wind on leaders
Submitted by snapper on Mon, 2014-09-08 22:52
Does anybody on here make and sell wind on leaders?
Cheers Vince
Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
Wind-on Dave.
Wind-on Dave.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 424
Date Joined: 15/05/12
where you based
Hey Snapper
Where are you based,
I have made up about 50, I'm back in Perth next weekend. I can off - load some if you want, I have 80lbs, 130lb and about 200lb, in 6 -9 metre lenghs, I have also tied a couple of windon steel traces. If you are looking for 5 -10 then you can have them.
send me a PM if you're interested.
Posts: 324
Date Joined: 05/03/13
Forgive my ignorance, but
Forgive my ignorance, but what is the benefit of a wind-on leader, as opposed to a leader tied to the mainline?
bilge rat
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 23/05/14
reason for wind on
The reason is that you have a connection that is close to 100 % line stregth and goes through the eyelets easily. No need for a bulky knot. It is possible to spool up with hollow braid and all you have to do is poke the leader up the opening of the braid a metre or so, a touch of glue and you have a knotless system.
Posts: 324
Date Joined: 05/03/13
Thanks for that BR
Thanks for that BR
Posts: 1392
Date Joined: 08/01/09
MJ's Custom Tackle
Have found these to be the best made one's around.
He sells them on eBay and a few stores around the place.
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 20/02/13
I agree mj is based around
I agree mj is based around bunbury and all the gear I have ever got of him has been top notch
he will custom order for you aswell
half the rigs he makes I can't even build my own for the same price