Blood that 80 Mitch! How bout you and Goatch get together and put pics/stories of the rest of the 17000 bills you guys landed on C-Wirthy last week......Well done by the way!!!
yeah will do mate .i didnt take many pics though ..way to busy leadering, de hooking and high fiving,, if i wasnt doing that i was pumping and winding ...yep the 80 wides kicked it big time
well big enough i think it was the third day we tagged a 170 kg black .it put a bit of hurt on goatch by staying deep for the whole fight .45 minutes to tagg time . jack got a 130 black in about 20 mins ,,my biggest was a 110 blue which tore about two thirds of an 80 wide in one long run .my first blue and i think the first for C/Wirthy as well............
Eh, Goatch needs the J Gillett Guns though Mitch.... Great picture of Brian too. If i knew the name of his restraunt in the Swan Valley I'd give it a plug??? Great bloke. Spewin you weren't there Adam... We did the Pirates proud!!
Posts: 617
Date Joined: 27/02/08
Blood that 80 Mitch! How bout
Blood that 80 Mitch! How bout you and Goatch get together and put pics/stories of the rest of the 17000 bills you guys landed on C-Wirthy last week......Well done by the way!!!
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
yeah will do mate .i didnt
yeah will do mate .i didnt take many pics though ..way to busy leadering, de hooking and high fiving,, if i wasnt doing that i was pumping and winding ...yep the 80 wides kicked it big time
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
big girls
You get any big girls over the 2 weeks Mitch>?
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
well big enough i think it
well big enough i think it was the third day we tagged a 170 kg black .it put a bit of hurt on goatch by staying deep for the whole fight .45 minutes to tagg time . jack got a 130 black in about 20 mins ,,my biggest was a 110 blue which tore about two thirds of an 80 wide in one long run .my first blue and i think the first for C/Wirthy as well............
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 18/10/05
Eh, Goatch needs the J
Eh, Goatch needs the J Gillett Guns though Mitch.... Great picture of Brian too. If i knew the name of his restraunt in the Swan Valley I'd give it a plug??? Great bloke. Spewin you weren't there Adam... We did the Pirates proud!!