Ammo Jetty - Bloodbath Facebook post - Updated see videos below

Not my video and generally against giving the greenies more ammo, but if this carrys on the jetty will be shut or salmon bag limits cut or fishing banned altogether.

Post is on Fishing Perth and WA Landbased.

Another was deleted from Perth Fishing Metro Boats and Landbased.

If I could download it I would incase this one is deleted also...

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

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 Yea I downloaded one on my

Sun, 2015-04-26 01:49

 Yea I downloaded one on my computer, absolutely disgusted. Don't really have any words to describe the feeling towards the people doing things like this 

grantarctic1's picture

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Sure looks

Sun, 2015-04-26 02:37

 Sure looks bad and i'm certain the greenies will snap it up ( the footage) for their crusade.

At least the salmon don't hit metro like this every year, and this has happened in the past but not documented so easily for the public to see. 

To me the site of them being netted by the tonnes is just as sad, but that hardley gets mentioned online or in the media. Just saying .

Either way the future of rec fishing is on rocky ground if people continue behaving like greedy pigs, and continue to leave vast amounts of rubbish while fishing and camping.

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 The fines should incorporate

Sun, 2015-04-26 02:39

The fines should consists, half to the WA State and the rest to the Federal Government.

that would make them think twice.

Give more to Abbott, please.



sea-kem's picture

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 Yeah I saw this vid, what a

Sun, 2015-04-26 07:32

 Yeah I saw this vid, what a disgrace. Fisheries should be hammering these spots at the moment as like Grant said it's such an unusual run. It just goes to show the majority just don't care or am I reading this wrong? Was like something out of a gladiator movie.


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quadfisher's picture

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Not watching

Sun, 2015-04-26 07:56

I have seen enough down there , catching scalies, to turn ya hair white, so nothing would surprise me.

My breakdown would be something like this , out of the 700,000 people whom fish recreationaly in Wa ,

probally half go once or twice a year, on holidays or something like that, so when the words out , big fish mate , salmon , hundreds of them , many as you want

its a slaughter.

All the years of salmon lic bybacks , and the many words written by mike r, staggles, and the likes of mr cusack and scotty in support of rec anglers having a greater share and

visions of a lone angler on a deserted beach , releasing a unwanted salmon, have just been shat on.

For all our sakes I really hope its a leen year next year, and the stench of salmon blood has gone.





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Commercial salmon fishermen

Sat, 2015-05-02 20:03

Commercial salmon fishermen took no salmon last year. Commercial salmon fishermen took only about 5 tonnes this year.

In 2002 they took 5000 tonnes


Posts: 247

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Did you know Sea Shepherd has

Sun, 2015-04-26 08:04

Did you know Sea Shepherd has been taking pics of anglers catching salmon off Freo...for reasons unknown?

It has also been suggested they have positioned their boat over fish to protect them...

This sort of stuff is just more ammo...

scottland's picture

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Im not one for givin them ammo

Sun, 2015-04-26 08:21

but yesterday was appalling. out of desperation i went there to catch one. What i was greeted with was about 80 people all casting at them. They were literally hooking each other casting. Not one salmon was despatched until it went quiet. Were eventually they were bled on the jetty and guts left on the jetty. The frame s were then thrown no more than 10 m away from swimming families. Bag limits were out the window. I told a few lets say non australians of the limit and all i got was a smile and laugh.  Honestly if they shut this jetty i would have no issuss with that. Its a family area and now literally looks like a murder scene. As people started leaving some had the nerve to ask me if i wanted some of there salmon  because quote" i have to many" or " i dont want all of them ". And that wasnt even the worst of it,i heard a dad tell his kid to shit on the jetty as the fishing was to good to leave..... Which she did. Now keep in mind  im not a greeny but what happened yesterday was apalling


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

sarcasm0's picture

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Sun, 2015-04-26 08:51

This is so making my blood boil atm.  Anyone feel like a bit of community policing down there today/tomorrow? 

That father should be reported to D.C.P


Callum24's picture

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I was early for a job last

Sun, 2015-04-26 08:57

I was early for a job last week decided to grab a coffee and have it at north mole, well 6am in the morning people everywear scales knee deep in spots blood glass the bloody smell of the crap made me feel sick, I will never fish these spots they both need a couple cops and fisheries down there 24 7 or at least on the busy days they'd make a fortune or just shut the lot of them bloody disgrace


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

uncle's picture

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It's pretty average isn't it

