23k max199, got it for a good price from dinghyworld.
Some nice boats in that range, another one to look at is the Mako frenzy 440 (http://makocraft.com.au/makofrenzy440.htm) , similar to the wildcat, probably better in the ocean. We actually preferred this boat over the wildcat, but they did not have any in WA and would have had to order one over. In the end we got this one and we are extremely happy with it, perfect for river, inshore and creek work. Good sportfihing boat.
Honsu, yeah i have been thinking about entering some comps, just been waiting till i turn 16, because i think that is the minimum age due to insurance of the comps or something like that. But yeah, will probably start entering comps now (i am turning 16 tomorrow), but just need to get a bit more gear together and get the money to enter a few of them. The boat is tournament ready, but i don't think i am at the moment.
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
What make
is that Blake? Blue Fin?
Posts: 680
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Yeah, Bluefin Wildcat 435
Yeah, Bluefin Wildcat 435
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
so you gonna do the bream
so you gonna do the bream comps?? Looks the goods for it.
* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *
Manager/Tackle Rat @ "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth Ph# 9337 5682
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
the 20g mark hey? Something like that is what I'm aiming for ......Maxy.......
Posts: 680
Date Joined: 12/12/07
23k max199, got it for a
23k max199, got it for a good price from dinghyworld.
) , similar to the wildcat, probably better in the ocean. We actually preferred this boat over the wildcat, but they did not have any in WA and would have had to order one over. In the end we got this one and we are extremely happy with it, perfect for river, inshore and creek work. Good sportfihing boat.
Some nice boats in that range, another one to look at is the Mako frenzy 440 (
Honsu, yeah i have been thinking about entering some comps, just been waiting till i turn 16, because i think that is the minimum age due to insurance of the comps or something like that. But yeah, will probably start entering comps now (i am turning 16 tomorrow), but just need to get a bit more gear together and get the money to enter a few of them. The boat is tournament ready, but i don't think i am at the moment.
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
for ya 16th Blake. Can't remember that far back when I was 16! Good luck mate
Posts: 680
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Cheers mate, another L
Cheers mate, another L plater on the roads, look out