Five Fathom Bank Baldie

Went out to the Five fathom bank area, in my brother inlaws boat for a spot of fishing. Actually we started Sunday night and went through till Monday afternoon. Man that place is Port Jackson, Ray and Banjo alley We caught and released about twenty or more each at least, probably closer to fifty between us. We shifted quite a few times around the area but they were everywhere. No chance of getting bored but yeah the backs paying for it today. Not a lot of real decent small fish either just the usual wrasse, parrotfish etc. I caught one Port Jackson that was slightly unusual in that it was a pinky colour around its lips and under its belly.
Around 10am I got a small bite that felt nothing special to start, then once hooked I knew it it was something a bit better. Quite a few headshake and thumping so i knew it was a real fish at last.
The results was this nice balchin.............. Now I was happy.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
That is a nice baldie, good on the tooth to
SPEWIE LEWIE .. Ginger Tablets Rock
Cockburn Power Boat Member
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 554
Date Joined: 26/11/08
mate well done off the
mate well done off the five...can be frustrating spot to fish for the reasons you mentioned....assume you were anchor and burley? That always brings the rubbish, but some rare rewards as you have shown.