Coral Bay Diving Gopro video

Thought I'd throw up another Vid seeing the old diving thread is a bit neglected these days.

Bit of a holiday vid, Just got back from the anual month holiday up north with the mrs, great to have some time off after working in the Kimberley for a few months with out a break. First week was spent in Coral Bay. still need to do the following weeks but need a rest :D

Fishing was pretty slow for us but we managed to keep ourselves fed, First time in years we've had good weather to head out pretty far north from north passage, only really kept a few red throat each day and didn't fish any deeper than the 50's and struggled to get a mackie over legal size, so the video pretty much became a diving vid.

Sit back and watch it in HD losses a bit of quality in the upload process. Hope you guys enjoy.


 Dave J.

tailor marc's picture

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really good video!!Wish i

Wed, 2012-09-05 19:45

really good video!!

Wish i were up there, conditions look magic.

One thing i suggest is that when you have the video in the editor bring out the blues a little more with the colour correction functions.

Loved watching it :)!


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Reefmonkey's picture

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Thanks marc

Wed, 2012-09-05 20:10

Cheers mate, almost lets me re live it playin around with the video, will check out the colour doobies for the next one and have a play... only second attempt at editing need to try move on from the old cut clip and paste. cheers!


 Dave J.

cudbfishn's picture

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That whale came a bit close

Wed, 2012-09-05 20:20

That whale came a bit close hey? Id be shitting myself. Nice vid


Posts: 5822

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have you changed jobs Dave?

Wed, 2012-09-05 20:20

have you changed jobs Dave? Are you back in Perth now?

Great vid by the way! Heading up there in a few weeks myself with the tribe.


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Reefmonkey's picture

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Hi Rob

Wed, 2012-09-05 20:57

Na just scored a gig through the winter months workin on a charter. Back in Perth waiting to start work again as soon as the weather turns good. Have a good time with the Fam!!


 Dave J.

Posts: 695

Date Joined: 16/08/09

is that with the standard

Wed, 2012-09-05 20:55

is that with the standard housing Dave or the dive housing? I have just got a gopro so looking forward to giving it a run as soon as the weather is better.

Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

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hey tiimmbo, yea thats all

Wed, 2012-09-05 21:07

hey tiimmbo, yea thats all done with the flat dive housing above and below water with no filters. Loses alot of quality though uploading. Takes top quality video but it struggles a little in low light.

personally think its a bit of a rip you cant buy it in the dive housing and it has to be bought as an extra, especially when they first came out they promoted them as waterproof to 60m but never mentioned they dont focus!

should be sold as a dive package as they do with motorsport, or surf ect... but anyway thats for a different thread

still good fun though!


 Dave J.

crasny1's picture

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I just got one

Wed, 2012-09-05 22:59

About 1 week ago. Amazed at the speed it was delivered. What is this with the dive package. I got the surf Hero2. Is that not good enough for underwater?



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Reefmonkey's picture

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nah unfortunately with the

Wed, 2012-09-05 23:16

nah unfortunately with the standard housing the camera doesn't focus underwater and it comes out all fuzzy, if you want to use it underwater you need to buy the dive housing with a flat lense port cost around $60 bucks i think. unfortunately no dive package either, thats what i was gettin at in the above post, they sell the product stating its works at 60meters but dont mention it doesnt focus then you have to buy the add on to use it for what you want. Should just sell it as a dive package seeing the dive housing does everything the standard one does out of water, once you buy the flat lense you have no need for the old one.


 Dave J.

Posts: 695

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yeah I just bought the dive

Wed, 2012-09-05 21:16

yeah I just bought the dive housing to go with it with a red filter so be good to see how it turns out.


Cool video too by the way.

wonky36's picture

Posts: 39

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Loved it. Good job.

Wed, 2012-09-05 22:25


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loved the vid

Wed, 2012-09-05 23:02

just a quick observation from a non diver the fins you swim with (split fins) must look like the fins of a seal to any gw in the area,are they a better design for swimming or wht do they make them like that

Again a great vid really enjoyed it thanks for shariung

Reefmonkey's picture

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personal preferance

Wed, 2012-09-05 23:31

some people like them, some hate them but they are pretty common for scuba diving. alot less joint stress and effort to kick for same power with split fins but less acceleration and people say less manouverability which is pretty true, good fins to dive with if you wanna just cruise around leisurely. not really suited to free diving though but had to settle with the amount of crap already in the car.



 Dave J.

opsrey's picture

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Wed, 2012-09-05 23:25

Exmouth I guess. Love the North. Great job, thanks for sharing.

grantarctic1's picture

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Great video

Wed, 2012-09-05 23:48

Great video mate, had me glued to the screen from start to finish. Top job on the edit of footage and pictures, one of the best video clip's ive seen


Posts: 1755

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I like it!!!  Makes my

Thu, 2012-09-06 13:29

I like it!!!  Makes my workday a bit more interesting!


Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

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Thu, 2012-09-06 17:38

cheers guys, glad you guys enjoyed it!


 Dave J.

Lamby's picture

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Sick vid Dave

Sat, 2012-09-08 10:38

Sick vid Dave

Faulkner Family's picture

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 great vid there. gotta love

Wed, 2012-09-12 09:43

 great vid there. gotta love the place for diving. didnt see any sharks in that lot. we were up there in april/may and got some great footage of sharks and plenty of turtles along with too many fish species to mention. gotta get my dive ticket to get better vids. well done. sounds like you had a great trip away and awesome weather


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

r.gates's picture

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Which camera?

Fri, 2012-11-02 21:27

Hi Reefmonkey

Just found your video of Coral Bay....I love that place.

What brand of camera and housing were the stills taken with...takes a nice pic.

Also, where were you spearfishing...I was told you can't use a speargun inside the reef so I'm guessing you either went outside or up/down the coast a bit.

Cool video, too...and the whales were something to behold...especially that one real close to the boat!



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Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

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thanks Rusty

Sat, 2012-11-03 22:15

The wide angle pics are just taken on a canon ixus 105, nothing that flash, with a inon 165 fisheye lense. the others are from the mrs camera which is a G1X and the above water ones were hers too taken with her nikon d5000.

yea had a great time with the whales. Lost count of how many came right up to and under us over the 4 weeks in CB and exmouth but sadly the one that swam under us in the video, if you look closely had a cray rope wrapped around it, sucks that we couldn't have help it out, it was the second time it came up to the boat after that it didn't want a bar of us.

spear fishing on the lumps around a mile south of the leads on south passage inside the reef, can spearfish south of winderbandi point and outside of the sanctuaries if i remember right.



 Dave J.

r.gates's picture

Posts: 573

Date Joined: 15/11/10

Coral Bay

Sat, 2012-11-03 23:19

Thanks for the update from your CB trip, reefmonkey.

I use a Canon IXUS 115 in a Ikelite housing for underwater stills & video and have a Nikon D5100 for all my other work.

When we were in CB in April, we were loaded up with all the dive gear etc. but as we only had a week, we fished most days, swam with the whale sharks on the Tuesday and ran out of time for a dive.

I'll check out the spearing spots before we head back there...won't be next year though, have other boxes to tick!!

Bummer about the whale with the cray rope around it...hope it got itself free.



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