Hi All.
Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club is holding there annual 'Masons Bar Beach Fishing Classic' but this year there is a change!!!
Our goal at the ORSSC is to hold a competition similar to the Bluewater Classic or Swanfish but with a few differences.
The first, is that this event is a beach fishing competition so hopefully this targets a broarder demographic and everybody who owns a rod and reel can enter and have a good weekend with the chance to win some great prizes. The second, is that its an open beach fishing competition, meaning once you sign on at the ORSSC on friday arvo/night (4pm-9pm) you are free to fish anywhere LANDBASED and yes for those of you asking, if you have a plane or chopper you can fish on the otherside of the country as long as you are back to sign off for the weigh in!!
The Masons Bar Beach Fishing Classic offers over $15,000 worth of prizes this year. Our aim is to grow bigger and better over the next few years and hopefully become a household name like the 'Bluewater Classic'
ORSSC would like to invite all fishwrecked members along with all members of the general public to join us in making this competition one to remember.
For those on facebook there is a page 'ORSSC Masons Bar Beach Fishing Classic' with more info. Also I have posted a few pictures below regarding general information, competition rules and the registration form.
The easiest way to register is in person either at Getaway Outdoors Balcatta or at the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club however registration forms can also be emailed through or by post if necessary.
Remember this is our first year running a competition open to the general public so there is sure to be a few kinks to iron out along the way, feel free to comment and please share with all of your friends, family, enemies....the whole lot!
Hope to see you all there!!
Also if there are any businesses out there that would like to support this event we are still open to sponsers so please dont hesitate to contact me, big or small we appreciate all businesses that help us on our opening year.
Posts: 9513
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Not my cup of tea but im
Not my cup of tea but im sure there will be lots of punters having a go good luck
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
belly surprised no salmon
surprised no salmon in the comp for a prize ??
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
if it was closer to home id
if it was closer to home id have a crack , looks like a good comp
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
I'll most probably be
Posts: 9513
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Thinking about it how will
They ensure cheaters don't use boats etc.
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Unfortuneately at the time all the paper work etc was done salmon were not on the mind.. As soon as it was all printed I knew we made a mistake.. As I said the kinks need to be ironed out over the next few years.. But we are still getting new sponsors everyday and if we get enough we will definately add salmon to the list before the start time.
Cheaters.... Well there really is no way to insure no cheating happens like all fishing competitions, as far as I'm concerned there is only 1 or 2 species that would be benefited by a boat hence the species choice, hopefully favoring the landbased guys.
So unforetuntately cheaters will be cheaters and in the case of the Bluewater classic most of ther winners have bigger fish then cheaters could even dream of (boat, beach, caught a week before the comp or whatever).. But it is what it is and hopefully we don't have any cheaters.. That is all we can do.
This is the main reason we have gone with 'closest to random weights' for the juniors prizes rather then heaviest to minimise adults cheating and making it fairer for all juniors..
Appreciate all the comments and hope to see you all there..
Cheers Belly
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
sounds good mate just
sounds good mate just sussing out if I can get involved
If salmon are added for the south fishers might have to look at pelagics for the North fishos or even not so north this year
Boats cheating makes me laugh some the land based spot we fish mate just as good as been out in the tub!
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Hey Cal would love to see you at the comp mate hopefully you can make it..
Species wise when we started looking into this years comp we had about 15 species which we culled to 10 so the prizes we're better for each fish.. Next year the species list will be different that's for sure. And hopefully if we grow this comp as planned we can have more species on the list and even bigger prizes..
Agree with that Cal most of my PBs in these species have been landbased and I've fished from a boat my whole life too.. In saying that if people wanna cheat well good on em, would really suck to know a person has cheated and still lost haha..
Thanks for the feed back. Belly
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Don't think weighing in
Don't think weighing in sharks is a great idea. Mental pictures of a fleet of Jeeps with sharks strapped to the front making their way up from Rocko.
Seriously though, might not be such a great idea to be weighing in sharks next year with the way the uneducated masses like to jump on anyone that kills a shark.
I would like to see catch & release as an option next time to. I know it's more costly & complicated than the traditional weigh in but for mulloway & sambos especially it would be good if releasing them was possible, if not mandatory. An ID tag could be issued to each competitor at the start of the comp. For a fish to be eligible it must be photographed with the ID tag & clearly showing the full length of the fish laying on an approved measuring device.
Just my thoughts, other than that I think it's a great idea.
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Agreed Theres been a bit of
Theres been a bit of discussion on Facebook and there was a list of eligible shark species posted up and obviously they have to be within the legal size limits if they have any.
So basically the shark section of this comp is like blackjack, closest to the legal max size without going over wins
Also, people may hold off bleeding a shark in fear of losing some weight which might see the shark going to waste. This is where the photo entry would be a good idea
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Catch and release
Thanks guys I do agree about the Sharks I think it would have been better to have salmon and no shark catagory at all and hopefully all going well next year there will be a catch and release section.
