diawa feugo and a live fiber rod 2-4kg rod caugh it 2 days ago in queensland on a live bait twas 85cm, my biggest queenie so far.. u caught one before?
yeh thanx bud..
qld fishin i would have to say is not all that great
i have never done sooo much fishing in my entier life and the few hours i wasnt fishing i was getting my gear ready for the next day,
and for all those 10 days of fishing the only decent catches was that queenie and a medium baracooda, i went out on a charter boat for a 1000lb marlin i left at 8 in the morning and got back a 8 30pm and all i got the whole day wa sthat baracooda... when i was on the estuary chasing bara i didnt even get one all i got was the queenie and wen the charter guy sore it he though tit was amazing.. i have coem to the conclution that we have definatly got the best state for fishing in ausi and if not the world!!!!
I've heard the fishing over in QLD can be good though, maybe you just had a bit of bad luck. How were you going for the Barra? It is a little funny when people get excited over something you think is pretty ordinary.
i was mainly using live mud hearing, that how they normaly cathc them over there, just cast out a bait catcher net and use the livies from that. then i tried lures but all prity hopeless as the water was to cold for the barra. still worth a try and i can say i gave it a good shot.
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
Hi m8 nice fish what gear
Hi m8 nice fish what gear did you use to catch it
Assassin landbase fishing club
jonya masel
Posts: 133
Date Joined: 25/08/06
diawa feugo and a live fiber
diawa feugo and a live fiber rod 2-4kg rod caugh it 2 days ago in queensland on a live bait twas 85cm, my biggest queenie so far.. u caught one before?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Nice fish
Nice fish Jonya. Hows the fishing been over in QLD?
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
jonya masel
Posts: 133
Date Joined: 25/08/06
yeh thanx bud.. qld fishin i
yeh thanx bud..
qld fishin i would have to say is not all that great
i have never done sooo much fishing in my entier life and the few hours i wasnt fishing i was getting my gear ready for the next day,
and for all those 10 days of fishing the only decent catches was that queenie and a medium baracooda, i went out on a charter boat for a 1000lb marlin i left at 8 in the morning and got back a 8 30pm and all i got the whole day wa sthat baracooda... when i was on the estuary chasing bara i didnt even get one all i got was the queenie and wen the charter guy sore it he though tit was amazing.. i have coem to the conclution that we have definatly got the best state for fishing in ausi and if not the world!!!!
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Damn right Jonya, WA is the
Damn right Jonya, WA is the place to be!
I've heard the fishing over in QLD can be good though, maybe you just had a bit of bad luck. How were you going for the Barra? It is a little funny when people get excited over something you think is pretty ordinary.
Jay Burgess
jonya masel
Posts: 133
Date Joined: 25/08/06
i was mainly using live mud
i was mainly using live mud hearing, that how they normaly cathc them over there, just cast out a bait catcher net and use the livies from that. then i tried lures but all prity hopeless as the water was to cold for the barra. still worth a try and i can say i gave it a good shot.