Woodman Point Fishing Location
Submitted by Fishn n Ridin on Sun, 2017-11-05 17:33
As I'm fairly new to fishing and exclusively land based, I find myself only knowing a couple of places I can go fishing. I go to Coogee Jetty, Ammo Jetty and sometimes under the Old Traffic in Fremantle, and the North and South Moles. I was wondering whether, on the attached image of Woodman Point, it was legal to fish on both the blue circled area and red?
Posts: 121
Date Joined: 11/09/17
Yeah its legal to fish both the spots mate
Fishn n Ridin
Posts: 53
Date Joined: 21/09/17
Great. Thanks
Great. Thanks
dj dvd
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 27/03/12
I regularly walk past there
I regularly walk past there and always see fishos but not much getting caught tbh. I'd try on the ocean side on your way out there is a little jetty. Looks good for aquid and herring in that area.
Born to Fish/Forced to Work. www.eatsleepfishrepeat.com.au/
Fishn n Ridin
Posts: 53
Date Joined: 21/09/17
I saw that on the sat image I
I saw that on the sat image I think. On the right hand side as you're walking out along the rocks?
Posts: 230
Date Joined: 04/02/17
Hey mateIve fished here a
Hey mate
Ive fished here a few times, but only got a couple herring
Though there is lots of squid ink where the red circled bit is