Sun, 2015-04-26 08:59

 Fish just laying in the sun to to dumped arseholes


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

catchalittle's picture

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I have been chaseing them

Sun, 2015-04-26 09:09

I have been chaseing them this year and caught my first metro salmon and kept a couple for the dogs the other comments that I have read on here totally agree have gone down to the north mole a couple of times and the stench on the north side have been really off putting that I wouldn't fish that spot smells like a septic tank.At least down at coogee and woodies there were fisheries looking around and a few people kept a fish or two were as some of the other minority took a bit more makes you want to grab there gear and toss it in the water.Now most of these guys and ladies are not fishing with the old kmart specials they have decent high end gear and Im sure they know the rules not only fine them but take their gear I sure losing a 1200 combo might wake them up a bit



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 Could someone post a link

Sun, 2015-04-26 09:18

 Could someone post a link  or tell me where I can see I don't have Facebook.

im against wasting fish and bad handling technics 

i just want to see how f:;/ed some people are and if it's getting worse these days. 

I like my land based fishing but it's these people you mentioned that are spoiling it for everyone.

one of main reasons I don't fish metro land based is because of people doing the wrong thing and not giving two Sh!ts

Ben Derecki's picture

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Damn that is bad.  Kind-of

Sun, 2015-04-26 09:24

Damn that is bad.  Kind-of thanks for posting Bryan, it's a damn shame to see it but for me it's important to get it out a) to show that there are a bunch of rec fishos who hate seeing that kind of disrespect for the fishery and for the public resources available to us (as seen in the above posts and on through the FB comments); but also b) for some kind of (possible) educational process for other anglers who might not give that kind of behaviour a second thought.

Unfortunately my guess is that a lot of those people aren't the online type.

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i think you ment these 2

Sun, 2015-04-26 09:55
sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Thanks mate

Sun, 2015-04-26 10:02

I had contacted the OP on facebook who emailed me one but I was in the process of converting it from .mov to .gif to upload to photobucket when you posted. Cheers again.


Posts: 111

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From Audio -1st video - first

Mon, 2015-04-27 14:48

From Audio -

1st video - first few seconds - old lady speaking mandarin 

1st video - towards the last few seconds - Korean lady


2nd video - Filipino mostly.

Posts: 213

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 Yep fished the ammo jetty

Sun, 2015-04-26 10:28

 Yep fished the ammo jetty quite regularly in the past, but avoid going there due to the crowds. Its such a shame to see people do this, why would u even need so many salmon they dont even taste that great. As much as i love that jetty i wouldnt mind if it was shut down, if it meant that scum like this wouldnt be allowed to pillage that area and ruin it for eveyone else.

Tim's picture

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Sun, 2015-04-26 11:04

After yesterdays efforts this is the crowd the jetty has attracted today.
Will be carnage if the salmon turn up today

sea-kem's picture

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 I'll be pinged for this but

Sun, 2015-04-26 11:17

 I'll be pinged for this but I can't hear one word of english being spoken in those clips. These ethnics need to be educated and fined at the same time, they obviously don't give a rat's arse about the rules. Come on fisheries where are you when this is going on ?!? Would love a response from you guys.


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Was thinking the same Andy

Sun, 2015-04-26 19:53

 fkn mongrels - the lot of them. 

Dale's picture

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Sun, 2015-04-26 11:22

 That's diabolical, for a fish that really needs some good preparation to make it half acceptable on the table, but those fish are left to bake in the sun and generally deteriorate and go close to food poisoning. Food safety is a huge part of my job, so I have a good understanding of that. To me, if I keep a salmon, it's because it hasn't survived and then it gets buried in the garden, fantastic fertiliser. Our new Australians need some educating also. Be a good place for the VFLO's if they still get around.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



darren monks's picture

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Is there any evidence a

Sun, 2015-04-26 11:41

Is there any evidence a single fisheries regulation was breeched?

What would a Fisheries Officer have done exactly except watch?

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Apparently Fisheries were there

Sun, 2015-04-26 11:58

Handed out several fines for excess possession and undersized.  Personally I would like to see the council rangers in attendance and fining people who leave litter, blood, guts or frames as either littering or vandalism.


Posts: 67

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It looks bad I will give

Sun, 2015-04-26 11:57

It looks bad I will give people that. But a bucket of water to wash the blood away would probably make that look a lot better. In saying that your allowed to keep 4 salmon per person. If your fishing with two mates that 12 fish. Looks a lot I bet but still all within regulations.

rob90's picture

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 Whata discraceful mess, they

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:00

 Whata discraceful mess, they all had buckets or eskies they could have easily used to bleed the fish without creating a smelly messy ugly mess of the jetty, as for the amount of fish the limit is 4 per person aint it? So if there are 1.5 million ppl fishing there id say they went home hungry.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

chris raff's picture

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 What’s the commotion ? if

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:02

 What’s the commotion ? if they’re exceeding the limit ping em . Apart from that , just looks as though they need bigger eskies .


Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

grantarctic1's picture

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I'm sure we

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:55

I'm sure we will find out soon enough. The commotion will be coming from the extreme greens and animal rights groups.
I hear what you are saying, if no bag limits were breached then legally there is no problem, and like I said earlier, this has happened before all up and down the coast.
I feel the real issue is the images and videos will be seen as cruel and graphic by a lot of people, and its just not a good look for rec fishing in W.A . The rubbish issue has been all over the media already from the Easter holidays. Leaving fish blood and frames all over a jetty is littering in my opinion and a bucket of water thrown over the mess just seems too hard for these people.

chris raff's picture

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 Yeah your on the money  "

Sun, 2015-04-26 13:30

 Yeah your on the money  

" The commotion " was in reference to other fisho’s getting sucked in . The greenies will have drones out soon enough getting footage of boat fishos dispatching their catch , hoping to get the shock and horror blood pics to further advance their end goal .


Yeah rubbish isn’t a good look but overall I reckon society has come along way to recognise this and is a whole better than generations before us .   

Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

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Perfect Storm

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:15

It really was the perfect storm. NE winds. A big ball of bait being smashed by tonnes of salmon right around the jetty. I think you guys are being a bit precious though. Bag limit of 4 per fisho I think. Fish bleed and make a mess. Always going to be ugly when so many are being caught. It is always going to be unsightly. Just need someone with a big bloody hose to regularly clean up. We got stuck into them from the boat. We didn't keep any but probably did as much damage getting hooks out etc. My boat was a mess, I just had the deck hose to keep on top of it and wash it down.  And there must have been 20 boats doing the same. If people want to catch their limit good luck to them. Dog food, fertiliser, fish cakes whatever.  What made me laugh was the dive school that decided to take a dive right in the middle of it all. Mad.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

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 Yep That's a great idea,

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:18

 Yep That's a great idea, someone with a hose to clean up their mess, you gotta be kidding. So where does the hose man come from? 


Love the West!

sarcasm0's picture

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Why can't people be responsible and clean it up themselves?

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:19

Or bleed/gut them on the beach and dispose of the offal in bins?

Posts: 790

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 Holly sh!t that is pretty

Sun, 2015-04-26 12:21

 Holly sh!t that is pretty bad..... within limits maybe but  a bit of care wouldn't go astray... like above mentioned a bucket to wash down blood n guts a bag to put offal and frames in...l the worst offence is leaving them on hot pavement cooking in the sun  how hard is it to atleast have a  wet hession bag!

bit of preparation before going fishing can go a long way 


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Sun, 2015-04-26 12:34

With all due respect what do you propose. If you don't like blood and guts don't go out on the jetty. I wouldn't have ventured out there out of fear of getting a stray lure. Beautiful beach to walk along if that is your thing. Plenty of salmon being caught there as well if that's what you want to see. It will always be the case when hundreds of people are catching hundreds of salmon. I didn't see any laws being broken. If you want to have a stroll on a jetty there was one not far away that didn't seem to have anyone on.

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 Who said anything about a

Sun, 2015-04-26 15:37

 Who said anything about a stroll on the jetty ? I'm all for blood n guts man ....but I clean my mess up once I have done  with my catch.... and put my catch somewhere Out of the sun 


scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

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Trust me boys

Sun, 2015-04-26 14:18

there was no such thing as a bag limit yesterday 


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

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 So why didn't  you call the

Sun, 2015-04-26 14:42


So why didn't  you call the authorities.  Its in your phone  isn't  it.  You clearly saw something  illegal and did nothing about it.

scottland's picture

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Sun, 2015-04-26 14:51

 My phone is rooted I can't see the screen dam iPhones plus clearly someone called anyway


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

sea-kem's picture

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 Always something

Sun, 2015-04-26 17:19

 Always something constructive to say.


Love the West!

flangies's picture

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That's a lot of blood

Sun, 2015-04-26 15:02

That's a lot of blood

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Fisheries was out there at

Sun, 2015-04-26 15:10

Fisheries was out there at the time they did fine some people but they cant do anything about the mess excet tell people to wash it down

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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What's new

Sun, 2015-04-26 15:55

The sad truth hits home when it happens on someone's doorstep.
This has been happening at southern salmon spots for years. Rocky Point, Bunker Bay, Eagle Bay, Point Piquet, Curtis Bay, Meelup, Castle Rock Bay, Mitchell's Rock , Canal Rocks and Wyadup just to name the worst ones smell and look like slaughterhouses with blood, guts, frames and heads left behind to rot.

