Are fish disappearing?
Submitted by Tom M on Mon, 2021-04-26 09:29
So for those of us that have been fishing for a number of decades are there any fish that you think have become harder to find or disappeared from a once popular spot?
I'll kick it off with Tailor off the beach in Warnbro Beach over the Chrismas period (Summer) Remember when there would be 100's people with gas lanterns alight fishing along there on Summer evenings.
Tom M
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Agree, tailor are the most
Agree, tailor are the most noticeable for sure. We used to try get down to Woodies groyne at least once a fortnight for the evening tailor run
Posts: 590
Date Joined: 10/04/12
Cobbler used to be pretty much everywhere. Rarely see them nowadays.
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
When I was a boy my uncles
When I was a boy my uncles would encourage me to go and get some bonito from palm beach jetty. They thought I was just a terrible fisherman until my uncle came one morning. I also used to catch many slimy mackerel as a kid and they were dynamite bait. I remember one morning filling a bucket with garfish and slimy mackerel from woodmans point jetty with some friends but now it's just scaly mackerel. We used to catch heaps of yellowtail and slimies at e shed but now it's just dominated by Scaly Mack's.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Still get tailor all year
Now. Bigger ones . Beaches have died. For them . See heaps of cobbler every time I swim . Thing I’ve noticed most dhues /bonito and blue mackeral. Haven’t. Seen bonito or mackeral for long long time
Posts: 2488
Date Joined: 08/09/16
We caught a heap of bonito
We caught a heap of bonito in around 12m out from Hillarys this time last year LJ. We were on my mate's boat and he had never seen one before. Tried to tell me they were small mack tuna!
PGFC member and lure tragic
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Date Joined: 25/11/16
Just got back from a week on rottnest. Happy to say the herring where thick! Propped bull herring made me think I hooked a Taylor! Kids, mum's and dad's having a ball and getting a feed from the ferry jetty.
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
the one fish we have noticed
the one fish we have noticed is far less common for us is the old queenie ,,, once upon a time in the 80/90 s and early 2000s we would always get at least one every trip down south
and big queenies ,,now we hardly ever get one ,,,
have been some massive herring schools out off geo bay the last month ,,and plenty of bonito being seen on these oily calm afternoons smashing bait schools up
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
not just limited to Perth -
not just limited to Perth - when my folks first moved to K-town in the early 90's you could catch fish everywhere and pretty much target what you wanted for dinner that night, - wind forward 3 decades and you are travelling long distances to find fewer fish - i recall my first trip to the monte's in the 90's the place was (pleasantly!) plagued with crays, my last trip we saw hardly any and i was told a pro got a licence to fish there for them and cleaned them out (please correct me if this is incorrect) - not bagging pro's, rec fisherman for saying it is because of covid :-) - just stating my experience!
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
Something I have noticed in
Something I have noticed in the SW is the large schools of sambos have disappeared. Certain areas we use to jig for a bit of fun use to hold them all the time. Lucky to see one now. This seems strange to me because no one really targets them to keep. Maybe the shark carnage at the barges in Perth has had an impact somehow. Who knows.
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Second that, out of Perth the
Second that, out of Perth the sambos are definitely not how they used to be compared to when i started boat fishing 8 years ago
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
Same for me north of the river
would often get a couple per outing but not at all now days.
Didnt ever keep them and they have always gone back strong...?
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Faulkner Family
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Always remember as a kid
Always remember as a kid going down to the old mandurah bridge fishing at night and the big gars were that thick you could just about walk across them. Used to come in for the lights hanging off the jetty underneath
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
I see many schools of large
I see many schools of large garfish while diving around port Kennedy. Seeing less crabs though basically disappeared
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
As a kid used to see heaps
As a kid used to see heaps of prawns jumping in the shallows around freshwater bay, and used to catch. A few. Dint seem to be nearly as many now.
Pete F
Posts: 310
Date Joined: 07/01/18
Certainly much less fish in
Certainly much less fish in numbers. The way I fish now is 1000 times more effective than when I was younger. Back in the 80's no GPS and smaller boats mostly had no sounder even. The average recreational boat was much smaller. So we used to blind drift for dhu's and get way more than we do now in much shallower waters or just fish lumps by aligning land marks from shore. LB dhu's were far more common too.
Now we have a super fuel efficient and reliable out board so we can fish the grounds that were exclusive to the pro's much further out to sea. Return to the best spots, again and again.
Then there is also the issue of people catch and releasing fish in numbers from very deep water. I think the mortalities from this has had a big effect on fish stocks too.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
What about those couple of
What about those couple of years when Bonito were smashing the Moles. Used to head down there early morning to catch a couple for my smoker. The Asian fellas with their bits of PVC pipe as reels and cheap Kmart rods lol. Gotta give it to them for ingenuity.
Love the West!
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
Those bontito where the
Those bontito where the first thing i thought of when i saw this thread. Would have been 20 years ago now used to get them off the south mole, i remember getting busted off by a few as well.
Sambos are a novelty catch for me now NOR, nannygai/red snaps used to be fairly common off 2 rocks. pig fish/ foxfish the same. Thankfully the N/W blowies have moved on!
Anywhere anytime