Wednesday and Friday fishing - ex woodies- now with pics

Due to redundancy, I have been lucky enough to fish the sound on Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday session was launching at 10:00 and doing a full loop to the south, starting down the eastern shore looking for Salmon. After a cople of hours, I spotted some birds working and paid the price for not being ready with two othe boats appearing and the fish going deep. Throughout the next few hours the birds and fish came and wen with me landing 4 healthy salmon around the moored ships in the middle of the sound.

the ultimate goal of the day was to catch one on a Ben 10, 3ft rod, with a 2kg reel. I cheated by packing it with 15lb line. After hooking and losing two the week before, I was adamant that I was going to land one this time. After getting one to the boat, I reached down to grab its tail and in the process it spat the hooks and swam off....

After catching a couple more with my good gear, the school was going off enough to have another crack with the little gear so I cast in and within a moment it was on. The fish was was off like Floyd Mayweathe though after 50 minutes the fish was landed, photos taken, and released.  4 fish caught and released.


Fridays ventures started at 9:00 with a trip towards the accomodation at Garden Island with my folks for some squid. After an hour so, we had four onboard and made the most of the glassy conditions and headed through the coat hanger. I had never circumnavigated Garden Island and with minimal swell and stuff all breeze, it was the ideal day. 

Half way along the back of the island, we stopped in one of the bay's for a feed and a herring fish. The herring were extremely hard to find though once we did find them, we got a feed fairly quickly, and even spotted a small school of Salmon swim through though couldn't find them after we pulled the anchor.

After a feed, we proceeded around the north of the island back into the sound and headed back to the anchored ships hoping that the birds had some secrets to share but not to be.

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beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

 Get out!

Fri, 2015-05-08 19:44

 Get out!


Swompa's picture

Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

you repeating what your Mrs

Fri, 2015-05-08 19:48

you repeating what your Mrs is saying again?

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 I had a look on Facebook and

Fri, 2015-05-08 19:47

 I had a look on Facebook and saw that a mate had seen a school of salmon in Fishing boat harbour. We pondered a trip for a moment and after a fuel check, top up, we headed from about half way down garden island, North to Fremantle, at 23 odd knots.

Once arriving, there was one boat casting lures towards the Kailis boats though didn't seem to be catching anything and shortly left. We were about to do the same and I suggested that we head over to the Endeavour shed for a look. There were a fair few people on the Sardene wharf casting in and a few were hooked up, with a lot of bait fish around but we couldn't see the salmon....until behind us, the water just erupted.

We motored back towards little creatures, cast in and bang, it was on. I handed the rod across to my mum who hadn't caught a salmon before and over the next 10 or so minutes, learnt how to reel in a fish more powerful than a herring. It was great when we got it on the boat, got a photo, and it swam away strongly. Next was Dads turn who cast in and straight away was on. Again some great aerial display before being tailed, photographed and sent swimming away. Next it was mums turn again to experience the hit when they hook up. Again, seconds after the lure hitting the water, it was on. This time though it was mine to reel in, photograph and send swimming.

Over a 30 or so minute session, we caught, photographed and released 4 very healthy salmon and had a ball with both of my parents, very keen small fish fishermen, catching their first salmon.

The day ended with 4 squid, 14 herring and 4 squid caught and released. We did ~35miles and used around 25l of fuel.

Great day out on the water. Back out tomorrow with wife and 16 month old for a picnic, and obviously I am taking a rod.


For what it is worth, I have picked up 10 salmon across two days on a blue Smilin Jack lure. The same one each time. They are irrestiable.