Red and goldband

Red and goldband

 Had a good day out wide got my first goldband couple nice reds , rankins and spangleds


We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand 

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Well done

Thu, 2015-05-21 08:10

But you dont have to show your from the land downunder - we all know!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Carry's picture

Posts: 657

Date Joined: 22/04/09

I cant work these photos out

Thu, 2015-05-21 08:19

bloody phones 


We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand 

Bluetonic's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 09/01/08

We feel nothing but a certain

Fri, 2015-05-22 07:13

We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand - So you stand up side down.


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!