Went fishing down at challenger beach saturday arvo
I got the ok from the um wife to go fishing i guess because she wants to go to scrapbooking next weekend
Any way i got in the car and left around 3:30pm got down there pulled out some gear i bought a siena 4000 and a torium 30 on a crank rod and a pfluger conternder on a timber wolf not completely new but to me they where.
I took prawns down and 2 frozen herring i put 1 herring on .the pflugger reel only cost like $15 its a nice reel but i found out the clicker dont work .Anyway i cast the herring out was out no linger than 10 minutes and the rod got pulled down almost out of the rod holder something hit it hard but didnt hook up.So i put a big bait on the torium and cast that out as well well 20 minutes later the pfluger reel was of and running there was a salmon on it what a sight my first salmon jumpingf out the water doing back flips got it all the way in to shore and i had to cross over my other line thats where it got of right on the shore my falt gave it enough slack when lifting over the other rod that it got of i ended up with 4 herring used them for baits no more big runs stayed there till about 8:15pm then went home..
i was spewing it got of but it got the hard pumping and blood flowing there was other slamon caught by other people 4kg salmon have been a few caught down there the last few weeks
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Date Joined: 02/03/13
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession