Using Lures in the Swan and Canning
Submitted by Watony on Wed, 2014-04-16 15:56
As the above suggests when does the success of Lures in the Rivers for Bream, Flathead, Tailor start to slow down.
As a new fisherman I have had some success over the summer months with all three as well as getting lots of exercise but all walking and no catching is getting a little boring.
I'm a catch and release man mainly in the rivers as fishing the beaches is something I have still to have a serious go at.
Any advice for this 63 year old would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
You should
You should get fish right up until we get some serious rain. Not sure were you have been doing most of your fishing but i have been targeting bream anyware upstream from Garrat road bridge to Bandiup.
The river this year has been very cleen and lots of bait fish are still around making it a bit hard to find hungry fish. Ive also been getting a few flathead around Bassendean and Ashfield on Zman grubs.
One thing to do is try some new areas. I find fish will hold up in an area for a while, then are gone the next time i go there. I then try the next area upsteam or down untill i locate good fish again.
Because of all the prawns, glass shrimp and small baitfish that have been around, I found clear lures or plastics have worked very well for me over some of the usual colors that fisho's use.
I realy try to get to areas that don't have easy access , or arn't very popular . This way you can fish some nice water that hasn't been flogged by heaps of people. I use google maps alot to find roads or tracks to get me into fishy looking spots..
Hope this helps a bit . Cheers Grant .
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 28/10/13
Thanks for the info
Thanks for the info Grant.
Usually wander the lower reaches of the swan and around the Shelley area as close to home. Never tried the area upriver, plan for next week.
Regards Tony