Haven't been down there chasing them for a few years and have no doubts that it wouldn't have changed one bit. Hezzy and the other members who live and fish down there will vouch for this and are like me, thoroughly disgusted in the actions of those who's aim is to get as many as they can and bugger those who do the right thing

Posts: 206

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 Yeh that's crazy, almost

Sun, 2015-04-26 15:57

 Yeh that's crazy, almost like a war scene. Definantly not a good look for us recs

opsrey's picture

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Cheyne Beach

Sun, 2015-04-26 16:41

we fished Cheyne Beach last Easter and this Easter. Last year the beach and rocks looked like that, after all Salmon bleed seemingly huge amounts of blood. Last year the 457 visa workers got some close attention for filling up their car boots. The dead fish washed up on the beach was a sight to be seen.

This year only a few Salmon. After the Easter crowd went the pro put. Out the next and filled 20 plastic crates measuring 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.2m with Salmon, and they didn't bleed them straight away, or put them in a chilled esky, or keep them out of the sun. They were on the back of a truck, which drove off to Albany two hours after they were caught and loaded. 

So I'm not defending people at the jetty, as I wasn't there, but Salmon bleed lots of red stuff, and nearly everyone doesn't handle them to get the best eating out of the fish - I treat them like goddesses, and still can't stop them from having a gritty texture.

I feel public hot spots like the ones mentioned in this thread would be perfect for Fisheries and Fishrec to get involved with doing education sessions and activities so the general plublic develop best practice behaviours and practices .

Posts: 206

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 Pros probly didn't keep them

Sun, 2015-04-26 17:03

 Pros probly didn't keep them out of the sun or look after them cos they sell them as bait. Although I do believe from next year they'll be selling them as edible because the bait market for salmon is just about over

Posts: 544

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I know for Sure Jaggo

Sun, 2015-04-26 18:12

There's a commercial operator in Dunsborough I know for sure Jaggo bleeds some of the salmon he catches and keeps them on ice and offers them to the public as fresh salmon and this same operator sponsor's an event every year promoting salmon as an edible species.

carnarvonite's picture

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Sun, 2015-04-26 19:06

They keep them in the shade and iced up until they have enough for a truck load through to the cannery at Albany. They have to be under 14deg when they arrive to be fit for human consumption and canned any that are above that are frozen and cut up for cray bait.

We had an order for 5 tonne to be spiked and bled for a high class fish shop, had to be spiked and bled as soon as they came out of the net and into an ice slurry Not sure on know much extra we received but IMO it wasn't worth the extra effort.

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It's the image that counts.

Sun, 2015-04-26 17:52

Whether laws have been broken or not, the image of a jetty covered in blood and guts in going to have a legacy.

With a bit of thinking those creating the image of a channel house floor could have prevented such a scene, in this day and age such scenes are quite unacceptable to the average citizen, and I fear we (fishos) are going to feel the wrath of the public back lash of it.

I'm well aware that if you are going to eat these fish they should be bleed and then, the fish should be looked after so its eating qualities are not eroded by being left in the sun to bake and start decomposing straight away.

To bring about a change in the way treat this wonderful experience we have can be achieved by two methods, education and regulation supported by enforcement of the regulations.

The Fisheries dept put out a good pamphlet called "caring for your catch" or something similar, they have the regulations limiting the number of these fish you can catch (4) I think it is. The town/shire has the regulations to guide people on how the facility (jetty) is to be treated and state of cleanliness) required.

From what I have seen at various places and just read here the means (human resources) to ensure compliance with the requirements about how the facility (jetty) is to be maintain where not present.

What I believe is one way to bring about compliance with acceptable behaviour by a large number of new to fishing fraternity. I know what I'm about to say will not be popular but. unless something changes this behaviour will not change and we will all be losers.

The time for shore based recreational fishing licences has (I believe) come.

When you pay for your licence you get a booklet explaining the limits you must comply with insofar as the number of fish you can catch, how you should look after your catch and the expect ethics you should comply with. Limit your catch not catch the lawful limit.

As an education tool it will do you no good to say I didn't know the rules nobody told me them, as a regulation tool break the rules loose your licence to catch fish, get caught fishing without a licence, big fine period.

Enforcement of regulations, easy fisheries officer at the start of the jetty/fishing spot entrance checking licences.
And I'm not interested in hearing from various heads of gov depts. saying we haven't got the resources, that's crap.

What they haven't got is the management skills needed to ensure that the requirements of legislation are enforced by sound resource management. I'm also of the opinion that all these heads of departments should be made to act as understudies to private enterprise to get an education on efferent use of resources.

