
Was out past direction bank yesterday and around 11 no wind but the current was ripping. Drifting over a knot, couldn't hold bottom and the fish shut down.

Anyone else out there yesterday experience this?

Does the current tend to shut down the fish or was this just coincidence?

Was a magic day on the water none the less

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

Date Joined: 25/06/09

We were out south of rotto

Thu, 2015-04-23 08:28

Current was ripping through and drift was fast.  I dunno if this shuts them down so much or the fact its difficult to hold bottom or keep baits 'presentable' down there as the line angle was pretty crazy.

Also yesterday was the first time I had seen a day listed as bad on I know some people swear by the solunar tables but as my mate said 'If you only went fishing when the book said it was good, with weather thrown into the mix you would never go'.

Anyway we got nothing except some large wrasse and Ben threw back a size blackarse as he thought the limit was 40cm... We went back in to troll for salmon around mewstone but couldnt find the schools - from facebook and here looks like they were all inshore in the sound.

Went home with nothing but a slight sunburn.



Posts: 31

Date Joined: 09/10/14

 Was out friday the 17th,

Sat, 2015-04-25 00:32

 Was out friday the 17th, roughly 24nm from dawesville cut, current was pushing us 1-1.5 knots north. . . Water was 23 degrees but closer in was 22ish. Warm leeuwin current getting pushed north again?? 

Drifting on ground we hadn't  fished before got 3 Pinkys 65 to 77cm. . . 


Posts: 20

Date Joined: 12/02/15

Yeah that dreaded north tide

Sat, 2015-04-25 05:00

Yeah that dreaded north tide seems to shut down fishing in my experience....

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

 How come you guys don't have

Sat, 2015-04-25 20:10

 How come you guys don't have GPS electric motors? This is the first thing I am going to get when I buy my boat


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 790

Date Joined: 25/05/12

 Hey jack I have thought same

Sun, 2015-04-26 09:07

 Hey jack I have thought same thing tho it probs won't work on bigger boats the  bow is too high and boats too heavy.,I'm assuming it would suck the batteries dry trying to keep it on point.

and I'd also assume with a fast running current and  it holding you on the same spot you will still have trouble holding the bottom still unless you can have it following the current slightly 

saying that they are a good idea on smaller boats 

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

 Cheers mate, I've got one on

Sun, 2015-04-26 10:27

 Cheers mate, I've got one on the dinghy (without GPS) and couldn't imagine fishing without it but will dearly miss it if I can't get one on my boat when I get it


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 140

Date Joined: 10/02/11

Was a good day DanIf only

Sun, 2015-04-26 10:39

Was a good day Dan

If only someone didn't keep dropping fish haha

Posts: 790

Date Joined: 25/05/12

 Sure was Grayspeaking of

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:13

 Sure was Gray

speaking of currant that's what I called for not answering the phone all day!

Posts: 206

Date Joined: 06/05/14

 Been a moderate nth tide off

Sun, 2015-04-26 13:36

 Been a moderate nth tide off cape naturaliste for nearly a week. Painful, not many fish