who needs a dolphin charter
Submitted by mike79 on Sat, 2006-09-09 21:41

went out last wekend in th sound and this magnificent thing happened. didnt even need to entice him he would go for our hands or my rod holders
Posts: 885
Date Joined: 27/01/06
Yeah seen him heaps,And hand fed him. Hes very friendly. Must have been a tame dolphin thats been released.
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
must be
must be the same dolphine that took my beer bottle from my hands, lend on side of the boat and it just went for the hand with the bottle in it. then we fed it soem fish and off it went
Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
I think he is from the pod of dolphins!!
I think he's from the pods of dolphins that you can snorkel with out of Rockingham. I always seem him when I'm fishing off the ASI rock groyne while fishing for bread and butter fish!! Always feed him a couple of trumpeters when he is around.
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 1672
Date Joined: 13/01/07
Always have some dolphins or
Always have some dolphins or a seal around the boat when we go out in the sound or out back of point peron.
(Sex is great, but fishing lasts all day!)
Posts: 1407
Date Joined: 05/03/09
yeh i know that dolphin fed him a bag of mulies in cockburn
'respect may authoratay" - eric cartman