Blue Grouper off Mandurah

Blue Grouper off Mandurah

Caught off mandurah in 31 metres on Wednesday

THE GERMAN's picture

Posts: 607

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Fri, 2009-01-23 19:25

on line or spear

Posts: 1392

Date Joined: 08/01/09

Thats a big fella. Did you

Fri, 2009-01-23 19:27

Thats a big fella. Did you weigh it? What did you get it on? A blokes got to ask>>



Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06


Fri, 2009-01-23 19:28

Certainly is a Biggun.

Was that while you were diving Darryl?

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

BQ544's picture

Posts: 361

Date Joined: 22/10/06

Yep while I was diving.....

Fri, 2009-01-23 19:32

Yep while I was diving.....

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

WTF Daz? Mandurah - 34m? U

Fri, 2009-01-23 19:43

WTF Daz? Mandurah - 34m? U kiddin me ay? I gotta get me a dive ticket. U R doing well on yr new ground mate. Well done.

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

Date Joined: 07/02/08


Fri, 2009-01-23 19:51

just wondering can u still spear these,, i though these were protected nowadays with the new rules..

just wondering mate no dig intended mate


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

Colin Hay's picture

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That's a cracker

Fri, 2009-01-23 20:22

What fantastioc fish those grouper are.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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wadetolley's picture

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nice fish

Fri, 2009-01-23 20:25

Big fish mate..... you would of needed to use a handsaw to fillet that barstard!



MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113

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Blue Grouper

Fri, 2009-01-23 21:28

Monster fish well done,and in 31 metres there was one caught off Bunbury a few weeks ago you just have to find the good ground I'll keep search'n.



Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

that'd be old as or older

Fri, 2009-01-23 21:52

that'd be old as or older than you


Tackle Dangler

Posts: 439

Date Joined: 01/08/07

and your point?

Fri, 2009-01-23 23:04

the sky is blue...

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

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monster bluey there , would

Sat, 2009-01-24 03:43

monster bluey there , would have been fun , a bit of underwater skiing



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

carnarvonite's picture

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Nice fish

Sat, 2009-01-24 08:02

Nice fish but I'm with Harro,I think you are not allowed to spear them,only take them by hook and line,then only one each

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

exactly that.. old

Sat, 2009-01-24 08:02

exactly that.. old fish


Tackle Dangler

Adam Gallash's picture

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Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2009-01-24 08:13

Yep, fair catch and a damn big one at that!


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BQ544's picture

Posts: 361

Date Joined: 22/10/06

Groper, Western

Sat, 2009-01-24 09:18

Groper, Western blue.....Protected in the Rottnest Island reserve.

These fish are always a bit of a sore spot. You take them on a rod and they are a great catch, you take them on a speargun and some prople frown.....

I personally wouldn't take a big one while I was diving now. I have taken one a few years ago.

Smaller one are still fair game.

Salmo's picture

Posts: 913

Date Joined: 15/08/05

Old Blue

Sat, 2009-01-24 15:32

growth rate is about 500g per year.....that one would probably be 60-70 years old...


like Wandoo.....very slow growing.