Boat advise
Submitted by rossco21 on Sat, 2015-06-13 10:12
Hi guys the time has come where I am going to be upgrading boats. Now unsure what mine is worth before advertising just wanted to rack you brains on what people's rough idea on what I'd fetch for it. So it's a 2006 quinnie Coast runner 4.75. Has a 60 hp yammy four stroke with 380 hours. Lowerance hds 5 sounder offshore flare kit and Epirb. Vhf radio life jackets and sand anchor. Still have a few things I will need to do before I sell or advertise. Any help would be appreciated.
Posts: 672
Date Joined: 24/01/15
I think you need to turn it right side up before you sell it.. How are people going to stand in that??
Sorry not very constructive..
Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !
Posts: 398
Date Joined: 16/11/11
had an o3 475 caprice 50 yammy 2 stroke with 400 hrs full clears, good nik with similar electrics. Sold for 14500 and could have sold it 10 times over with the amount of calls I had so might have been a bit cheap. Was a great little boat. That was about 4 years ago.
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 13/05/15
Hey mate , let me know when
Hey mate , let me know when ur selling- I'm looking for that type of boat- I'm looking round 15000$ if that interest u when u sell