Town/shire rangers, go to these places that are causing a cleanliness problem and do a walk along them, in old fashion speak, "show the bloody flag" with a book of infringement notices in your hand and the power to issue move on notices. Even the most belligerent types re act to the thought of a $200. on the spot fine.

What I have said is not going to be popular or well accepted, but, I really believe that with better skills by those entrusted to protect our fisheries and ensure that we will continue to have access to fantastic fishing places strong measures need to be implemented that no doubt will affect us all but will also give teeth to our fishing regulator authorities to instantly take corrective action when required.

Thus end the rant

Adam Gallash's picture

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Sun, 2015-04-26 18:23

 Thats pretty full on for those not into fishing, doesn't look the best.


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lunker's picture

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I was barefoot on the jetty

Sun, 2015-04-26 18:26

I was barefoot on the jetty and let's say I didn't hang round too long! I can't say I've seen anything like it before. My buddies had a quick scuba dive under the jetty and said that the amount of dead salmon on the sea floor was overwhelming...

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

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Oh, you're one of those

Mon, 2015-04-27 09:12

Oh, you're one of those people. 

Legit question, why do you walk around in public barefoot? 


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Mon, 2015-04-27 10:26

think I once saw someone walk along the beach with bare feet then walk out onto the jetty ! (must have been one of those ppl aswell.)


grantarctic1's picture

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Mon, 2015-04-27 22:56

 WTF barefoot in public, how dare they walk around barefoot, in public of all places, its just not on. 

Dam we should start a new thread about it. 

turtl3tim's picture

Posts: 203

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yeah its a bit unfortunate to

Sun, 2015-04-26 19:36

yeah its a bit unfortunate to see the mess that was made on that jetty. like others have said... they could atleast bleed them into a bucket or wash it down afterwards.
its a public area, not a slaughterhouse. if you dont have a bucket to bleed them into, make up a simple knot with a bit of heavy line and hang them over the side of the jetty?
i cant believe they were just left in the sun on hot concrete. i gaurantee they would have tried the first of their many salmon, and gone 'oh dang, this stuff is nasty' and then binned the lot of it.


 Good things come to those who bait.

Swompa's picture

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 It will be interesting to

Sun, 2015-04-26 19:48

 It will be interesting to see what happens when the media get onto this.

clogwog's picture

Posts: 265

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 Maybe the local council

Mon, 2015-04-27 06:00

 Maybe the local council should look at fitting a cleaning station at the ammo, they could gain funding from charging for parking

in the car park, probably even fit some security cameras at the same time.


I learnt to fish at the ammo jetty as a kid, there has always been issues with people taking over the bag limit and undersized fish.

i have never seen a fisheries officer there once. 

Posts: 812

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 From what lve read in the

Mon, 2015-04-27 20:27

 From what lve read in the local paper the ammo jetty mite not be around for much longer. Theres been talk of it being demolished as theres no money allocated for repaires needed.


Posts: 812

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 From what lve read in the

Mon, 2015-04-27 20:28

 From what lve read in the local paper the ammo jetty mite not be around for much longer. Theres been talk of it being demolished as theres no money allocated for repaires needed.


Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

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The ethnics are takin all our

Mon, 2015-04-27 09:10

The ethnics are takin all our fish!!11 - herp derp. 

Sure, the footage is bloody, but its a reality when an animal dies. If people have a problem with it, they are hipocrites unless they are vegan. 


scottland's picture

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Tes they do

Mon, 2015-04-27 09:48

but how can you explain the new vid on facebook of old mate kicking the salmon twice after he dragged it around the jetty 


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

Auslobster's picture

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Fish cleaning station...

Mon, 2015-04-27 09:25

 ...really? We all know what happens to cars parked there at night. Within days the thing 'll be ripped out of the ground and thrown through the window of a bottle shop.


Face it, they're gonna have to wall the place off like they did in "Escape from New York" and you'll have to be Kurt Russell with a glider and an eye patch to go in there and get a fish.

Posts: 132

Date Joined: 02/06/11

probably some education of

Mon, 2015-04-27 15:52

probably some education of the fishers there is needed

 there was a lot of filipino spoken there

i do wonder how many of those fish will be thrown out once they get back and taste them...

Posts: 274

Date Joined: 08/10/13

Same shit goes on everywhere

Mon, 2015-04-27 14:33

 This sort of thing goes on everywhere. Lots of fish that are easy to catch equals bloodbath.  Might look bad but if they arnt breakin the law then nothin you can do about it.   Ive seen this shit all over the state just looks bad cause its on a jetty in the metro area. 

