2012 abalone season starting

so who's going ?


scared of the sharks ?



Posts: 563

Date Joined: 27/08/09

 sharks dont worry me. Its

Thu, 2012-11-01 19:09


sharks dont worry me. Its the weather that scares me :)


Being slammed into a reef is not fun!

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 07/05/11

been watching it all week

Thu, 2012-11-01 21:07

Gear is packed and waiting by the door but 25knots westerly isn't getting me too excited_


 Baron Sportsman

Just the depth that Varies

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

Not the sharks

Thu, 2012-11-01 21:43

But the weather is looking crap. Got all my gear ready and made my knives this week.

Made from 316 stainless with a 60mm gauge cut into the handle and holes to strap it to my hand.

Made afew extra for my mates but i dont think they will turn up after checking seabreeze.

Still might go down for a look and put on the extra thick wetty so i dont get cut up on the reef . lol

Cheers Grant .

Reefmonkey's picture

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Thu, 2012-11-01 22:08

nothin like custom made tools of the trade.


 Dave J.

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Looks good Grant..

Fri, 2012-11-02 06:41

Looks good Grant.

My bro made some up a year or so back. Lasered or watercut, I forget which.

Other tips:
* bend one side, but chamfer the other
* make the size out ~5mm deep, because then you can put the cutout for the greenlips on the other side.

The reason for this is that you're supposed to only lift them if they are size, you can always lay the gauge over their back to check, while they are still on the rock. Fisheries estimate that the bag limit would be 20% larger if people didn't damage them, and leave them, because they tend to just bleed out after they have been lifted.


grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

Laser cut

Fri, 2012-11-02 10:16

They are laser cut Jamie, and and exactly like you said . They are bent up on the tip and chamfered on the other side. These are for Roes only i have other knives and guages for the Green and Browns when i go down south. I have made them before with only a 5mm deep cut but found it wont go over the Ab's properly.

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Sounds like you're all over

Fri, 2012-11-02 10:51

Sounds like you're all over it Grant!


Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

i wouldn't trust seabreeze forecast to much

Thu, 2012-11-01 21:56

i've been disapointed by seabreeze forecasts to much to put a lot of faith in them

Posts: 315

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way too much free time!

Fri, 2012-11-02 05:58

60 mm is tiny mate_ my first notch is 80 mm- size does matter;)

60mm is more for the table-top walkers _ an 80mm ab has twice the meat_ 100mm is glory


 Baron Sportsman

Just the depth that Varies

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

60 mm

Fri, 2012-11-02 10:26

I made them at 60mm as required buy fisheries , the cut is started 20mm from the end of the handle so when i place the gauge on the edje of the Abalone and it reaches the tip of the handle it is 80mm. I usualy dont take them under that size myself because ( as you said ) there is heaps more meat on them at 80 - 100mm .

The way Sunday is looking  it might be hard to get any let alone the big ones, so its always good to have the correct gauge on hand . I would rather have just sized Ab's than none at all.

Cheers Grant .

Matt T's picture

Posts: 875

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Ab tool

Fri, 2012-11-02 08:44

Great tool there Grant. Yep I'm keen as but don't like the looks of the weather.

Posts: 132

Date Joined: 02/06/11

yeah, the weather isnt

Sat, 2012-11-03 22:12

yeah, the weather isnt looking too good...


grant- the tools you made are great, pity you cant get those in the shops, i'd be interested for sure


i've seen some people use screwdrivers, and others use thick 'paintscrapers'



Salmo's picture

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Ab blade

Sun, 2012-11-04 07:19

Grant very impressed with your Ab blade. maybe a oppotunity there mate.


Posts: 132

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not many people out there

Sun, 2012-11-04 09:00

not many people out there today, you needed to be a confident swimmer to go out......


still had fun this morning, but was rougher than i'd like....

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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Not a good start one person

Sun, 2012-11-04 09:09

Not a good start one person is missing here at Yanchep Lagoon.been missing for 45 minutes ,chopers and boats ,police all looking for them. Not looking good  themththkomnfoknweokfmnweaNot looking good


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

uncle's picture

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Sun, 2012-11-04 11:06

one poor fellow missing and 12 others rescued and some had to be given oxygen[yanchep], they close the beachs for sharks, may need to shut down reefs as well for peoples safety


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

alfred's picture

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Yeah was nice and quiet down

Sun, 2012-11-04 11:22

Yeah was nice and quiet down where we were, about 10 folks only.  First day of the season always produce the big fellas too.

We had one of the new Euro style washing machines going with the 1800rpm spin speed though. 

Saw the helos heading north.

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Gave it a miss

Sun, 2012-11-04 11:35

Yeah i wussed out and gave it a miss, i hope they found the missing person .

Posts: 4586

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Been watching the onboard

Sun, 2012-11-04 12:50

Been watching the onboard tracking on the chopper. Doesn't look good.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 132

Date Joined: 02/06/11

i was just watcing the news,

Sun, 2012-11-04 18:20

i was just watcing the news, 17 people were rescued, and one guy missing....



i am a good swimmer, and i've done snorkelling every year, and diving in the past, and i certainly wouldn't have gone out today if i wasnt a good swimmer


saw fisheries catch some people today, one guy got back to the beach and started throwing back the small ones, fisheries swooped and nabbed him


mind you, i think most people (me included) didnt catch the limit of 20, 'im glad i didnt get any bruises from the reef though....

it was bloody tiring though, all the waves over the reef made it hard....

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

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so how many of the visiting

Sun, 2012-11-04 19:01

so how many of the visiting peanuts will get caught with them down their wetsuits or jocks like last year



Posts: 132

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i must admit, i was nervous

Mon, 2012-11-05 17:54

i must admit, i was nervous when i first went out, and i am a good swimmer


i find it crazy that people who are weak swimmers, and not wearing a wetsuit went out yesterday......


lucky the lifeguards rescued so many......


they should ask the people for a donation after they get rescued

Posts: 1755

Date Joined: 02/01/10

Saw the report on the news

Tue, 2012-11-06 08:49

Saw the report on the news last night.  Was a bit like Bondi Rescue, heaps of tourists who cant swim getting in trouble.

Posts: 132

Date Joined: 02/06/11

abalone -one of the guys who

Tue, 2012-11-06 17:25

abalone -one of the guys who got into trouble is being deported.....


it looks like quite a few of the people woh got rescued were immigration overstayers