I know its not really fishing related, but does anyone own a v8 landcruiser, been looking at the 2010-2012 workmates an have heard mixed opinions. Just wondering what people using them on here think of them. CHEERS

Posts: 790

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 Do yourself a favour get the

Mon, 2015-02-09 16:50

 Do yourself a favour get the gxl,  it's a bit extra. but you get power windows diff locks amongst some other goodies 

Paj man's picture

Posts: 360

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Don't own one but I've driven

Mon, 2015-02-09 16:59

Don't own one but I've driven a work mate ute for a couple of weeks - heaps of torque and a big fuel bill were my two impressions. I've heard they love a bit of oil if they get worked hard (but it depends who you talk to) and I believe Toyota dropped back to only 1 fuel filter/water trap which may spell disaster if you get a bad batch of fuel.

I gather you're chasing a ute/troopy V8 not a 200 series? If that's the case I would personally search for a nice 1HD-TFE model, that motor has a very good rep. for reliability and power.


aka Nick

Jayden20's picture

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 Just drove mine up to

Mon, 2015-02-09 18:07

 Just drove mine up to kalbarri for the weekend.. 3 other guys in the car, kayak on the roof, boot with drawers full of gear and eskys towing a  4.7 meter ally boat with some gear in it too...sat on 100 the whole way and

Was using 14.8 per hundred.


It is an ex mine car so has some rust but for 32 on toad im happy with it. 


Yewiefish85's picture

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 I got one, 2012 76 workmate,

Mon, 2015-02-09 18:46

 I got one, 2012 76 workmate, as mentioned before plenty of torque but thirsty on the highway, I chose the workmate because the price was good and I can't stand carpet in the car with two young boys that don't know how to wipe their feet! Other than that I love it plenty of poke to overtake trucks and caravans when doing highway runs

ranmar850's picture

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 I've been driving them for

Mon, 2015-02-09 18:53

 I've been driving them for about six years now for work, probably do more miles than in my personal cars. Heaps of grunt, great tow vehicle. They have proven to be very reliable in mine service, at last count the only transmission replaced has been the one that dropped a drain piug and lost the oil. Compare that to the 105 series six, 100,000 k's saw clutches stuffed and 3rd gear syncro gone, every one of them that did any towing. Some of these vehicles were getting near 300,000 k's up and had never left the site.

Ford Rangers, on the other hand...

Posts: 125

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Yeah sweet cheers for the

Mon, 2015-02-09 20:29

Yeah sweet cheers for the help, I'm looking at the 4 door 2011 workmate, mainly want it for towing my 2.5 tonne Digga n my boat. Heard few stories saying the v8s are shit, but also been told how good they are. Hahahah just waiting for my patrol to die fisrt

jighead's picture

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You won't be dissapointed

Mon, 2015-02-09 20:40

 I have a 2008 model 76 series and i love it. Great for towing, no comparison to the 4.2 gq and 4.2 100 i had previously. Some people chip em but i haven't bothered just fitted a manta 3 inch high flow system and that provides enough power for normal duties.I put some arb air lockers front and rear and a 170l long range tank with a few other goodies and she's good to go for years to come. Very happy.

roodog78's picture

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 Be rude not to buy one I

Mon, 2015-02-09 20:52


Be rude not to buy one I reckon, absolute weapon of a car!


crasny1's picture

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. Yes, I was wondering why

Tue, 2015-02-10 08:11

. Yes, I was wondering why the question at all. Dont have a workmate, but mates do and rave about theirs even compared to the 200S I have.

If you can afford it dont even think, just do.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

poddyfish's picture

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Mon, 2015-02-09 21:34

 ive got a dual cab GXL - i dont drive mine like a hoon and the fuel bill isnt overboard.You dont buy a V8 if your too worried with fuel costs anyways - sits on the highway 100-120 using anywhere between 12.5-14.5 l per hundered dependant on wind etc. Towing is a dream with it and like mentioned above overtaking is a piece of piss. Sounds bloody mint with a 3" too and a decent snorkel to let the big rig breath


Fear The Spear............! 

meersy's picture

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I have the dual cab gxl as

Tue, 2015-02-10 05:16

I have the dual cab gxl as well and I luv it. I running the 3" red back straight through and roo systems chip and it goes hard, also picked up abput 80-90 klms per tank depending how ya drive.

Posts: 486

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have the 2012 76 series workmate

Tue, 2015-02-10 07:34

Had it for about 6 months and love it. Got it for towing the boat and recon its great . No problems with it so far and fuel economy is about 12lts per hundred around town. find it nice to drive but not as plush as the GU Patrol I had before but way better on fuel and power .

quadfisher's picture

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Mining thrill and stunt drivers!

Tue, 2015-02-10 10:25

 Looking around at all the $20-30,000 ones in Perth that are all ex mine , I say It should be law to disclose

 if they were a mining company or private vehicle.

 We have them at work , ( a mine) and although its the toughest test with all the evil knievels, fronting up

with murder in there eyes at shift change , they do cope quite well.

Door hinges can be weak, they do use extra oil sometimes, the interiors last well, had a few steering link failures,

 at least 2 or 3 gearbox/ clutch /both failures.

 According to some they will clear a 3 foot rock windrow without scraping ( hence steering failures) , rev to 5000rpm ( shift change , downhill)

 and fit at least 7 burly guys in them ( last shift of swing) .

To me , being a GQ patrol guy , there just a GQ ( without rear coils still!) with a slightly bigger motor and weaker g/box , you be the judge! haha







jighead's picture

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Tue, 2015-02-10 18:39

 But the slightly bigger motor makes more than a slight difference. Will agree that they don't flex as much without the coils but lockers will make up for that in most situations.

Posts: 16

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 I miss my GQs!! Why did I

Tue, 2015-02-10 23:26

 I miss my GQs!! Why did I downgrade to a Colorado haha

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Wed, 2015-02-11 05:58

should have bought a dmax lol

I dont miss my GQ when I am towing the boat, but offroad it was hard to beat

Posts: 125

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hahahah yeah ive only had

Tue, 2015-02-10 15:51

hahahah yeah ive only had patrols, mainly for towing. But my biggest problem is finding a good 4.2 without a shit load of Kilometres an a ridiculous price tag an because all the good patrols are before 2006 (4.2 litre) i reckon they are getting a bit too old for the price, otherwise i would probably stick to a patrol. hahaa an i must admit, watching a V8 cruiser overtaking me while hauling ass kinda sucks :(

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2015-02-11 07:06

Should mention that the injectors are supposed to be replaced at 150 thousand km at a cost of $1150 each and must be done at a registered dealership that has the computer program for setting them up.

Could buy a reasonable GQ with that sort of dough and get a better ride

Posts: 5819

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I havent seen that on the

Wed, 2015-02-11 09:27

I havent seen that on the service schedule anywhere?


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Belly Fish's picture

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Injector Lines, not Injectors

Wed, 2015-02-11 17:10

I'm pretty sure Toyota still recommend replacing the injector lines at 150,000kms, not the injectors.  I understand it's because of the high pressure running through them.  I had mine done at the 150,000, and it's not that expensive.  Injectors, on the other hand, a quite expensive and I haven't seen a recommendation to replace them at a particular km point.

BTW, I have seen the results of a blown injector line, and its messy.  Put it this way, if you are towing a boat when it happens, spewing 20-30 litres of diesel over your pride and joy is not what you want.  And its a tow job from wherever you are.  And it destroys your rust proofing.

I was happy to pay for them to be replaced, having seen what it can do.  

Posts: 5819

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just had a look at thru my

Wed, 2015-02-11 19:42

just had a look at thru my 200 service book and cant see injector lines anywhere?

My 100TD had injector lines listed at 150,000 but when I took it in to have done Toyota said they no longer required it which made sense on a mechanically injected diesel-more likely to get problems from changing them than a failure.

With the common rail? They certainly are under a lot of stress but then I cant recall injector lines on our Cat 3516B's coming up either in the schedule (30,000 hrs now)


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


quadfisher's picture

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Good point!

Wed, 2015-02-11 12:52

Theres one on gumtree atm that needs 4 injectors supposedly , but you would do the lot wouldnt you?

 It might look like it , but Im not trying to highjack thread , the poster wanted hard , factual info on v8 diesel cruisers

 Not peoples personal views on better vehicles like Gq,s , haha.

If its any consalation , If and when the GQ dies ( not in my lifetime!) I would prob buy a 76 wagon , not ex mine

and put nissan badges on it to mask the shame.



Posts: 125

Date Joined: 12/01/13

Na all good mate, any info is

Wed, 2015-02-11 19:59

Na all good mate, any info is good info, cheers

Jayden20's picture

Posts: 672

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 Injectors can be had for

Wed, 2015-02-11 09:45

 Injectors can be had for around 550 now

just dhu it's picture

Posts: 1081

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wheel track

Wed, 2015-02-11 19:23

 if you doing a lot of sand and beach work i have been told theres 70 mm difference in front to rear wheel track due to the V8 engine otherwise they sound a good vehicle except there only built in manual no autos available

Kal's picture

Posts: 160

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 i bought one to tow my boat

Tue, 2015-02-17 10:04

 i bought one to tow my boat back from qld boat weight is over 3 ton,fuel consumption was about 70l per 440 kms  sitting on 110km/h most of the trip .Good tow rig heaps of grunt in the higher gears. 
Off road they are pretty crap due to suspension wheel travel and the roll easy.

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 11/08/13

 The Toyota 4.2lt factory

Tue, 2015-02-17 12:56

 The Toyota 4.2lt factory turbo landcruisers are the better models in my opinion. 

Posts: 5819

Date Joined: 18/01/12

definitely a top class motor

Fri, 2015-02-20 22:00

definitely a top class motor (used by Yanmar also) but the torsion front end isnt the best.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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 Got a 200 series turbo gxl

Fri, 2015-02-20 21:54

 Got a 200 series turbo gxl diesel, best tow vehicle I've owned. It'll be my next car too.