TODAYS Catch.. Yummo

 Todays Catch..  

Well I am sure that you have worked by the pics now that we are not in Australia Fishing..

We have just got back home from 15 days in India and these photos were taken towards the southern end around Kochi and Allepy.

To say it was an eye opener to how they catch and store the fish is an understatement..

Below is a couple of photos as to the methods used, and the one that I couldnt beleive the little foam boat with home made paddle, where a bloke sits on the front of it and 250mtrs nett in a bundle behind him and then proceeds to paddle out between 3 to 5 kilometers to set it.. How they retreive this 250mtrs of nett from this piece of foam and keep it all together.. Who friggin knows as it wasnt a pretty day out on the water..

The other method is a Chinese method of a nett on a fixed pivot.. See photo.. They pull and reset this type of nett about every 5 minutes..




 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

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Belly88's picture

Posts: 380

Date Joined: 08/02/12


Mon, 2014-07-07 20:33

Cool pics mate. Love seeing how other places do things.

Cheers for sharing     Belly

Posts: 327

Date Joined: 18/10/10

Love the paddle

Mon, 2014-07-07 21:27

 That is macgyver right there

silly's picture

Posts: 382

Date Joined: 02/01/09

 Nice pics..Seen robson green

Mon, 2014-07-07 21:30

 Nice pics..

Seen robson green do that on extreme fishing. . Different is an understatement! !


tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

Lol, Avon descent weapon right

Mon, 2014-07-07 21:41

Lol, Avon descent weapon right there!


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2014-07-08 05:49

 Lol. Certainly a different style of fishing.


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woody's picture

Posts: 617

Date Joined: 27/02/08

And we stress out if our fish

Mon, 2014-07-07 21:50

And we stress out if our fish isn't dispatched humanely, bled and put into an ice slurry within 5 mins of capture...pffft!!

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 28/06/14


Tue, 2014-07-08 07:36

 That is certainly different but very cool looking would love to try fishing on one of those foam mattresses

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Must be a shark free area

Tue, 2014-07-08 18:01

In GWs in the area I guess

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

Necessity is the Mother

Wed, 2014-07-09 12:31

Necessity is the Mother of invention. very cool and hard core. They'd laugh if you told them we can't take a jet ski past 5 NM....

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

Some of the fish they were catching looked like

Wed, 2014-07-09 19:18

 baby Mulloway?? Any Ideas?? 


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

I thought someone may have picked up

Wed, 2014-07-09 19:29

 on the bigish Eel in the dab nett that the bloke is carrying??


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..