Alternative to esca lights?
Submitted by black gen on Mon, 2015-06-08 19:32
With the amount of deep dropping goin on, does anyone have any alternatives to the esca lights?
i have no doubts they work very well, but I'm sure someone has located and used a more cost effective alternative?
Posts: 1659
Date Joined: 27/01/09
Theres loads of options
Ive tried different ones and i agree they need to be cost effective, reliable and of course catch. The lights with replacable batteries all seem to be to large and expensive but did work well. Esspesially the multi colour which as i recal, never even made it to the bottom on its maiden drop before being inhaled by an unstoppable beast which claimed my whole rig. At the moment I use the Duralights or copies. There cheap, longlasting and catch. Custom networks in Oconnor sells them for $12 a piece but on line there much cheaper. I even spotted esca copies for $1 a piece today on ebay!
"Its a life style job"
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 28/12/12
I use the ebay ones mate a
I use the ebay ones mate a dollar or two posted n haven't had any drama with them yet. They have all worked and have made the trip up n down
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