Spury's Trev
Submitted by Jack on Mon, 2008-06-02 09:43

Well if any of you want to get Hurt catchin a fish.... You must find a spot like Hurtsville!!! Thats exactly what happened here!! The fish magnet yet again produced some great results at Can't Tell Ya Bay!!! Massive Trev caught on a Massive outfit!!! Winch and a half!
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
Nice fish. Obviously a place
Niice fish. Obviously a place with a lot of potential.
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
too right Kasey, we gotta
too right Kasey, we gotta get there :)
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
Jack, were you guys trolling
Jack, were you guys trolling minnows?
Find many that you just couldn't stop?
Still waitin on mitch to post a vid with the double-pluggers ;)
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Yeh trolling most of the
Yeh trolling most of the time... didnt matter which lure you had on.... you could hook one of these droppin baits where we go... INSANE. As far as not being able to stop them... I personally havent had any trouble stopping them but Mitch has apparently... Thats not sayin much though!hehehehehe
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
Haha, Mitch tells me theres
Haha, Mitch tells me theres a 100lb-er that owes him a lure.
Thanks for the feedback Jack. Trevs that size are good fun if its what you're looking for.
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Yeh it wouldnt supprise me
Yeh it wouldnt supprise me one bit to pull a monster out there... Well hook him anyway!! Great fun for a couple of hrs... Till the Guns start burnin!!! Double hookups ALL THE TIME!!!
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
KC we never ended up doing
KC we never ended up doing the double plugger thing.nearly every night around camp ide talk it up but actualy never got around to it .to busy fishing or drinking or both .i did steal a few of my kids thongs to make up a plugger popper but spent most days on other peoples boats.
as for spurries fishing out fit .it was a penn senator 14 loaded with 120lb braid on a 37 kg rod weight about 20 kg .as you can imagine not to many fish once hooked got away
always in it just the depth that varies
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Definitely a bear hunting outfit that one, probably not suited to casting poppers though.:)
I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
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spurrie hooked up to a massive shovel nose .
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
I'm impressed the Senator
I'm impressed the Senator didn't blow up!