braid for trynos 50

 hi guys, i recently baught a tyrnos 50 one speed and i am gonna put some freash braid on it. on tackle direct it says it can hold 1120m of 80lb power pro braid but as i know power pro is thinner than normal braid. so how much can i get on it with 80lb fins with about 50m of 80lb or 100lb mono topshot?


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 Duno how much line it can

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:04

 Duno how much line it can hold mate but why such heaven braid what do you intend on doin with it. I only ask because I don't no if you have every tried to hold 30 kgs of drag but I now I struggle to stay on my feet. I would think 50 lb be beta suited pluss you will get heaps more line on there


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Vinesh87's picture

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You can get the diameteres of

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:10

You can get the diameteres of the powerpro, with fins and the topshot and cross reference them to get a exact amount. I do this every tim ei spool up. I use  "linecapacity' program to work it out easily.

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 so do u know how much

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:14

 so do u know how much vinesh87? also mattyb i am trying for 3m sharks

Vinesh87's picture

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Fri, 2014-11-07 19:18

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 thanks mate, i am using a

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:22

 thanks mate, i am using a macbook and i tryed to download it but it doest work on my macbook, can u please calculate for me?

Vinesh87's picture

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Fri, 2014-11-07 19:32
lachieH's picture

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 Did some quick research and

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:35

 Did some quick research and 80lb power pro braid is 0.017 inches wide. 80lb fins braid is 0.018 inches wide. That is 0.001 of an inch difference, so that would make a difference of probably not even a meter. So you could fit about 1070 meters of fins braid on it. Easy 


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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 Up to you mate but 50 lb be

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:26

 Up to you mate but 50 lb be plenty plus the extra line be handy. I've landed heaps of big sharks on 24 kg mono on my tiagra's 50 mate but that just my opion mate. I was fishing 37 kg in exxy stand up last year and didn't get the drag anywhere near its breaking strain


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Hutch's picture

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 Yeah, I agree with Mattyb84.

Fri, 2014-11-07 19:42

 Yeah, I agree with Mattyb84. If you fish 50lb line with the drag at 1/3 of bs that's about 7 kilos and you will have your hands full holding onto that for 30+ mins. As for line capacity, its a crapload. I would estimate around 1000m of 80lb Fins

Dale's picture

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Fri, 2014-11-07 20:11

 Why sharks, and why 3 meters? Something that size will pull you off the rocks, cart your boat all over the ocean, take you water skiing off the beach. Sorry, but I just can not see the point. I've hooked up hundreds of sharks, big ones, little ones and every size in between. I've had my reel too hot to touch when they peel off 10 meters of line a second. But I rarely land them, I cut them off when I get the chance. To me they are like sambo's and stingrays, a pain in the fundamental orrifice and a waste of my fishing time when I'm trying to catch whatever species I'm targeting.


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Hutch's picture

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There's this new thing called

Fri, 2014-11-07 20:14

There's this new thing called sport fishing   

Dale's picture

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Sat, 2014-11-08 07:47

 Sorry Hutch, sport fishing is sport fishing and trophy hunting is just that.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Auslobster's picture

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Why NOT sharks?

Fri, 2014-11-07 21:47

You would have to realise by now, Dale, that kingfisha is a young bloke (13yo?) and hasn't had the opportunity yet to experience all the things in life that you have...seriously, how many of these sharks had you hooked by the time you were his age?


Let him learn first hand about "water-skiing" and "being pulled off rocks"!

lachieH's picture

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 Lol maybe he should video

Fri, 2014-11-07 22:38

 Lol maybe he should video himself if he gets a hookup? If I were him I would have a belt or something tied to the jetty, which is tying him down and something holding the rod to the jetty. 


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

Hutch's picture

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Haha  Would be a hit on

Fri, 2014-11-07 22:47


Would be a hit on youtube! 

Dale's picture

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Sat, 2014-11-08 07:38

 As a 13 year old I lived on Garden Island (1972 - 1973) so I caught everything that swam. And you must appreciate our gear was nothing like it is now. I never targeted sharks,  but I hooked plenty. Was usually all over pretty quick as we went into self preservation mode. 


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Sharktale's picture

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Why....because he can.

Sun, 2014-11-09 21:14

 The lad asked about braid, not your opinion on sharks as a by catch. 



flangies's picture

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 As others said it may be

Fri, 2014-11-07 20:36

 As others said it may be best to run lighter. I nearly gave myself a prolapsed rectum when trying to bust 100lb braid off after it got caught up around some rocks at quobba. You are better off with longer lengths of lighter line in that sort of fight as the fish can wear itself out, better on the drag, better on your back. 

dumper's picture

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 Prolapse. Not even once

Sat, 2014-11-08 11:14

 Prolapse. Not even once

flangies's picture

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 As others said it may be

Fri, 2014-11-07 20:37

Double post

Posts: 388

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 I'm all for having a go at

Fri, 2014-11-07 20:40

 I'm all for having a go at big sharks hell I used to spend every spare minute down ocean reef marina chasing them when I was a kid.


