pb buffy
Submitted by Leemo on Fri, 2009-04-24 12:33

went for a buffy fish yesterday afternoon. got plenty of herring through the afternoon. i had only seen 1 buffy the whole day and it was really small. my sister pointed out that she could see really big buffies at the rocks so i dropped down the bait. this buffy took the bait hard and iot had me quickly ftightenin up the drag on my baitcaster. bout 10 minutes later i had this guy in my hands. i was using 6lb braid and i estimated it at around 2.5-3kg
bludgin' since 94'
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Solid Buff Bream there Liam
That would have been fun on the baitcaster. What bait were you using?
Colin 1 Proud and co-founding member of the prestigious Colin's Club
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ii got it on a small peice
ii got it on a small peice of white loaf bread rolled up into a ball on the end of the hook. it took a bigass first run an almost did me on the bottom. i only have about 6 or 7 meters of 6lb sensor on there from a different reel and then its 4lb crystal fireline.
formerly Son of Irish
bludgin' since 94'
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Mate you did real well to stop it
Colin 1 Proud and co-founding member of the prestigious Colin's Club
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shuda seen us trying to stop
shuda seen us trying to stop the 5kg ones col hahahaha
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 12/08/08
Good Work Boys!!
Good Work Boys!!