wilbinga access from two rocks?
Submitted by Versus on Thu, 2014-07-03 10:00
Had a run up to Wilbinga last w.e mostly just for a look (chucked a few lures but no tailor). Took the track in from the pine plantation, which has been cut down btw, but the tyre is still there.
Just wondering if you can still get onto the tracks/beach from Two Rocks? Last i heard they had closed the main access or something? Looks like it would be quicker from Two Rocks...
And on a side note, might head up early sat morn to have a go for tailor, any one had any luck there lately?
Posts: 395
Date Joined: 20/02/08
Yeh mate the access is open
Yeh mate the access is open Dewers track
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
I used to fish up that way
I used to fish up that way alot and always wondered about the real reasons why youre 'not allowed' to access the tracks via two rocks. Anyone know?
Bend over
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Because the minority are
Because the minority are f**kwhits and dump rubbish and cause problems.
Posts: 26
Date Joined: 31/07/13
We used to go there often. I
We used to go there often. I reckon it's agreat spot and we always went via Two Rocks as I thought it was not only quicker but a better ride. Agreed that people were dumping rubbish but the worst time I can remember was taking the kiddies sandboarding and narrowly missing broken glass everywhere. It was disgusting.
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Same with Sandy Cape.
Same with Sandy Cape. Following tracks to the south and come to some dunes at the top of Jurien Bay to find a mound of smashed bottles in a fire pit.
FFS! They are lighter to take out than they were to take in!
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 27/08/11
Let us know how you get on
Let us know how you get on Versus I should imagine there might be a bit of weed about after the recent swells.
I have always preferred to go in via two rocks and would argue its quicker and far less arduous on the motor (unless the wilbinga track has been graded recently). Im not sure I ever saw the Two rocks track closed, it did have some large boulders dropped on the right side near the entrance to prevent access to the labyrinth of tracks which lead off to the farms I believe but that didnt hinder normal access.
Posts: 918
Date Joined: 06/03/09
Might have got confused,
Might have got confused, thought i saw something in the news a little while back about the track being closed. The track in from the highway was pretty easy, its not until the last third or quarter that you even have to engage 4wd, and there was hardly any soft sand. But yeh keen to try the tracks in from Two Rocks.
Hmm hope the weed isn't too bad! Will report back soon, cheers
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 07/10/10
The track from Waneroo Rd
The track from Waneroo Rd is breeze, must of been upgraded. I'm sick of the joint sometimes, broken glass and shit everywhere in the dunes isn't fun for the kids. The beaches are mostly ok though.
nana nana nana nana fishing!!!
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Yep typical dickeds,
Yep typical dickeds,
I remember a sign at the two rocks entrance saying you werent allowed in and are at risk of fines.
Im sure if the place wasnt common knowledge it would be in better condition. More reason to keep spots secret hehe
Bend over
Posts: 243
Date Joined: 11/06/07
Dewars track was closed for a few weeks recently due to people making a mess and a racket and disturbing the locals. However, some concerned citizens got together via facebook (Two Rocks Fight Back group) and approached the Wanneroo council at their meeting where they were possibly going to close the track for good. Luckily the councillors came around when they saw how many locals use the track and beach and how much enjoyment they were getting from it's use. The track was re-opened , temporary bins added for rubbish disposal and possibly more ranger visits. Visitors are asked not to stop near local houses to pump up/ deflate tyres or gas bag/be a nuisance. There is also a dob in a dhead site or visit the facebook site to post your photo of dheads vehicles.
Fishin for a feed and fun.
Posts: 918
Date Joined: 06/03/09
Ahh yeh that's what i was
Ahh yeh that's what i was talking about.
Didn't end up going, F the weather :/
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
They were ask to keep the noise down
Buy a guy liveing by the track at 12 midnight....... And someone came back and tryed to burn his caravan down
No ones knows if it was the same group of guys
But this is not on...... You dont need to park right by the houses to be a dick head as well
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 07/10/10
That is bullshit...there's
That is bullshit...there's plenty of room North to camp up...why so close to the residential area.
Sounds like out of towners in my opinion...track should be locals only :)
nana nana nana nana fishing!!!