Lost 8 due to the white pointer but still got 4

Lost 8 due to the white pointer but still got 4

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Friend bugger only 2.5m or

Tue, 2018-09-18 12:12

 Friendly bugger only 2.5m or so baby but come outta the water gill height & took someone fish 2 boats away was un reel wicked to see tho healthy looking white 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 some scary shit there if the

Tue, 2018-09-18 13:24

 some scary shit there if the white is jumping a bit. maybe cool to watch but you wouldnt want to be going to grab your fish by the gills. well done anyway. sharks will be in big numbers  out there 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 First time ever seen it i

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:33

 First time ever seen it i just grab the trace lift staight in hahah 150lb no gaffs or nets needed

piston broke's picture

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Tue, 2018-09-18 17:25

 a hair cut     Quality fish 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Thanks man hahah think he

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:34

 Thanks man hahah think he may do hahaha

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 That was my boat  the buggar

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:05

 That was my boat  the buggar  scared  the shit out of me wasn't  expecting  it to come out of the water like that  we thought it was bit bigger than  2.5m ,  well sure seemed like it when it torpedo  at us ha was a cracker morning  but 


 Happy dayz 

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 That was my boat  the buggar

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:06

 That was my boat  the buggar  scared  the shit out of me wasn't  expecting  it to come out of the water like that  we thought it was bit bigger than  2.5m ,  well sure seemed like it when it torpedo  at us ha was a cracker morning  but 


 Happy dayz 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Was pritty kool but wouldnt

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:36

 Was pritty kool but woulda scared shit outta me too proply coz i was 20m away looked smaller hahah think wouldnt leave me alone hahaha

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 Ha ha  yeah the bloody

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:36

 Ha ha  yeah the bloody  thing took  quite a few fish off us too he shouldn't  be  bothering  anyone tonight out there definitely  got his fill today thats for sure , alot of big healthy  pinks were landed between  the  boats this morning  looked pretty  cool when all 3 of you guys hooked up at once 


 Happy dayz 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Two got sharked which sucked

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:38

 Two got sharked which sucked hahah got pritty hectic 

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 Ha yeah i thought  that

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:43

 Ha yeah i thought  that happened  in  the end oh well was still mint fun spewing  i gotta work tomorrow  or I'd  be  definitely  back out there 


 Happy dayz 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 They fire back up after i

Tue, 2018-09-18 20:13

 They fire back up after i left or not really??

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 Not really there was a

Wed, 2018-09-19 05:33

 Not really there was a couple  more but think  mr white might of spooked them  a bit 


 Happy dayz 

little johnny's picture

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First thing I thought

Tue, 2018-09-18 18:26

Get a hair cut

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

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 with hair like that there is

Tue, 2018-09-18 20:19

 with hair like that there is no need for a hat or sunscreen. has its bonuses 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Safely feature :) 

Tue, 2018-09-18 22:36

 Safety  feature :) 

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 Give him a guitar  , young

Wed, 2018-09-19 05:36

 Give him a guitar  , young slash lookalike ! 


 Happy dayz 

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

 Good stuff guys, would have

Wed, 2018-09-19 16:09

 Good stuff guys, would have been cool seeing the white. You've seen a couple now

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

White pointer Cockburn Sound

Wed, 2018-09-19 23:52

On another thread (pink boys having fun) or something like that I said that IMO people who teased great white pointers beside the boat by feeding them snapper as was depicted on the ch & news a few days back where being bloody stupid a view I still hold by the way has lead to a GW catching pinks in the sound the easy way, as I said all he has to do is wait until an exhausted pink comes along side a boat and whulla there is supper.

My prediction my be happening, is it the same GW who knows but it has created a very dangerous situation particularly at night I would not like to be lifting a pinkie by the gills then suddenly having finding my hand half way down the throat of Mr GW
Take care good people when landing your catch in the sound.

backlash's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 12/10/10

maybe time to use a net..?

Thu, 2018-09-20 07:48

if they're getting that friendly maybe it is time to start using a net to land the fish
hand feeding GW's may be a great novelty initially, but they will learn from that behavour
and to illustrate my point lets look to far less intelligent animals (cros) being taught to jump for food for tourists in the Adelaide river in the NT


Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

With this one i was actually

Thu, 2018-09-20 12:03

With this one i was actually  trying  to use the net to catch the pink but it went ballistic  boat side as he obviously  knew mr chomper teeth wasn't  far behind  him , we saw the white pass the boat a couple  of  meters  down , then in the mad scramble  to  land the fish the white came out of nowhere like a torpedo  straight  up from below the fish and whacko , but the funny thing was for some reason  he let go of tbe fish after he took a bite one side of the pink was perfect  other side had a big axe wound in it  was still bloody unreal to see


 Happy dayz 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

Couldn't believe how it come

Tue, 2018-10-02 21:16

Couldn't believe how it come outta the water moment ill never forget i must say :)

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

Hair cut for sure. 

Fri, 2018-09-28 03:38

Hair cut for sure. 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Yeah he got one :) lol

Tue, 2018-10-02 21:17

 Yeah he got one :) lol