Keep the comments coming and don't hold back because our aim is to build a better comp from year to year..
Cheers Belly
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
1 week
Just letting anyone who is keen know..
There is only a week to go before the early nomination closes.. You can nominate after this date but you will not be in the running for the great early nomination prizes..
Like I've stated above the easyest way to nominate is either at the ORSSC itself or at getaway outdoors balcatta.. Entry's also can be posted to the ORSSC but don't forget to include entry fee..
This is a comp not to be missed so please don't leave it till the last minute if you plan on entering.. Makes the organisers jobs a lot harder..
Hope to see you all there..
Cheers Belly
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Today is the last chance to get your entry forms in to go in the running for the early nomination prizes!
Entry forms can filled out or be dropped off at either Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club (open today 2pm-7pm) or Getaway Outdooors Balcatta (open today 10am-4pm).
Don't miss out!
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
It's on!!
Well guys and girls.. They day is finally upon us.. With prizes now totalling well above 20grand this competition certainly isn't one to miss..
Once again remember you MUST sign on tonight between 4pm and 10pm or tomorrow between 6am and 9am at the ORSSC.. If you don't sign on you will or have your name tag and other info you need to weigh in..
You can still register at sign on and as stated in an earlier post there are no late fees this year..
So come on down to the club sign on and head off fishing, or stick around for a beer or two and enjoy the ORSSC..
Hope everyone has a great weekend and catches heaps of fish..
Cheers ORSSC
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
For those interested!!
ORSSC would like to thank everyone who made the first open to the public Masons Bar Classic such a success!
Sponsors, club members and especially the competitors, on behalf of ORSSC we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
It was a tough weekend weather-wise but there was still some outstanding fish caught. Winners are listed below and photos will be posted shortly once uploaded by our camera man.
We would appreciate your feedback on the event whether it be good or bad, as we are really trying to build this competition into a massive yearly event enjoyed by all.
Don't hold back...we can handle it!
We already have some big sponsors lined up for next year so the competition is only going to get bigger and better!
Junior winners were determined by the fish closest to a weight chosen at random before the weigh in commenced. We decided to do it this way to make it fair for all juniors big and small and to minimise cheating. We believe this worked well this year and hope to do the same or similar again next year.
Winners are as follows:
Tailor: Random weight: 0.852kg
Nicholas Roberts. 0.381kg
Herring: Random weight: 0.119kg
Nicholas Roberts. 0.117kg
Whiting: Random weight: 0.246kg
Luca Gugliotta. 0.084kg
Garfish: Random weight: 0.172kg
Kai McFarlane. 0.082kg
Mulloway: Terry Bell. 9.930kg
Shark: Dylan Hutchison. 14.770kg
Tailor: Robbie Riches. 2.263kg
Bream: Seamus Jones. 0.563kg
Garfish: Dean Bruce. 0.250kg
Snapper: Mitchell Palmer. 3.800kg
Skippy: Tyla Gillespie. 0.706kg
Herring: Dave Christafulli. 0.389kg
Whiting: Donna Gordon. 0.265kg
Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you all in 2017!
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Great comp, thanks for
Very enjoyable weekend despite being a bit wet and will hopefully give it a good go again next year
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Good job !!
Nice work hutchman !! Good too see you come
away with a win !! Goin down mindaire the sarv
too look for a salmon !! Cheers pirate !!
Posts: 81
Date Joined: 29/05/12
Definately be back next year
Definately be back next year for a crack. Hopefully the weather is a little better though.
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Great to hear you all enjoyed the comp, I'm positive it will get massive within a few years.. Well done again Hutch a very nice fish indeed..
Look forward to seeing you all next year..
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Just an idea I'm throwing
Just an idea I'm throwing out there, if there are enough sponsors next year it might be a possibility to add another prize for most species in a bag (if a tie then heaviest bag wins) or something similar. Might add a bit of variety and give people another option on how they fish the comp.
once again thanks, it was a great weekend and ran very smoothly
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
Thanks for the idea Hutch.. I do like the idea and We will look into it for next year.. If you like the idea of species fishing you might like to know all of the ORSSC monthly club comps are species based with only minor points awarded to weight.. Our monthly comps unfortuneatly don't have the same prizes and money as the Masons Bar Classic but they are good fun.. You are welcome to fish as a visitor one time or check out the weigh ins to see if this is something you might like.. We have a weigh in at the club this Sunday at 4pm although I'm not expecting this to be a big one as many of our members are away on a big group fishing trip..
Cheers again
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Aha I signed up for the club
Aha I signed up for the club so will probably see you round some time
Posts: 380
Date Joined: 08/02/12
awesome to hear that mate.. Always happy to hear of new keen members..
If you need any more info on comps or anything feel free to send me a text or phone call..
0419 0414 83
cheers Belly