Posts: 215

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Hmmmmmmmm my ramble

Mon, 2015-04-27 22:29

 I just don't fish where their are other people as I find their behaviour too offensive..........I have left hot bites at my local beach to just keep away from the yobbo's who do the wrong thing... I rarely fish weekends now. I certainly think that rangers and fisheries need to have a stronger presence...I had their number in my old phone I must put it into this one....I have no qualms about dobbing someone in who is doing the wrong thing....if you cannot self control then you need to have controls imposed on you........I see this as restricting access to sand dunes etc......Fines for littering, breaching bag limits. And fines that reflect the costs involved in policing wrong doers... I would be happy to pay an annual license to increase funding for protection of our beaches and fisheries........I met a great bloke the other week he was going to take his 4x 4 truck down to Preston for a litter clean up after Easter and was going to post somewhere seeing if any wished to come help....Unforunately I flew back to work before I could join in.....What a great act though.....good on you mate! I would be honoured to help clean up anytime I am home. To close.........I think that bag limits on many of our recreational species are a bit generous.....I never come close to the bag limits except for when chasing demersals.

bulkie's picture

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A bag of 4 is too much for

Tue, 2015-04-28 10:18

A bag of 4 is too much for for a feed.  I'd probably never take more than 1 home and I know heaps of people who throw back most of their catches and also heaps who'd do anything to keep more than what they need.  You'd always get the heavy weights from both sides of the fence.




Auslobster's picture

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I've always viewed salmon....

Tue, 2015-04-28 12:30 being tough fish. They can cop floggings from dolphins/seals/sharks/etc and keep going. Certainly should be able to handle some catch and release, yeah?


We released three from the boat yesterday, and in spite of being looked after and returned to the water as quickly as possible, they still struggled and needed some extra help. It tells me that even if that mob on the jetty were doing the right thing, a lot of fish were dying unnecessarily...


All the more reason for a land-based licence...

Willlo's picture

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 So because there was a bit

Tue, 2015-04-28 15:04

 So because there was a bit of blood splashed on a metro jetty and some scumbags took more than they were allowed,the whole state will have to pay to go for a fish of the beach.I suppose if it becomes an elite sport(ie those that can afford it) you will see way less of this behaviour. Mate no disrespect but you can stick your more licences where the sun dont shine.If you give the govt an inch it will take a mile,just compare the cost of a fishing licence in WA to one over east and you will know what i mean. As Carnarvonite said there is blood, scales, old line , bait bags, all kinds of crap left down south every year by the mindless few. Seems like they were all concentrated in one place over the weekend,lucky they dont run in the metro like that every year then we would have to ban fishing all together.Fisheries and local rangers need to be doing their jobs not more licences !!!!!! and be down there letting these non english speakers the rules.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


sea-kem's picture

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 Nicely said Willo The amount

Tue, 2015-04-28 15:40

 Nicely said Willo 

The amount of shit the campers leave on the up our way is unbelievable too, then they have the gall to ask for help when bogged. Lent out our park max tracks one time and they never came back, that's the goodwill you get when helping arseholes. Last one came barreling through when I winching my boat off the beach and the 15mins later came down covered in sweat asking us to help dig him out. I sent my boys down to earn some pocket money, they got them out because they had more of a clue. So many morons.


Love the West!

Auslobster's picture

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Just said it yourself, genius.

Tue, 2015-04-28 17:51

 More fisheries patrols=more funding....VOILA! LB licence pays for that!


To put it more simply...if boat fishers have to cough up, why don't shore fishers have to as well?


I probably go land-based fishing the same if not slightly more than boat fishing, and I would be happy to pay for two licences as long as I knew it was doingh some good...which, I suppose, is the real question. Typically government department happily will take our money without telling us where it goes.

Willlo's picture

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 Sure your not a politician

Wed, 2015-04-29 09:16

 Sure your not a politician Auslobster ? If you think making people buy a licence is going to change the way they behave then you are in dreamworld.The only thing it will do is reduce the amount of fisho's that actually do care,those that dont will continue on there merry way(they just dont give a shit). Just look at the amount of tools on the road. I fish boat and land,i would like to be able to fish fresh water and for marron,i would also like to try catch a crayfish once or twice a year,maybe an Abalone if i can get down the coast for a day but cant afford to pay the multiple licences the GOVT makes us pay . I am all for more fisheries patrols etc but think the govt sting us enough already for something that should be available to everyone in the state to be able to participate in without breaking the bank.You say you would be happy to pay both licences,well good for you i want to be able to pay for all the licences we already have but cant.Land Based fishing is one of the only so called free outdoor pastimes left for a family to do,my concern is if they introduce a licence it wont be a paltry $10 it will be another $45 and i am sorry i just dont trust the pollies to do the right thing with it. So far in Bunno they have wasted over half million on a boat ramp that is only ever going to be able to service 20 odd boats at a time,continual F%^&k ups like this just leave me gob smacked,they take enough cash of us already to fund education programs ,more fisheries etc so if they got out from behind there computers and did more patrols ,for example on the weekend it would have taken one fisheries officer to take a walk on the jetty every couple of hours to set the people on there straight.Instead of posting it up on Face ache why didnt anyone just give the fisheries a call ??

