Demersial ban cockburn sound snapper ban

This is going to look a bit silly but, can someone please tell me when the demersial fishing ban comes into being and, when does the ban on catching snapper in Cockburn sound come into force.
I've just been looking at the fisheries site and I can't see any reference to either.

If some one could post up a link it would be most appreciated, I hate getting old!

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 October 15-Dec 15

Wed, 2015-09-30 23:54

 October 15-Dec 15

Load of crap in my opinion, but anyway...


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choc's picture

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 Rob if you think those dates

Thu, 2015-10-01 05:35

 Rob if you think those dates are a load of crap you will hate the fact that the Cockburn Souns is actually closed from October 1 to Jan 31.

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 I live in the Midwest so

Thu, 2015-10-01 07:06

 I live in the Midwest so that doesnt affect me but we have the baldie ban at the islands til 31st Jan instead!


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beau's picture

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I'd like to see the snapper

Thu, 2015-10-01 09:08

I'd like to see the snapper ban start a month earlier for a couple years. Its obvious from a few photos on here and Facebook the schools were spawning in september


MandurahMatt's picture

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 Yea i agree start it a month

Thu, 2015-10-01 09:48

 Yea i agree start it a month earlier n finish a month earlier think they have well n truly moved out by end of Jan any way. 


 Bewdey Fellaz

beau's picture

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Bang on 

Thu, 2015-10-01 12:18

Bang on 


grantarctic1's picture

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Thu, 2015-10-01 13:18

Fisheries used to watch the catch rate and close it early if needed, but I haven't seen them do this for a few years now.
they should have the option the shut it down if the snapper run earlier than expected .

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Thu, 2015-10-01 05:37


JohnF's picture

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Agree Beau, a month earlier

Thu, 2015-10-01 10:41

Agree Beau, a month earlier would be better. You don't want people targeting obviously spawning fish, but it is just too tempting without regulation.

Sorry Rob me ol cheese, but these are the times we live in, and not everyone is as sensible as you I am afraid. You need to regulate for the lowest common denominator.

Had a good few weeks on the dhuies here in Perth, best for a few years, ban starting to work and I back it totally.

I actually enjoy fishing during the two month demersal ban, no pressure to go out and get a demersal feed. We just head out and chase sambos for fun, yellow fin for sashimi and the odd KG and sand whiting as well as hitting Rotto pub.


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beau's picture

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I did it when i first started

Thu, 2015-10-01 12:26

I did it when i first started fishing from the ski years ago, found a snapper tornado in the sound in 8m, from the bottom to breaking the surface pinkies packed. I didnt know any better back then, thought i had hit jackpot! Wouldnt do it again, I'd be just as happy with some video and photos these days


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 just has always intrigued me

Thu, 2015-10-01 15:17

 just has always intrigued me how there needs to be a similar set of rules for 100km odd of coastline with 2,000,000 people as there is for the next 600km of coast with maybe a couple of 100,000 north.
Then south the limits are higher despite less coast and more people

Removing access to commercial fishers Two Rocks to Mandurah will have had 10 times the effect of the 2 month ban which is not even in the period the scientists recommended it.
However, its impossible to quantify as they were brought in around the same time.


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JohnF's picture

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Fair call Rob. I am gonna

Fri, 2015-10-02 09:00

Fair call Rob.

I am gonna get to the Abol. this year!!!!!


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

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 tomorrow for us, weather is

Fri, 2015-10-02 18:35

 tomorrow for us, weather is just magic now and glassy

Have to return to work one week early next wed which screwed up a full family Abrolhos trip (7) for a week  But I still have a job so chin up !


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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choc's picture

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 I think we need seperate

Thu, 2015-10-01 11:31

 I think we need seperate bans fo r certain species. Dhufish mainly start spawning when the ban finishes. Seems a bit strange to have the ban covering fish that spawn at different times. 

beau's picture

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Its all about the festive

Thu, 2015-10-01 12:16

Its all about the festive season ;)


JohnF's picture

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I would rather be able to

Thu, 2015-10-01 14:12

I would rather be able to fish for 6 months and get fish every time than fish the full 12 months and only get fish every second trip......


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

crasny1's picture

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. But also adding Im more

Thu, 2015-10-01 15:17

. But also adding Im more than happy to just fish and catch nothing. Its just such a mind chill compared to work!!


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Thanks nightfish, beau and others for your help

Thu, 2015-10-01 17:32

You would think fisheries would make the finding of such an important announcement very prominent in there web page. Either that or I'm getting hopeless with this computer stuff.

Any way after reading all the above comments and finding them very relevant, the question must be asked why ban catching a certain species of fish if it is not going to protect them during there breading cycle. A publication of the reason would be nice to keep fishos informed of things that have such a large bearing on there recreational activity.

A quick look at the Mandurah crab season shows blind Freddie that the decision was made with the holiday period in mind.
The crabs are way way to small when the season is declared open, to do any good for the crustations and those chasing them the season needs to be extended until the end of January IMO. At least they will be then of a size that holds a decent amount of meat.

ROCKPOM's picture

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Full agree with a more

Fri, 2015-10-02 04:45

Full agree with a more precise method of closures for certain species.

Not all fish breed with a rising water temp as a trigger or tempurature range.

Some breed on the dropping water temp.

Must be just easier to police a blanket ban rather than a single specie??


little johnny's picture

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Ban was a trial

Thu, 2015-10-01 22:53

 Why wish something earlyier . Most people know big big schools happen November and December . Warnbro and Cockburn .At least it gives small crafts a go. I personally haven't seen massive schools yet, not the big boys anyway.  Very small groups of pinks ( circling ) .  None of the few I caught flesh was milky. Also none looked ripe

terboz123's picture

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seen plenty of "milky snaps"

Fri, 2015-10-02 07:44

seen plenty of "milky snaps" over the last few weeks.


