Worth it this weekend?
Hey All,
So, after my Snapper success a few weeks back I've been unable to get back out on the boat with the weather that's been coming through.
Looking at seabreeze forecast for Saturday it looks like the wind will have dropped off a bit, but BOM says that the swell will be up. I'm pretty new to boating so am still trying to get to grips with when to go out. Is it worth a trip out this Sat or will it be bad out there?
I launch from Woodman point, can go fishing around in the Sound or head out a bit further, weather permitting. I've got a 24ft with 200 hp outboard.
I suppose the question is - is the weather good enough for me to head somewhere that I will get a catch of something (happy to head out squidding, if that's the best option - just want to put something on the dinner table sat night!).
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 05/01/14
Always good to head out
Squiding off the back end of Madora Bay for those in the area.
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Swell's under 2m, in a 24ft
Swell's under 2m, in a 24ft boat you should be fine. If too rough just find a sheltered spot
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
For a 24ft boat with the
For a 24ft boat with the conditions forecast (If they hold true) you should be ok
Why not set a Goal to do some drifts of the 5 fathom, as you approach it from between GI & Carnac you'll get a good picture if it'll be doable or not, and if it looks too rough just turn around and hit the squid patches in the sound.
I've got an 18fter and based on the forecast I know it'll be most likely to be sheltered in the sound and comfortable enough to squid & hit snapper spots on sundown
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 06/06/14
Thanks for the replies guys, never tried squidding. Could someone give me some advice of where to go?
I take it that I just put some squid jigs on the spin rod and slow retrieve...? Is it worth burley-ing?
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
One more thing, the Swell and
One more thing, the Swell and Winds are predicted to be Opposing. ie Winds ENE and Swell WSW so it could make things very sloppy depending on the Easterly's reach offshore
I'll PM you about squid spots
Posts: 3758
Date Joined: 05/11/07
looking at BOM, the winds are
looking at BOM, the winds are Easterly 10-15 knots just offshore... makes for a sloppy morning and might get a little better in the arvo.
If the winds are ESE would be better.
Swell is dropping to 1.5
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Squid in the sound
You could try out from the old power station, we did ok out from there a week ago. Wind could be a problem if strong it will make you drift a bit fast.