Ammo Jetty - Bloodbath Facebook post - Updated see videos below
Submitted by sarcasm0 on Sun, 2015-04-26 00:45
Not my video and generally against giving the greenies more ammo, but if this carrys on the jetty will be shut or salmon bag limits cut or fishing banned altogether.
Post is on Fishing Perth and WA Landbased.
Another was deleted from Perth Fishing Metro Boats and Landbased.
If I could download it I would incase this one is deleted also...
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
as far as mandatory
as far as mandatory confiscation / fines etc.
in reality it's pretty hard to do. it should always be up to the officer on whether to issue a fine or warning etc.
there are always different circumstances.
Posts: 755
Date Joined: 29/03/13
Have half of you travelled outside australia???
Not sure if you realise but places like indonesia dont exactly look after the fish they catch like we do.
I agree you shouldnt give the greenies any ammo to use against rec fishers but if no rules fisheries rules are broken then let them catch there legal catch. We are hypocrites because they would have a lot less wastage then we would.
I ate salmon the other day and prepared it properly for my wifes family bled the fish, put on ice, filleted and cut the bones and blood line out and it was good. Not in the same category a trout or dhue sure but it was fresh fish and not everyone has a boat or the opportunity to catch decent fish from the shore.
As for all the blood on the floor its not a good look. I dont think everyone had big enough eskies or buckets to put all the salmon in but you still got to bleed the fish to kill and and get the blood out the flesh.
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Posts: 1235
Date Joined: 27/01/07
absolute bullshit
thats why there nothing left in asia im just glad none of the fuckers can speak or read english well enough to get a boat license or that would be happening to our demersals
Posts: 558
Date Joined: 07/05/09
That's a big brush you have
News flash mate, it does and that's because it's not just foreigners who pillage the ocean.
Posts: 281
Date Joined: 25/03/13
Absolutely right
More foreigners than ever before are pro-active fishermen, I have seen this and things are changing for the better. I hope a foreigner steals that dude above's job for 1/2 wage :P, and his spot on the jetty while hes at it.
My YouTube channel, Fishing Rigs & How To's and more:
getting bites
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 20/04/14
Im an angry angler at the
Im an angry angler at the moment. Watching that video made my blood boil. That was just plain greed by most there its just an utter disgrace.
Wish I was a fisheries officer I would be ruthless.
Getting bites
West Coast
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 10/12/07
Gee I thought all the red necks were on that other local fishing website......
Fisheries were there. I chatted to them the next day at the local ramp and asked for their opinion. They said there wasn't an issue with people breaking the law and catching in excess of their limit. Said they had to 'chat' with a couple of people, but the issue was how many people were fishing and the limited cleaning and washing facilities. Salmon are messy. They bleed. Get over it. No laws were broken.
People were guilty of a bit of 'salmon fever' but that is about it. Shit we have all had that. I can assure you the boaties were doing just as much damage that day. Plenty of salmon floating around!!
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 16/12/14
Recreational fishing
Recreational fishing generates $1 billion GST. It generates 90000 jobs
If a shore fishing licence stops 10000 anglers in WA going fishing one day a year then benefits are negated. Thats less jobs, less tax revenue.
The majority of my holidays are based around the fishing potential. I dont think Im the only one that bases their holiday destination on fishing potential.
The one thing that most pollies are in denial is that money spent normally on that fishing trip will stay in the macro economy. In a modern highly mobile population people are just as likely to spend that expendable income in Bali. Not that anyone cares, right...
The one thing that Im noticing is the amount of 'licences' turning up on the fridge. But Im seein less places Iam allowed to fish in my country. More no fishing signs or some piss poor excuse to push anglers out creating a pseudo no fishing zone.
Maybe just flog everything and do it overseas? Less jobs; is that what we want right now?
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 16/12/14
The Victorian labour premier
The Victorian labour premier just blew $450 million dollars on a road that 'wasn't' built. Thats where the Victorian fishing licence money went.
They aint spending it that well.