

Posts: 678

Date Joined: 05/08/10

 Thanks heaps guys. I can't

Sun, 2014-06-29 08:03

 Thanks heaps guys. I can't wait to build mine to compare the two.

anypuddle's picture

Posts: 597

Date Joined: 22/01/12


Sun, 2014-06-29 08:23

I had a tingle in my pants


Anywhere anytime

Posts: 363

Date Joined: 27/12/09

 awesome work! you're mate is

Sun, 2014-06-29 09:38

 awesome work! you're mate is a lucky bloke, what a gift!!! 

Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10


Sun, 2014-06-29 10:24

possible penthouse pet of the month, or cover pic for Ralph mag very sexy