We do agree on one thing the govt will definately take your money and you dont have to be  Genius to work that out LOL.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


catchalittle's picture

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Personally I wouldn't mind

Tue, 2015-04-28 15:58

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a combined boat/land license would keep a few of the weekend warriors away and for some of the new Aussies no license slug them with a fine and take their gear as well.
Was only mentioning yesterday that there are a few places around WA where you can catch dhuies from shore and ok you have a boat license to catch them and there there are boat limits but is there a land limit for dhuies if caught from shore just a example



darren monks's picture

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With respect Catchalittle, I

Tue, 2015-04-28 19:27

With respect Catchalittle, I don't believe imposing a more dramatic dhuie limit on shore fishers than currently exists would make any difference to dhufish numbers.

Has anyone ever heard of an individual catching more that 2 dhufish from shore in a day? I certainly never have. In fact I've never heard of catching more than one a day.

And if you don't boat fish, why pay extra expense of a joint license to do so?

Auslobster's picture

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Joint Licence.

Tue, 2015-04-28 19:36

 In California, they have a general saltwater licence. Boat, beach, whatever. There are some exemptions for jetties within sheltered waters. Basically, everyone pays the same to fish. Why is that so hard?

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Tue, 2015-04-28 19:41


darren monks's picture

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not hard but I assume a shore

Tue, 2015-04-28 19:45

not hard but I assume a shore license would be cheaper and if so why pay for what I don't do?

whole license issue is a can of worms.

freshwater license I pay doesn't distinguish between boat and shore.

could argue a boat gives better access to the resource so user pays more?

Auslobster's picture

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Why pay...

Tue, 2015-04-28 19:58

 ...for what you don't do? So if you don't have kids, some of your tax gets taken out 'cause you're not using the education system? You never get sick, so why should any of you're hard-earned go to Medicare? No crime near you so why fork out for the cops?


Oh, I get it. I'm alright Jack.

darren monks's picture

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ridiculous analogies

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:02

ridiculous analogies Auslobster.

if you want saltwater shore fishers to go from no current license to catch finfish to having one, then start up a new thread on it and state a case.

but keep it specific to fishing. please.

this was a big debate a decade back so hardly new.

can't recall argument of a joint shore/boat license though that's a new aspect to the debate for mind.

pros and cons both ways.

Auslobster's picture

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100% related to fishing.

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:06

 It's all about everyone sharing the resource and everyone making the same contribution to that resource.


Shore fishers are more than capable of doing at least as much damage to stocks as boat fishers...where do you think undersize tailor/snapper/salmon/skippy come from?

darren monks's picture

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so you believe the average WA

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:20

so you believe the average WA shore fisho has just as much access/catches just as much fish as the average boatie when decide to throw a line in?

agree to disagree.

the main issue is a license or not. the shore/boat aspect and same fee is a side-issue.

Jason P's picture

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 Can't  see why we shouldn't

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:23

 Can't  see why we shouldn't  have  land based fishers pay for a licence as they do over east, and the money could be used to have cleaning stations, more bins, new jetties or improvements etc. Would have to be much maybe $10 which would make about $10 million from the ammo jetty alone.



darren monks's picture

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my opinion, a license be okay

Tue, 2015-04-28 21:04

my opinion, a license be okay if ALL the revenue goes back into rec fishing and not just Govt internal revenue.

also, a license has to be cheap enough not to put off kids and very occasional fishers like a family from Kalgoorlie throw a line in once a year.

turtl3tim's picture

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i laugh at the idea of making

Tue, 2015-04-28 22:46

i laugh at the idea of making landbased saltwater fishers have a license. I would be one of the good citizens who DOES buy one, but seriously, how the hell would they ever keep up with who has a license to fish and who doesnt. the amount of dishonest people who wouldnt get a license, who couldnt care less about our sustainable fishery, who would more than likely contribute to 99% of the undesirable fishing ethics, and would still fish without a license... would far outweigh the revenue raised by the honest people who would buy one.

We just dont have enough fisheries officers or rangers to keep ontop of checking licenses to actually enforce people to get one.

