A few little Gnarly Reds

A few little Gnarly Reds

Got amongst a few reds in June 2008. Nuffin huge, but man they tasted good.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18095

Date Joined: 11/03/08

Welldone Mate

Mon, 2008-12-01 15:20

they sure do taste great . getting very low in the freezer now tho can not wait till next years comp in exmouth Laughing



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Gee thanks guys. Have read a

Mon, 2008-12-01 15:24

Gee thanks guys. Have read a few of your posts, a pretty passionate fishing family by the looks. Sadly my freezer situation not any better than yours. Can't wait to get up there again in 2009 - magic place, but kind of sad to see how hard some crew were fishing it. Can only hope it lasts...



Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18095

Date Joined: 11/03/08

thanks for that mate yeah we all love fishing

Mon, 2008-12-01 18:31

can not take the boat out with out the other half LOL .We have to stop giving all our fish away LOL

Are you getting up to exmouth for the comp ???



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

I'm struggling to catch a

Mon, 2008-12-01 19:43

I'm struggling to catch a feed and learn the ropes myself - without competing with others in an organised comp Yell Have been considering joining the local Rocko club for some time, but not really sure my boat (4.6m) is in the necessary league to join in the activities.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18095

Date Joined: 11/03/08

your boat doesnt have to be

Mon, 2008-12-01 19:53

your boat doesnt have to be big to be a part of the rockingham ofshore club,you could join even with a yak  lol,as long as it is a boat they dont care.

we learnt a lot since we joined,we wouldnt even venture aut past the 5 ,now we go 30nm,its all a part of joining a club and having fun and learn a lot on the way

pm Tim for info im sure he wont mind as he is on the commitee



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Hah - those Yak guys catch

Mon, 2008-12-01 19:59

Hah - those Yak guys catch plenty of fish so maybe I should downsize?


Yeah, i'm sorely tempted to go >FFB but it seems a hell of a long way till she drops away. Surely there is ground beyond the FFB but i'm thinking how far, and not really solo in a single boat. Some "company" via the club would definetly give more confidence...so there I may have just talked myself into the club.


Excuse my ignorance - but whom is Tim?



Adam Gallash's picture

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Mon, 2008-12-01 15:34

Looks like you found my fishing site wrassinator, remember the fisheries research guys you were talking too.... Wink Nice reds mate.  I remember coz of the shirt you were wearing, first one I'd seen in my travels... :)


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Hah Ha indeed. A small world

Mon, 2008-12-01 19:52

Hah Ha indeed. A small world - and a small place is Perth. Laughing I remember you for sure -what a job you have, and an awesome website.

It must hurt cuttin up all those massive frames, just seein carnage all day and trying to research how "sustainable" it is ... let alone not being able to participate. You will be pleased to know we got nowhere near our allocated 20kg fillets each - but didn't care as we still had an absolute ball on what was actuallya "surfing trip". Wink

May have to leave the govvie shirt at home next time, but then you know what they say about a change of government...gives all us public servants some nice new(old) fishing clothes....heh heh


Got any advice on ground off Gracetown - refer my seperate posting under topics????


All the best and keep up the awesome work mate.

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Tue, 2008-12-02 14:09

Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like the cleaning table at Gnaraloo with the shearing shed in the background.Have spent the odd trip or 3 up there and knocked the odd can or 6 over as well

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

That's the one Canarvonite !

Tue, 2008-12-02 14:30

That's the one Canarvonite ! Pretty iconic location ay? Looks like your holding the Grandfather of the one i caught ! Nice work.

How good do a few beers round the table taste? Just watch those fingers...


A local like you must have that place wired I would imagine....Wink



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Wed, 2008-12-03 19:35

Haven't been there for since I moved up here but used to get 1-2 trips a year on average since the late 70s.Caught lots of AAA quality fish there,also had a few trips where couldn't get boat off the trailer let alone get outside the bay.

On one trip we invented 2 can fishing.A full can in back pocket and an open one in top pocket.Walk along flicking lures untill top pocket can is empty,swap with full back pocket one and thats how long it takes to fish your way back to the esky.Sit down and relax with a fresh one,reload and off you go again.releasing all the fish because they mean you have to go back early upsetting the routine.

Lost a few spots years back before GPS came out when they moved the TV antenna from the old homestead,but thats fishing

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Hey Carnavonite,   Sounds

Thu, 2008-12-04 07:55

Hey Carnavonite,


Sounds good - and I have heard similar tales of weather and swell not coming to the party. Just as well you have back-ups by the sounds of things. Boat sure is a lot lighter on the drive out minus all that piss eh? Hah hah...