What did you buy today?

 On a couple other forums I'm on they have these threads.  So I thought why not start one here! Hopefully it hasn't been done!

Pretty much just a thread to show everyone what you purchased today/lately and make some people jelous 


Ill start with what turned up in the mail today.

Shimano duffel bag,

Shimano bait binder/wallet, well thats what the Yanks call them. And a reel case, wee bit smaller than I wanted but meh it will do.

Also did not order these at all but I'm not complaining haha 2 Shimano Magellan Fleece jumpers.



Cheers Zac



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grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Mon, 2015-03-09 23:47

 Didn't buy anything today ( but spend heaps usually ) 

What I did do , Turn all my braid around ( on my bream gear ) to extend the life of it. When you use a reel alot and spend money on good braid, try turning it around and put the old top layer to the bottom of the spool. This will give you fresh line on top of your backing to fish another season .

Posts: 5819

Date Joined: 18/01/12

and a good way to do get even

Wed, 2015-03-11 12:15

and a good way to do get even tension on after reversing it

Is to tie a kite on to it and let it all out on a windy day then back onto the spool


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

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 Don't let it fly away 

Wed, 2015-03-11 22:12

 Don't let it fly away 

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Thu, 2015-03-12 14:36

Funny that's what my mate did the other day, he is in a factory arprox 2km away, rang me and said look over towards his place. He had a kite about 600m up on a big handline. His daughter was hanging onto it sitting in a wheelchair going up and down the road,

devhay's picture

Posts: 328

Date Joined: 27/10/14

Nothing exciting or me, just

Tue, 2015-03-10 16:04

Nothing exciting or me, just restocked a few tacklebox fillers 

and a second trip to get a couple of lures that I can hopefully convert into flathead this arvo


onceinabluemoon's picture

Posts: 9

Date Joined: 12/03/14

new toy

Tue, 2015-03-10 11:52

Just received my new Shimano Biomaster V2 4000xg this morning absolutely stoked!!

T_revz's picture

Posts: 45

Date Joined: 30/04/13

 Got a bridge rectifier for

Tue, 2015-03-10 16:23

 Got a bridge rectifier for the boat after it stopped charging yesterday.  Factory regulator/rectifiers don't seem to last. Will have to monitor voltage incase of overcharging but with 2 batteries to charge plus accessories on hopefully will be ok. Plus bridge rectifier only $5 compared to $70-150 for proper part.

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

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Tue, 2015-03-10 17:03

 I bought a box of James Boags


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

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 I technically haven't bought

Tue, 2015-03-10 18:02

 I technically haven't bought anything but the Mrs has my bank card...


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

 a can of metal etch primer

Tue, 2015-03-10 19:31

 a can of metal etch primer to prepare my bait table for the gloss.  just need to give it a clean off, a sand, and start painting. :)


Fish! HARD!

dw72's picture

Posts: 139

Date Joined: 19/02/15

new carpet

Wed, 2015-03-11 08:24

got some new carpet from bcf feels nice!

on special at the moment if anyone needs it $30l/m

2 mtr wide .also can anyone tell me how to upload a photo to comments? 

kelvintyj's picture

Posts: 94

Date Joined: 02/04/13


Wed, 2015-03-11 10:57

 got some iron man part yesterday~



bushbeaver's picture

Posts: 159

Date Joined: 08/07/13

Got 10 of Sebile Bonga

Wed, 2015-03-11 11:23

Got 10 of Sebile Bonga minnows, 2 Bonga Jerks as well as two River 2 Sea Triho 180's, 10 packets of various Z Man plastics, some Sunline FC Rock Fluoro for leader and 8 packs of jigheads in different sizes and weights on order. 


(A well known fishing MegastOre in Coffs Harbour NSW have Sebile (and other) lures on sale at great prices at the moment) 

Posts: 54

Date Joined: 20/08/14

They certainly do.  That's

Wed, 2015-03-11 12:41

They certainly do.  That's where my 12 vibes came from. Also bought several bigger lures from the boat show.  Does anyone else think that the "fishing & diving" part of the name should be taken off? there was more fishing stuff at the 4x4 show.

fish 06's picture

Posts: 164

Date Joined: 30/06/13

Still waiting

Wed, 2015-03-11 12:34

Still waiting for my Fishwrecked shirts to rock up

Posts: 60

Date Joined: 18/10/14


Wed, 2015-03-11 14:22

G'day all...I bought a Demon Blood 64 combi jerk rod...now to buy me a saltiga 4000 h to put on it...






Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

 I picked up a meat pie and a

Wed, 2015-03-11 15:22

 I picked up a meat pie and a coke zero at the Shop on the way home ,tasted great.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

Posts: 122

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Diamond Ring .. not fishing

Thu, 2015-03-12 10:24

Diamond Ring ..

not fishing related I hear .....???

Got a leave pass for DHI next year :)

Absolute best time to go anyone ??

pretty chuffed right now.


Born A Fish
Forced To Walk

Posts: 8

Date Joined: 18/07/14

new sounder combo

Thu, 2015-03-12 12:11

Humminbird 999cxi Si Combo

Posts: 8

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new sounder combo

Thu, 2015-03-12 12:11

Humminbird 999cxi Si Combo

Posts: 465

Date Joined: 06/02/14

Boring stuff, 500yrds of 50lb

Thu, 2015-03-12 17:37

Boring stuff, 500yrds of 50lb powerpro, 100yrds of 80lb leader & a croakies strap so I don't lose my spotters over the side.

The PowerPro is on sale at Anaconda at the moment, $59 for the 500yrd spool.

fish 06's picture

Posts: 164

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Fri, 2015-03-13 17:30

My Fishwrecked shirts rocked up today

Thanks Adam

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

 a coffee, and I put some

Fri, 2015-03-13 17:59

 a coffee, and I put some money aside for the boys fishing trip to steep point in may :)


Fish! HARD!

wickky's picture

Posts: 72

Date Joined: 24/11/13

Thought I would stock up on a

Sat, 2015-03-21 00:09

Thought I would stock up on a few plastics and jig heads for the planned work trip in may to exxy. Took the better half with me to keep me under control with the sale on last weekend.

Well didn't that go to sh!t!! She saw the 'sale' signs and her natural instincts kicked in! So many colours I didn't want or need but they looked 'pretty' so in the basket they went.

By the end of the weekend I had 30 packets of plastics and 20 packets of jig heads. Also something else I didn't want but ended up with is a 55L waeco esky and for her a shimano 

2-5kg 7ft 'lipstix', apprently I need to get her a pink reel to suit the rod.

Cheers Zac!


And the kick in the guts our 3 week work trip to exmouth got canned due to the mess getting destroyed :(





whaler235's picture

Posts: 47

Date Joined: 09/06/14

Dogtooth jigs

Sat, 2015-03-21 01:37

 Got 8 new dogtooth jigs 

scottnofish's picture

Posts: 1621

Date Joined: 28/08/07

just picked my brand new

Sat, 2015-03-21 06:51

 2015 Saltiga 5000 came in earlier than i thought .now just need some good weather to test her out

Happy Hooker's picture

Posts: 305

Date Joined: 12/11/08

Picked up

Sat, 2015-03-21 07:56

 Yamaha 2.4 kva gennie of gumtree  and new led lesser 14 hr2 headlight ...... Just gotta buy something for missus for wedding anniversary on Monday.....she might like a new reel for me to take to DHI next month! 

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 a scan gauge for the forbie,

Sat, 2015-03-21 09:09

 a scan gauge for the forbie, setting the colorado up for the long hauls and a little somethin somethin coming next week. might save that for a post but

kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

Date Joined: 13/01/12

 Got a stand to put the 80l

Sat, 2015-03-21 10:30

 Got a stand to put the 80l engel on. Got home and tried it out. Went and bought a second one, much more stable. 

z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 10/05/14

 Anti-theft screws for the

Sat, 2015-03-21 15:31

 Anti-theft screws for the trailer's new number plate!

Posts: 177

Date Joined: 17/09/10

must be nice plates :)

Fri, 2015-05-29 10:22

Hi, read this with the thought the trailer plates must be extra special

Your name, or boats name etc ??

