Best spot to jump on a charter

 Hey all,

Me and my girlfriend are putting in the hard yards and driving Sydney to Monkey Mia via Melb, Adelaide and Perth in Jan next year. I'd be jumping on charters everywhere along the drive if I could but time and money have other things to say. Seems like you guys over there have all the quality fish and the quality spots so WA it is. I'm just wondering if anyone can help out on where abouts the best area would be to hit up a charter? We'll be driving the whole coast from Esperance up, so anywhere south of Denham is on the cards really. Would love to squeeze in a few days landbased here and there as well so if anyone can reccomend some areas that'd be tops too. Will be using my light breaming gear I use over here plus carrying my sensor for the occasional beach.

Thanks all for your help,


Posts: 187

Date Joined: 19/08/13

seasport Jurien bay

Wed, 2014-08-13 10:37

 seasport Jurien bay would be a good one to put on the list

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Seasport is no longer jurien

Wed, 2014-08-13 10:59

 Seasport is no longer jurien based.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

crasny1's picture

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Mahi Mahi III

Wed, 2014-08-13 11:07

Either based in Coral bay, exmouth or sometimes Dampier. Just pm him on here. Avatar name Captain Bernie.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

scottnofish's picture

Posts: 1621

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Seasport in kalbarri

Wed, 2014-08-13 11:18

 Or mac attack charters in denham

Posts: 4

Date Joined: 12/08/14


Wed, 2014-08-13 12:34

 Kalbarri looks like a good spot along the way, seem to be some good things said about seasport. Thanks for your help fellas

Colt_Striker's picture

Posts: 624

Date Joined: 26/07/09

Spinners in Albany as you

Wed, 2014-08-13 13:28

Spinners in Albany as you come up from South

Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 08/12/12

 Been a while since I've been

Wed, 2014-08-13 18:08

 Been a while since I've been out with spinners, but I use to go out with them regularly and they were great



Callum24's picture

Posts: 1015

Date Joined: 24/06/12

 mate if ya head to kalbarri

Wed, 2014-08-13 15:33

 mate if ya head to kalbarri go reefwalker, a family business and been the local charter there for years


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

tangles's picture

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Wed, 2014-08-13 17:46

 if your in barri mate reefwalker charters. Fun day youll laugh ya guts out w aiden n get into some great fish. Born and bred local business! !!

Posts: 4

Date Joined: 12/08/14


Wed, 2014-08-13 17:58

 cheers for the advice guys, would've had no idea if I hadn't found you lot

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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 Pm sent

Wed, 2014-08-13 18:17

 Pm sent


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

T_revz's picture

Posts: 45

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Your not going further north

Wed, 2014-08-13 21:52

Your not going further north than monkey Mia? Coral bay and exmouth is worth the trip!

Posts: 4

Date Joined: 12/08/14

 Yeh I'm keen to get up, i

Thu, 2014-08-14 11:18

 Yeh I'm keen to get up, i saw its only a few hours north of shark bay and looks like the fishing there is top shelf. just depends on time really

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Indian Chief charters

Thu, 2014-08-14 16:34

Indian Chief charters out of Carnarvon
They head over to the islands most days and his catch record is not to be sneezed at. Lots of good reports.
Has a facebook page to keep a track record on recent trips.