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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You are right John the fish

Fri, 2015-10-02 05:04

You are right John the fish arent ready to spawn yet as the current water temps are low.

They will Hydrate their eggs in early November water temp permiting thats when the eggs go clear (no Pink colour of eggs)

But thats not a reason to fish the non spawning schools this time of year as if the fish isnt there (in an Esky) it wont spawn any way!

I tend to agree that the transient schools need protecting until the stocks have recovered.

In my opinion the fish should be targeted on the way out after they have completed their dirty business not before.

Ask yourself this question:

Why do we fish for Snapper in Cockburn and Warnbro this time of year???

Its an easy one!!   The Schools are close to shore and easy to target over a smaller area!

This may upset a few fishos!

But it takes around 7 years for a Snapper return to spawn after hatching and it all varies on water Temp and if theres a good recruitment year!

Back in 2000 with the first closure immanent the estimated Bio mass was around 5 ton! Very scary for fishery that supply the whole Metro area with young offspring!

Its taken 15 years of closure to get the stocks back up to a near healthy state.

On the last night of this years closure Fisheries researchers estimated over 200 boats fishing for Snapper through out Cockburn!   Pressure???  thats 1 night!!

Im no way a Greenie but after fishing for Snapper for many years and seeing the damage we were doing to the Bio mass I decided to join in and help with a solution

Now 15 years of Closure and Tagging later have we have seen an added improvment to stocks and catches (As it shows in Pics on this site) with information to were they go after they leave the sound.

Im not begrudging any fellow fishos out there to catch a feed but we need to take care of this finite fishery and its up to the indivdual.

The thing that gets me ANGRY is there is still commercial fisheries targeting Snapper in Cockburn and I"ll tell you that they take well and truly more than the 2 fish you and I are all allowed!!

Fisheries need to Sort that Crap out!!


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 I thought there were no more

Fri, 2015-10-02 07:41

 I thought there were no more commercial snapper fishing boats in Cockburn anymore?


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ROCKPOM's picture

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Rob another licence was

Fri, 2015-10-02 20:21

Rob another licence was Issued/Purchased just before the season started.


Posts: 5819

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By fisheries?Nothing suprises

Fri, 2015-10-02 22:40

By fisheries?

Nothing suprises me with Fisheries though it seems somewhat odd that they would issue a new licence after having got rid of them from Cockburn sound?


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Walfootrot's picture

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Hey Pom!Thought the ban was

Fri, 2015-10-02 08:36

Hey Pom!

Thought the ban was on to let them breed, get their numbers back up so we could get more in the future......

Realy, good to see the ban has started to pay off, numbers are up. but just how many are my mates the sharks taking????


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

ROCKPOM's picture

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As you know Pete the Sharks

Fri, 2015-10-02 20:28

As you know Pete the Sharks are a big issue since the removal of alot of the shark fishery all up and down the coast.

Just ask the poor fishos in Karratha, Exmouth and Coral Bay!

It has raised its head down here in a big way to with the increased numbers of big Whalers, Tigers and GWs and their bound to have a gut full of Pinkies!


beau's picture

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Great comment Pom, was hoping

Fri, 2015-10-02 09:08

Great comment Pom, was hoping you or Thippy would chime in on this thread as you guys know the real facts. Bottom line is the breeders needed protection before and during the spawn, at the moment i think we're falling short of protecting the stocks before they breed.
Sharks on the snapper is a natural occurrence, nothing we can really do or interfere with, its the sharks continuously taking the fish on the end of the fishing line which comes back to not protecting the schools early enough.
Most people don't realise that there's really great numbers of snapper to target in the sound the rest of the year too, you don't have to hammer them this time of year all the time.


beau's picture

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Hey Pom, you say the fish

Fri, 2015-10-02 22:50

Hey Pom, you say the fish will wait for warmer water temp to breed, do you think the warm water outlets along the kwinana beaches would have any affect on fish spawning earlier? I have seen big numbers of fish there early September in the past.
Are you still in the tagging program? Ever need a deckie? Haha. Would love to see how it's done and learn more about the fish i enjoy catching


little johnny's picture

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I love

Fri, 2015-10-02 10:08

 Bans. Lol. We should all stop fishing. And make big aquariums . All hold hands and watch them swim around. And diving for Crays should be banned. There to easy to catch. Smiley smiley smiley

ROCKPOM's picture

Posts: 629

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Sorry If you took it the

Fri, 2015-10-02 20:17

Sorry If you took it the wrong way Tommo but you know we never struggle for a feed.


little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

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Taking the piss dan

Fri, 2015-10-02 23:14

 Smiley smiley smiley. Agree with bans. But don't wish early . Mully comp tomoz . Boys boats and mine 3 diff spots .should be fun

ROCKPOM's picture

Posts: 629

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Good luck but I think the

Sat, 2015-10-03 02:15

Good luck but I think the Boys will PIP ya!!

Notorious's picture

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Fri, 2015-10-02 21:50



axey45's picture

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Yeah y dont we  haha 

Fri, 2015-10-02 18:17

Yeah y dont we  haha


sandbar's picture

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Fri, 2015-10-02 21:06

 the closure should be when the schnapper spawn. 


After all... Fish for the Future Hey???


And I like others tried like F*K to get 1 or 2 and failed but catching at their most vulnerable is not a rewarding effort for me, personally.