tri hull boats

Does anybody know anything about Tradewinds boats. There is a ocean master 7.2 on gumtree Seems to have a huge amount of deck space for a boat that size. There doesn't. seem to be anything on internet about them. The guy that owns it fish's off Hopetown would think it would get fairly rough down there Any input would be appreciated Cheers

nackers's picture

Posts: 341

Date Joined: 23/10/09


Wed, 2014-10-22 20:27

 G'day maverick 

I test drove a second hand 28 ft trade wind boat about 10 years ago and apart from it being old and in need of repair  (in my price range ) it was a good ride and I would expect it would perform really well in our local conditions .it was an ex sea rescue vessel in Queensland . I didn't purchase it due to the amount of repair / repower needed immediately on the vessel but I do think they would be a very capable vessel .

Hope this helps


carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Wed, 2014-10-22 20:41

There is an 8 metre Hydrofelt for sale here in Carnarvon, will try to find out more details if you are interested

Posts: 4

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Thanks but I quite like the

Wed, 2014-10-22 21:13

Thanks but I quite like the Trade winds just more concerned about performance/safety ect I have only ever had mono hulls

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

No experience with the

Thu, 2014-10-23 05:53

No experience with the tradewinds but tri hull's can be quite good boats.  Hydrofield Jaguar are somewhat regarded as one of the best, great in the rough stuff and great on fuel to boot (get lift out of water when travelling so less drag).  Other end of the scale the models that were not done well can be a bit of a pig (as with any type of hull).

Test drive any boat before buying once your getting close to making a decision :-) that should give you a fair idea.


Edit - Just had a bit of a look at the boat your looking at - hull looks very similar to the Hydrofield Jag (apart from the cutout on the rear of the outer sponsons), looks like a good boat


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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Date Joined: 08/01/09

tri hulls in general

Thu, 2014-10-23 06:40

can slap quite hard bow on to sea. they are very stable though and are hard to fault performance wise in any other sea. I dont know about the tradewind but I think they started as tradewind and changed name to southwind later on. But don,t quote me on that



ricey's picture

Posts: 740

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I have fished a lot on a 7m centre console trihull

Thu, 2014-10-23 11:43

different hull, but what I notice is that three or four heavy guys can all fish over the edge on the same side and the boat is still steady . It makes the boat feel like a bigger boat.


The ride is very comfortable too.


not a tradewind though.




Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.

bouttime's picture

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 I have looked at the same

Thu, 2014-10-23 16:51

 I have looked at the same boat and was interested until i found out the trailer is not legal as no electric brakes. It would be a good buy for under $50k but think he is asking a bit much for a boat built in the 90's.

pelagicyachts's picture

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Sat, 2014-10-25 12:10

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