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Sharktale's picture

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Congrats on the new reel. The braid is a fair investment

Sun, 2014-11-09 21:03

 so I suggest you do some homework on how you'll get the baits out - balloon or paddle? Braid might be better for ballooning and mono better when paddling baits out in rocky areas. 50lb braid is plenty imo. I look forward to your youtube clip of your big grey coat! Safety first though. Your turn now to catch anything that swims. Have fun!



psion's picture

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My 2c worth

Mon, 2014-11-10 07:29

 As an option put 1000m of 50-65 lb braid on your reel and then add about 200-250m of top shot. you can go up to 80 lbs top shot. couple of reasons:-

1\ Braid will give you the line capacity you need for big fish off the sand

2\ the top shot will have better abrasion resistance on the rocks, reefs and if it rubs on the shark.

3\ if it runs, 200m of 80lb mono adds its own resistance to your drag. If the fish goes left or right it has to drag that heavy line sideways through the water.

4\ the top shot will have elastic properties which will help when the fish takes off or changes direction suddenly in the surf. (at the end of the fight when you are tired and it hits off on its last run, your reactions are going to be a bit slow)

5\ Mono (top shot) is more forgiving than braid. so you can make more "mistakes" and still get your fish. It depends on your drag and how much drag pressure is required to start it. As an example, if you drag is set to 7kgs running, it may require between  8 and 10 kgs of force to start it, once its running it'll drop to 7kgs. that is why the experienced guys start with a lower setting and wind it up when the fish runns.

6\ Rule of thumb is to use a leader or steel trace at least 1.5 x the lengh of the shark you are targeting. (when kayaking or ballooning bait). casting is a different story.


I'm on site at the moment, PM me your address and I send you a couple of home made, heavy duty windon traces, when I get home. I tie them out of tennis gut (extremely abbrasion resistant) and I have a windon 9m steel trace I can send to you as well.


Good luck and keep us posted.

Hoping to see some nice pics soon.





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 nice one 

Mon, 2014-11-10 10:22

 nice one 

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 thansk heeps guys, pm sent

Mon, 2014-11-10 08:33

 thansk heeps guys, pm sent psoin

sheldoncy23's picture

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 been following this for a

Mon, 2014-11-10 19:11

 been following this for a bit and doing some research

from what ive read up on the yanks who do it professionally i guess, they believe that fishing heavy line (120-200lb) and higher drag it allows you to get the fish in quicker which prevents exhaustion and other problems like regurgitating their intestines and stomachs. But without the proper harnessing, gimbals and backstrapping its definately not a smart idea. 

i bought  a penn squall 50 two speed at the boat show to use for LBG it came with 700-750m of 50lb mono already on it and ive added a 200lb wind-on but as soon as i can im going to load it with 100lb braid and 100lb topshot but for now the mono should be sufficient.

i reckon 80lb for your setup will be perfect just make sure you have the right gimbal setup or your gunna cop some pain.

Posts: 16

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 thanks for the help guys, i

Mon, 2014-11-10 19:19

 thanks for the help guys, i ended up getting 960m of 80lb braid and 40m 130lb mono top shot

crasny1's picture

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Wow man

Tue, 2014-11-11 14:39

That is going to be painful when you hook a noah and try to use the full effect off the heavy line. Hooked and caught many big sharks including Spinning whalers (targetted) of Dampier on 30lb braid with 80lb leader (not true windon but about 3m) with a further 2m of wire trace (not single strand). This was what I used when I targetted a resident spinner that always busted up our BB gear. Also managed to hook many on just flouro leader, and I still believe 30-50lb is plenty.

80lb braid probably breaks at ~110lb unless it is pretest so hope you never have to break it on a snag!! Might hurt more than the fish.

However I admire your keeness and wish you good luck.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Diesel80's picture

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Kingfisha, I know a good physio mate.

Tue, 2014-11-11 15:40

Good luck,

look forward to some photos of big summer tigers.




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Tue, 2014-11-11 18:33


sea-kem's picture

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 Best of luck to you

Tue, 2014-11-11 19:08

 Best of luck to you Kingfisha, hope you have some pics to post over the coming months. I remember pulling many an all nighter to get whatever we were after when I was younger. Don't forget your burley bag if night fishing for sharks, just stake it in the sand and let the upper waves hit it now an then to get a trail going. 


Love the West!

big john's picture

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Don't forget

Tue, 2014-11-11 22:42

Don't forget a rope to tie yourself to the jetty, just incase you need to go to 'sunset' on the drag.


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