I use the Anti-Theft screws on my 4X4 plates

Only because I've 'special plates' and both are different sizes too

Have tried to remove them at one stage to check out the design - they do work



  Maîneÿ . . .


z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

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 Nothing special about the

Fri, 2015-05-29 12:26

 Nothing special about the plate, just want to keep it this time!

Posts: 90

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Gillies Okta lures

Sat, 2015-03-21 17:53

grabbed a couple of 100gm models for 9 bux each.

Has anyone had any luck with these? They certainly look the goods. 

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

Date Joined: 13/09/05

Sat, 2015-03-21 18:28

 I used to always have one over the side whilst fishing, just the Rock of the boat is needed to move them, pinkies and dhues love them.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Posts: 90

Date Joined: 26/12/14

 Good to hear Dale. For the

Sat, 2015-03-21 19:03

 Good to hear Dale. For the price it's worth a shot. 

Also... I finally put a spare wheel on the trailer.  Was looking at getting a proper bracket but decided to sort myself. Total cost for the mounting gear $13.29 from Bunnings. 

wickky's picture

Posts: 72

Date Joined: 24/11/13

 New plastics/light jigging

Sat, 2015-03-21 19:04

 New plastics/light jigging rod!

Cheers to complete angler Nedlands!

Snags's picture

Posts: 558

Date Joined: 07/05/09

 Used my motackle $150 gift

Mon, 2015-03-23 11:55

 Used my motackle $150 gift voucher to get a new light spin outfit and bought a Pflueger Trion 2-4kg and Sienna 2500.   Hopefully the pflueger was the right choice, so many rods in that $100 range!

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

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Mon, 2015-03-23 15:58

Some new knee defenders


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



wickky's picture

Posts: 72

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 Nice little package from

Sun, 2015-03-29 19:14

 Nice little package from japan


And thought it was time to upgrade the old stradic!

Snags's picture

Posts: 558

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 ^^where did you source this

Tue, 2015-03-31 13:14

 ^^where did you source this stuff from?

GGs's picture

Posts: 330

Date Joined: 06/09/14

What did you buy today?

Sat, 2015-04-04 13:29

Stocked up for exy in 3 weeks... Bring it on!

Big thanks to Compleat Angler Nedlands.

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 New hub's bearings brake

Sat, 2015-04-04 13:35

 New hub's bearings brake calipers pads grease for the trailer and a blood transfusion for my bloodied hands 

wickky's picture

Posts: 72

Date Joined: 24/11/13

Couple upgrades and a bit of

Wed, 2015-05-27 21:21

Couple upgrades and a bit of light geat fun!





Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

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Ready Ramp

Thu, 2015-05-28 09:27

Nothing today, but last week my ute tub extender arrived, but I use it the other way around to contain stuff in the back that generally flogs around in the back when turning etc. Doubles up as a ramp if you have motorbikes and stuff to put in the back.



"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

new combo

Fri, 2015-05-29 08:08

 HDI Elite 7 Chirp for the Dommie--the old Sitex that came off the Navigator with all my marks on it can't be backed up or marks transferred, so a new one it is. And raided the remainders bin at Tackle World Geraldton for cheap jigs, scored a half dozen 75-85g $8 and $10 Shimano butterfly jigs, even a lumo one, as well as squid jigs. All this for the annual Ningaloo trip, up there for a month, leave in just over two weeks. Oh, and shook hands on a deal to fit a s/h F115 in place of the twin 2s mercs.

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

1 pack of size 12 long shank

Fri, 2015-05-29 13:02

1 pack of size 12 long shank hooks in red, wasnt sure if i should get mustad or the cheap $1 pack in brown. I went all out and got the mustad.  


