Twiggy and the travel ban.

 The Minderoo Sikorsky helicopter just arrived at Brickhouse station in C'von. How is so that some people ( cashed up ) are immune to the travel ban ? 


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 For a fact I know people

Fri, 2020-04-10 14:58

 For a fact I know people whoi have crossed boundaries under the pretext of "cleaning out their holiday house freezer" travel bans seem all a bit pointless really. People don't give a fuck, it's all about self. 


Love the West!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

They are also

Fri, 2020-04-10 17:30

Immune to corona virus  

makoshark's picture

Posts: 86

Date Joined: 31/12/14

 surely he not on board 

Fri, 2020-04-10 19:06

 surely he not on board 


 Chase the sun and living the dreams


Posts: 514

Date Joined: 23/04/11

Twiggy is a National

Fri, 2020-04-10 19:07

Twiggy is a National Hero for some weird reason....Killing hundreds of Sub-Contractors is ok.....just as long as we save some COVID victims.

The guy is a wanker.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Just as long as we save some

Fri, 2020-04-10 19:38

 Just as long as we save some Covid victims..... and being in isloation you might have been one of them. 


Love the West!

Posts: 514

Date Joined: 23/04/11

Mate, I’m in full lockdown

Fri, 2020-04-10 22:17

Mate, I’m in full lockdown because some clown made a stupid decision. I was on a remote island, in the GBR for 2 weeks with just me and 2 other people......flew back into Perth 2 weeks ago on a private charter, on my own, and copped 2 weeks. I was probably the least likely person to have CV19 in the country.....but took it on the chin in the interest of conformity

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

No I don't know if he was onboard or not

Fri, 2020-04-10 19:18

I think what he did in getting PPE gear for the medical staff at our hospitals when they were trying to get through gov channels and not having any joy was a great thing and I thank him for that.
I don't have any knowledge about his business activities so I can't comment on that side of him.

Posts: 514

Date Joined: 23/04/11

Can’t disagree, it was a good

Fri, 2020-04-10 22:12

Can’t disagree, it was a good gesture. As is the amazing work he does with Mindaroo and remote communities. Just wish he did a few nice things “behind the scenes” as well. 

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14

Looks like it was a pit stop

Sat, 2020-04-11 06:13

Aircraft was on the ground for about an hour before heading up the coast to Minderoo station near Onslow. The rich get richer the poor get the picture. It's nice that our society has different sets of rules for different sets of people.........  


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

 Lol.... Twiggy needs very

Sat, 2020-04-11 20:42



Twiggy needs very good PR....


Seriously have you seen anything wankier than twiggy unloading that pallet of shit....


Fuck off Andrew give us a break...


Awsome that you have created a company that ( rapes in some peoples opinions ) profits from Australian resources and you are one of the wealthiest in our state but we don't need to see you unloading that pallet...


My missus would shoot me down for these comments but fuck me thats what the wealthy should do!! 


Donation was it?


Tax deduct was it?


Of course it fucking was.....


Gina now where is your fat arse unloading a pallet...


Don't think i'm anti Gina either, I would go down on her if paid accordingly...

Posts: 146

Date Joined: 14/11/10


Tue, 2020-04-14 10:10

Twiggy jumps when the Chinese Govt PR machine asks him too!

What about the tons of medical PPE that was ripped out of Australia in the month before by east coast based Chinese "developers"?

What a pathetic attempt at pushing the Chinese Govt's propoganda campaign suggesting they are saving the world from Covid-19!

Twiggy must think we are all stupid...

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

 You fellas that are praising

Sat, 2020-04-11 20:54

 You fellas that are praising him for spending a few milion on remote communities while FMG carves their way through the Pilbara have got your head up your arses...


Have you been to the pilbara?


Opposite the beautiful Hammersly gorge is the newest ( until Eliwana goes ahead ) Solomon mine.....


Like fucking literally over the rd.....


So while one side of the rd is declared a Nat Park and is deemed amazing and open for all to see just how pretty it is, on the other side of the road is Solomon mine with FMG carving their way through the prehistoric Pilbara....


If you've not been up there and experienced how fucking beautiful that country is but littered throughout is all BHP, FMG and Rio Leases where eventually they'll flatten all of the country they can make money from....


The speed its happening in some areas is crazy, get your family up there and see it while its worth looking at unless you are happy to see the pin prick in the middle which is Karijini....


Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

 I used to work at Cape

Mon, 2020-04-13 07:35

 I used to work at Cape Preston as a commercial fisher, in a small sustainable fishery. It was an amazing place you could literally see the aboriginal heritage every ware, very untouched only a handful of people accessed the place each year. There was even two 4WD left there with keys in ignition from when the media watched the nuclear explosions from the cape, they had barged them in and camped out to record the event.

Then CITIC Pacific turned up, run a muck on the first days driving down the turtle nesting beaches smashing through the mangroves etc. I spoke to CALM about what the F*** was going on there and turned out they already had conditions placed on them to stay off the beaches etc. CALM had no resources to police asked me to keep an eye on them WTF? 

They tried to kick me out, because of the trouble i caused with CALM, but WAFIC stepped in and I had continued access to see the place go to hell. Even moving mountain into the sea burring the coral reef and killing giant clams etc for miles. Eventually when I put in a submission about some expansion they were planning, Clive Palmer rang me up and told me to piss off. Never could legally access most the place after just the east part of the cape, by then it was pretty stuffed anyhow. 

All for some low grade magnetite so the Chinese can put some price pressure on the big Au miners. 



Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 I think that old camp you

Mon, 2020-04-13 08:50

 I think that old camp you speak of may still be there. In a bit of a hollow up on the cape. I've seen it and wondered what it was. 


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?