Denham to Steep point

Hi Guy's
Can anyone please provide information on taking a boat from Denham around to steep point.
We have booked a camp site for April and we are thinking of taking another boat around for the week
Thanks Sacbag

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

Not quite as easy as it may look

Sun, 2015-02-15 20:02

 On a map, good navigation is essential. Crossing the sound can be very rugged, if the wind is running contrary to the tide. Ok out to the first marker ,(9nm?) then about 10miles (from memory) where you are really exposed. Of course , if wind and tide are favourable, easy run. You have to hit a marker on the west side of the sound that marks the start to the channel across the top of the prongs. It is a dogleg course, (total of three markers, all stbd?)but you should be able to see from marker to marker, just stay in the channel. The main channel down to the Passage has been marked well for quite a few years now, just follow it through. All deep water once you are at the bottom end. There is a more sheltered passage, if the wind is southwest, against the island, the old "Fishermans passage".  But you have to know where the north entrance is, once in, it would be easy in a trailerboat.This should all be shown on a good mapping card now, of course. Total distance Rangers Hut to Denham jetty is about 35nm from memory, which is 70k's , so allow plenty of fuel.

People come unstuck trying this by not navigating accurately, and ending up on the seemingly endless flats above the prongs, north of the channel they should be in. And then heading over to the island. If yoiu think you can just head down to the passage by following the island, you can end up in a huge bay, and have to backtrack. 

We used to do it in crayboats before we had actual charts in our plotters, just followed someone the first time, and marked it in as we went. I'm sure someone wwill post a screen grab of the course, I'm at work and don't have anything with me.

Rick's picture

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 22/12/06

Map and Gps

Sun, 2015-02-15 20:11

 We did it a few years ago. good gps and a map and it is quite easy. Markers are easy to see and follow. Worth the effort,great place 


PGFC Member


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Posts: 1296

Date Joined: 03/04/09

Hey sacbag, when will you be

Sun, 2015-02-15 20:16

Hey sacbag, when will you be heading over there.
We are there from the 23rd April for a week so we will look out for you.
cheers & be safe Rob


Cheers & Stay safe

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

 What size boat ?  I have

Sun, 2015-02-15 20:47

 What size boat ?  I have done it several times in my 5m plate ally.  it's about 30 miles and can be slow going particularly across the gulf if the wind is up and in the wrong direction.  good preparation is essential.  know your bears and have a compass on board.  The channel are marked but the markers are quite small and hard the see at times.  If you want to pm me I can give you a few tips.


Fish! HARD!

sacbag's picture

Posts: 15

Date Joined: 09/08/11

Thanks I have a 20ft Frazer

Sun, 2015-02-15 22:10

I have a 20ft Frazer with a 150.... there are going to meet us in the camp if we take mine, we are in the camp from the 24th, so Rob we will catch up no doubt.

We are still deciding to take it or not.. so we will have to do some home work if were are to meet the other fella's at the camp.
Thanks for the info Ill keep gathering the info


Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14

take it easy

Sun, 2015-02-15 22:25

 Did two trips over in 2013 5.7 Trailcraft. We were fortunate as the weather was millpond going over...Different story coming home.Swell from one direction, current from different direction and wind from another. Shit washing machine conditions to put it bluntly. It can be done safely. Check your maps ( paper) work out a route load waypoints into plotter( channel markers) use your eyeballs as # 1 nav aid. Take away more fuel than you need... We came across some guys swimming an 8m boat the last 200m to the ramp at Denham... Go and have fun!


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....