christened the new set up
Submitted by Vander72 on Sat, 2006-11-11 17:05

christened last night
oh what fun it is to christen a new setup....daiwa sol 2500 on a t-curve 1-3kg rod....a couple of bream were also caught...biggest being 32cm and fighting hard.....
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
sorry about the last entry new to this computer biso
he who dies with the most toys wins
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
gotta love them choppers,
gotta love them choppers, been gettin into a few myself, hate to be a white bait in the swan this year!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Gotta get myself down there and into them! Look perfect pan size, niiiice.
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