Deep Drop Fish Quality Rating

Now that there is quite a lot more people doing the deep drop and having success catching fish in those depth, I am interested ineveryones opinion on the eating quality of the different species.

I've only been out a couple times and caught Blue eye Trevella and recently in Exmouth getting a few Ruby snapper.

I had some Ruby last night, and I thought it was a lot better than Blue eye.

Whats everyone else's opinion?

Blue Eye Trevella
Grey Band
Bass Groper
Ruby Snapper.

Rate them in your 'best on the chew' order.


MattMiller's picture

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Mon, 2014-05-12 15:59

 havn't tasted Ruby yet (planning to change that this year) but I'd put the rest in this order.


Blue Eye



Bodie's picture

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greyband first or last?

Mon, 2014-05-12 16:04

greyband first or last?

MattMiller's picture

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Mon, 2014-05-12 19:57

first, by a fair margin as well

fishcrazy's picture

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deep fish

Mon, 2014-05-12 16:35

bass groper/ blue eye equal 3rd havent caught or tasted ruby but on the list

scottnofish's picture

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ive found its more about the size of the fish

Mon, 2014-05-12 16:57

 they all taste great when there under 15 kilos over that and they all start getting chewy with big segments of fat between the flesh

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Mon, 2014-05-12 17:18



I personally think Greyband is as good as if not better than Dhufish and Pink Snapper, I rate it very highly, as for the other deep drop fish have to agree with scottnofish, the bigger they get there not so good.


Posts: 205

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8 bar/ greyband

Mon, 2014-05-12 17:25

 We caught some 8 bar at the Montes last year and skipper rated them highly. They certainly need to be cooked differently or they go like rubber. Found them good in a laksa, but you soon get sick of laksa with 23 kilo fish. Are the 8 bar the same as grey band or are we talking about a different fish ?

MattMiller's picture

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Same fish

Mon, 2014-05-12 19:58

they're the same just different local names

Vinesh87's picture

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Ill let ya know if i ever get

Mon, 2014-05-12 20:04

Ill let ya know if i ever get one haha

reece's picture

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 Red snapper/nanna guyruby

Tue, 2014-05-13 10:15

 Red snapper/nanna guy

ruby snapper 

6-15kg bass

6-10kg 8bar 

big bass

big 8bar

Blue eye


the key is bleeding them! I cut both sides spike them put a rope through there gills and mouth then hang then in the water for the next drift. Seems to be working really well


Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow? 

crasny1's picture

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Never been out on a deep

Tue, 2014-05-13 10:24

Never been out on a deep drop.

But mates have. Tasted 3 of the mentioned fish.

Way way ahead IMO Ruby Snapper

Gray Band


Note all three rate above Dhu, snapper, but not above KGwhiting, coral trout and red emp in that order.


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Belly Fish's picture

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Only tried two of them

Tue, 2014-05-13 12:28

I've only tried Blue-eye and Grey-band so far....still yet to catch the others

I reported on the eating quality of the Grey-band in this post...

In summary, the Grey-band were big.  The 3 biggest were all > 26kg.  It was tough...tasty enough, but tough.  I've cooked some more since and I cut it thinner and cooked it quicker, and it was definately much better.

The Blue-eye were also quite big, the biggest being just over 21kg.  Quite nice eating, but not as nice as Grey-band and if cut acoss the grain (like a cutlet) was not tough at all.

Now I know these were all on the big side, but in my opinion Baldchin, Dhufish and Breaksea Cod are better eating than Grey-band and least at the size I caught them.

The other issue that is in my post above was the worms.  All the big Grey-band had lots of them.  They were quite dark, and whilst I'm sure they aren't going to hurt you, they don't make the flesh look that inviting.




scottnofish's picture

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sorry but 26 kilos aint a big one

Tue, 2014-05-20 06:21

 once there 30 /40+ kilo they really are like rubber

terboz123's picture

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 I will tell you in the next

Wed, 2014-05-14 23:46

 I will tell you in the next week , caught a bit in my recent exxy trip


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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timboon's picture

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Ling are also a worthy

Fri, 2014-05-16 17:34

Ling are also a worthy mention as a by catch!

axey45's picture

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 What about saddletail

Mon, 2014-05-19 11:10

 What about saddletail snapper, tasty.

Posts: 16

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Super Deep Fish!!

Fri, 2014-05-16 23:02

Yo Bodie


Caught plenty and eatin many, for me;



Blue-eye Trevalla


In saying that the top 4 are hard to compare as they're all top shelf!!!!


NOHA's picture

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Small fish are best

Mon, 2014-05-19 10:46

 The big ones are all not that good

under 15kg are best

Those big ones are like fish flavoured steak







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Alan James's picture

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Mon, 2014-05-19 13:14

I am a little surprised that hapuka gets rated poorly in comparison to the other species by some people (not all). I haven't caught a hapuka over here but I used to catch them regularly in NZ before I migrated to Oz in 1980. I agree with the comments others have made that preparation is a key issue and that includes chilling and how the fish itself is processed. For example we would never fillet a hapuka. These would be scaled and cut into cutlets and the result was always first class on the plate. I suggest for some of you to try cutting the hapuka into cutlets and see if the results are better. This may also apply to other species.



scottnofish's picture

Posts: 1621

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the other thing with harpuka

Tue, 2014-05-20 06:18

 is it must be bleed well a couple of extra cuts around the tail helps get all the blood out 

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Caught/eaten plenty and for

Sat, 2014-05-24 10:36

Caught/eaten plenty and for mine rubes, puka, gb, bass all on par quality wise (unreal).  Rubes probably little better than the pack (smaller size?)

BET wierd hybrid chickenfish.  still tasty and i really like but pretty much use it for ceviche or a curry if theres gb/puka in same catch.

find that in addition to iki/bleeding if you leave them on slurry for 3 or 4 days before filleting they come up heaps better (longer if you can keep your slurry at 1deg).  Just remember to gut them else they wont sink.

Bon appetite