waroorra station
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2015-08-17 19:06
So myself and the missus are going up to carnarvon after xmas to visit some friends and then after new years day she said she would like to go a little further up and do some camping/fishing and some looking around since she's never been that far north. I've suggested waroorra station but ive never been there before so my question is what is it like up there at that time of year for camping and the likes? I i know its gonna be stinking hot and probably will be blowing its tits off. I'll be taking up my 4.1 mtr tinnie aswell. That or thought coral bay??
Posts: 100
Date Joined: 22/03/12
Will be hot
However worth it for sure. Head to sandy point or maggies. Both magic. Spangoes off the beach. Reds, rankin and mackies out back. Just pick your day as usual.
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
We head upto Ningaloo
We head upto Ningaloo Station at the same time of year. The heat is ok as we are camping right on the beach. Wind can be a pain for fishing. But that is to be expected.