Crab id

Caught in the river
Not sure of type of crab.
Have heard of Asian paddle crabs but not sure on this one.


I would rather be fishing

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NORUN NOFUN's picture

Posts: 1035

Date Joined: 15/08/11

Asian paddle crab - invasive

Wed, 2022-03-16 07:40

Asian paddle crab - invasive species that needs to be knocked on the head.

Posts: 7

Date Joined: 19/10/21

Coral Crab

Wed, 2022-03-16 08:23

Nah thats not an asain paddle crab thats a coral crab - they seem to pop up in the river ever now and again

See here for coral crab v asian paddle crab


carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Coral crab

Wed, 2022-03-16 09:37

 Lots better eating than blueys

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 Yep . Coral crab . They have

Wed, 2022-03-16 09:49

 Yep . Coral crab . They have been on here a few times over the years 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

NORUN NOFUN's picture

Posts: 1035

Date Joined: 15/08/11

Shit, I just googled asian

Wed, 2022-03-16 11:25

Shit, I just googled asian paddle crab and the same / similar pic came up - oh well, I will bugger off now lol

Anytime Brad's picture

Posts: 237

Date Joined: 20/07/09


Wed, 2022-03-16 11:53

Cheers for the ID
Confirmed by department of bio security as coral crab.


I would rather be fishing