Bend over

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

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Fri, 2015-05-29 20:13


Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10

bought the wife

Fri, 2015-05-29 20:23

bought the wifey and her best friend tickets to the eagles / geelong game , hopefully wifey will come home happy and rewards me (I am on baby sitting dutys)

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

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Tue, 2015-06-09 19:57

 I bought some brand new flash as Freo Docker number plates for my ute.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



rossco21's picture

Posts: 108

Date Joined: 15/06/10

 I bought me self a new

Tue, 2015-06-09 20:09

 I bought me self a new saragosa 6000 as a bit of a light jigging reel for one of me spare rods but also to double up on ,yn8footer for flicking lures and unweighted mulies

z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 10/05/14

 I can't spend big on the

Sun, 2015-06-14 14:38

 I can't spend big on the tackle so hunted down the best bargain I could for a new overhead. These are selling in some Perth tackle shops for $99. I decided I was worth it 


Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

 Retail therapy.  Tackle

Fri, 2015-06-26 16:18


Retail therapy.  Tackle shopping in singapore.  New shimano titanos gt 2000 loaded 300 m of pe 1.2 braid to fit to my 6 - 10 kg rod that I have at home. and found a tackle shop that does duty free (claim back at the airport).






Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6454

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 Happy birthday to me.  I

Thu, 2015-09-10 13:03

 Happy birthday to me.  I used my birthday gift voucher to buy another ugly stick blue water 5'6" jig spin rod 15kg and a shout shab shag 100gm jig in blue pink



Fish! HARD!

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

Date Joined: 04/09/08

 Well what did I buy this

Thu, 2015-09-10 19:59

 Well what did I buy this week,another boat quintrex coastal,go pro,couple tackle bags,



ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

A bag of ground coffee

Thu, 2015-09-10 20:21

 because the power had been off up here for two days and my generator won't run the coffee machine. So drag out the little percolator. And keep filling the generator up.

Posts: 45

Date Joined: 10/08/15

 A 130 4 stroke Yammy

Sun, 2015-09-13 11:25

 A 130 4 stroke Yammy

Posts: 163

Date Joined: 21/05/15

130 4 stroke yam my

Sun, 2015-09-13 16:50

 Half your luck WestOz, I have been considering doing the same myself. Interested to hear how it performs. 

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Fin nor LTC 30H, hopefully I

Sun, 2015-09-13 12:04

 Fin nor LTC 30H, hopefully I can test it out on a couple good fish  

z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 10/05/14

 Let us know how the Fin Nor

Sun, 2015-09-13 15:41

 Let us know how the Fin Nor goes hutch. I was tossing up between that and the Daiwa Seagate 35H and went with the Seagate as it was a little cheaper.

Been a great reel seeing off the Pinks, Salmon and Rays so far but it hasn't really been tested.

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Haha, funny that, I was

Sun, 2015-09-13 16:38

 Haha, funny that, I was seriously contemplating getting the Seagate 35H as well as the LTC30, what threw me off was it was the narrow version, looked great though!

My mate has had the lethal for a couple months and landed a couple black rays without faltering so far but nothing to really test it. The cast control is a dream, no overwinds has allowed me too confidently go without mono topshot and so far so good

Rene80's picture

Posts: 80

Date Joined: 06/09/15

 Shimano catana, small plano

Sun, 2015-09-13 15:54

 Shimano catana, small plano box, 2oz sinkers, plastics, long shank hooks #10, small shimano hyper speed 2500, red glow beads. 


Gotta make amfew whiting rigs

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

Had the intention of

Sun, 2015-09-13 16:48

Had the intention of upgrading my boat in two years... Lasted 3 weeks after selling my old one!  Got a new 590 trailcraft trailblazer with a Suzuki 140

wickky's picture

Posts: 72

Date Joined: 24/11/13

 Nice! Need PICS!!! Ive been

Sun, 2015-09-13 21:01

 Nice! Need PICS!!!


Ive been selling stuff 

Bessey's picture

Posts: 13

Date Joined: 19/08/15

Stella 6000PG and Shimano

Mon, 2015-09-21 14:38

Stella 6000PG and Shimano Grappler rod. Bit of Daiwa Surf braid too

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

Date Joined: 04/09/08

 A couple of single stainless

Mon, 2015-09-21 14:54

 A couple of single stainless snapper rack rod holders,new esky for the tinny,and cap inserts for the targa bar 



sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 New sea anchor as the last

Mon, 2015-09-21 15:21

 New sea anchor as the last one was errr torn off after being forgotten (bloody deckies) 


Love the West!