Boat fishing licenses should be scrapped and just added onto the boat rego/licensing. maybe an extra $20 for each person that boat can legally/safely carry, instead of making everyone have a license?

for me its hard to justify buying a rec fishing from a boat license as i only go out once in a blue moon if the opportunity arrises. i did the righty and bought a freshwater license 2 years ago and used it once.


 Good things come to those who bait.

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Fishing licences

Wed, 2015-04-29 01:35

If land based fishing licences where to be introduced, one of the benefits that would come from them is that a fisheries officer could be based at the start of the fishing platform and ask to see your licence before you go out to fish. No licence, don't go fishing boy-o or you will cop a nice fine and have your gear taken from you, and as I have said on a previous post if you get a licence you get a booklet telling you the rules limits etc. So the old excuss I didn't know/understand just won't hold water.

Posts: 274

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Just a thought.

Wed, 2015-04-29 06:29

 I can take as many non licence holders out in my boat and they can all legally fish.  I can only bring in one persons limmit  though.  I can gift all the fish to a non licence holder the second it is landed.   I think the main reason for the boat licence was to at least have some idea of total effort  in the fishery for management perposes and that licence holders know the rules on the vunerable species.   When you see some of the things Ive seen over the years in exy that are perfectly legal  you just shake your head and move on.  A few examples 9 guys on one  26ft ally  22 greyband and I think 16 rubys a couple of years ago now that looked bad.  Another was 2 boats 9 anglers 63 reds,rankins,jobbys combined back in the day of seven fish pp.  They did this a number of days in a row.   Its all about education and ethics. Not about what is legal. 

Paj man's picture

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Education and Ethics

Wed, 2015-04-29 06:57

Couldn't be a better statement


aka Nick

hezzy's picture

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id not be supportive of a

Wed, 2015-04-29 09:58

willo agree with you mate , id not be supportive of a landbased fishing licence , it is not needed imo

how many more years before you will all be asking to pay a licence to dive or snorkel ?
then a beach access licence so you can swim /sunbake ?
how about a licence to drive on the beach with your 4x4 ?,
how about a licence to surf or use a board of any kind ,

all of the above would help to provide better management and revenue along the coast if applied ...think that any of the above ideas are crazy ??
well if we keep on the way we are give it time and it might happen ,

how many bloody licences do you think it will take to educate people to behave reasonably and exercise good common sense when participating in these activitys ,

a licence isnt the answer , it just makes life more difficult and restrictive for us and builds gov fiefdoms for others



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


420casts's picture

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A few points after reading

Wed, 2015-04-29 13:28

A few points after reading the plethora of responses :P 

1. Why weren't fisheries rang immediately by the people who filmed if they're concerned about the issue ? Coulda been down there to enforce. 

2. I think (some) boaties need to heed the fact that alot of the species they target are slower growing and less prolific, and their licences are a way of letting people who are keen pay and play in good faith of the fish / ecosystem and they should respect this difference to shorebased angling. 

3. I know alot of NoR based anglers who often fish at Woodies and moan about the place, if that's the way you feel, head on back to Shelbyville and get your councils etc. onto the idea you want your own big-ass jetty.

I think a shorebased license isn't the best option, and I think that both Fisheries and local fishing folk can do more to help. Seeing this stuff, educate fishos around you yourself. Fishieries should make a single big sign that has all you need information on it, and duplicate this sign and put them at every groyne / jetty around the metro area.

Information on it could include: The most common 20 catches of bread and butter / coastal fish and their relevant limits, fisheries contact info, how to clean / dispose of fish etc. 


My YouTube channel, Fishing Rigs & How To's and more:



Rob_Seed's picture

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Just wrong

Wed, 2015-04-29 17:51

My jaw dropped and my blood boiled when I saw these video's such a shame salmon get killed at all... such a good sport fish.


Just one more cast

Tunatim's picture

Posts: 58

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 And a lot will get wasted...

Thu, 2015-04-30 09:36

 And a lot will get wasted...

Posts: 5981

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There are some very good ideas

Wed, 2015-04-29 21:28

Some very good ideas have been posted on this subject and perhaps RECFISHWEST might feel inclined to pursue some of them, education ethics etc, it would also be interesting to hear from RECFISHWEST on their view of the diabolical scene at woodies.

Shore based fishing licences, what a can of worms, if you could trust the government/s to use all the fees collected be put back into compliace of shore fishing regulations, and the fee is quite low so as not to disadvantage families. I agree it won't change some peoples attitude and practices they do when fishing, but I do believe that they would be useful in stopping the cretins from fishing at popular fishing spots because of the risk of being sprung without a licence and miss-behaving. Licencing fees to only be used for compliance officer hours.

The penalties for breaches of the licence requirements would have to be mandatory, confiscation of all gear and financial hurt.