Trout fishing Harvey dam
Submitted by benferguson on Thu, 2014-09-04 13:43
Hi guys hopefully you can help I want to catch a trout most the places I go I catch Redfin but no luck with the trout have seen a few guys catching them at Harvey dam they say go to the back is that because to can't fish anywhere else or is that where the trout are also I have a dawia two drunk monkey rod I use for bream will that handle a trout have seen some big fish come out on the pics thanks for any help
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Round the back of the dam is
Round the back of the dam is the better place to fish simply because it's quieter & there's more structure round there that suits the trout. I've had decent success at the third causeway along Harvey-Quindanning road. Your bream combo is ideal.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
wow bad day
nothing wrong with reddies, they taste better than trout in my books,half way down to back off dam best,deep gully comes in real close ,big reddies and trout off bank.(without using yak,)back end was mint years ago before they made it bigger.,good luck
Posts: 139
Date Joined: 30/12/10
Thanks guys yeah I love
Thanks guys yeah I love eating Redfin just want to try catching a trout lol you know it's on my bucket list for fish I want to catch I though that might be the case as in its just better to catch them there just do want to fish in places your not allowed too
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 03/12/13
I was at Harvey again
I was at Harvey again yesterday and as I was a bit short on time I pulled in to the first causeway which is about the only part of the dam I had never fished before. I got one brown and a reddie and had a follow by another brown. At the moment you seem to be able to catch a trout almost anywhere as they have spread throughout the dam, the only place I wouldnt recommend at present would be the long arm that runs to the north as I took the kayak in there on the opening day and the water appeared more discoloured and nothing was showing up on the sounder. I release all the trout I catch as although they fight pretty well (much better than Redfin) in my opinion they are not great to eat, I keep the Redfin for eating if I manage to get some of a decent size.
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Used to live on the old river
off Stansfield Rd. When they flooded this with the new dam (the old house I lived in would be way under water if it was left) I returned for memories sake to fish there. Thought I would only get reddies but caught and released among a few reds 2 rainbows and one fairly decent brown.
I agree you go fresh water fishing to fight trout and eat reds.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 139
Date Joined: 30/12/10
Thanks guys for your help I
Thanks guys for your help I might try one if I catch to eat but it's mainly for the I have caught one list you know will be going down soon
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Was there yesterday
Was there yesterday arvo ( Friday ) Nice weather, went up the back and chased a couple trout that were tailing around but couldn't get them to take anything. Paddled over to some trees and dropped some plastics into the timber. Ended up with aprox 20 redfin from runts to one nearly 1kg.
More trout were rising as the sun went down but still couldn't get a take from them .
Posts: 360
Date Joined: 06/02/14
went saturday morning got
went saturday morning got half a dozen reddies all on soft placcies
also had a kilo plus brown right infront of me but ended up spittin the hooks also got another follow by a brown
all at the back end of the dam.
Posts: 149
Date Joined: 15/11/09
Iwas there Sunday, tried
Iwas there Sunday, tried quite a few places, caught one little 20 cm rainbow on fly near the 3rd causway.