Tip for Swan River Trolling

Planning on taking the Mrs on the river around Peppy/Bicton and up to Freo for our first fishing trip in the new dinghy.

The outboard has about an hour on the clock so far so I want to get some break in time and fishing done at the same time so plan on chucking a couple of Yo Zuri Crystal Minnows out the back before we stop up and target some skippy, squid and whiting on the drift.

Being a shore based fisho can anyone offer me any advice on the best approach to trolling for tailor or is it as easy and chucking the lures out the back and cruising up and down the river? Any direction on the best spots to try would also be well appreciated.

Cheers JF


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

elliotbirch's picture

Posts: 123

Date Joined: 29/05/12

 Hey mate, trolling for

Fri, 2014-08-01 10:34

 Hey mate, trolling for Tailor in the river is a pretty simple and easy process. However, this time of year isnt the best for tailor as all the fresh water from the rain will be flushing them out of the river or right down near Freo. I've had the most success with either a Halco Twisty (30gm) or roughly a 100mm Rapala Max-Rap trolling at about 4 knots or just above idle. I have caught the large majority of my fish trolling parallel to Melville Beach Parade about 500m from the shore in anywhere from 1m-4m of water...also try along the point at the end of the road on the edge of the drop off..

Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07


Fri, 2014-08-01 12:31

The fresh water is about 3m deep currently around Bicton/Matilda Bay.  There are tailor around - I see them hunting most nights when I dive.  You'd have to get your lures deeper then 3m.  Same applies to squid - I was playing with a few last week (they follow your lights).  Interesting watching the squid stop cm's from the fresh water layer which you can see...and it is cold!

Cheers Pete

420casts's picture

Posts: 281

Date Joined: 25/03/13

We have trolled mulies

Fri, 2014-08-01 12:47

We have trolled mulies before, and also lures - both seem to work when we have tried. 

 Pete D, Are these night tailor around until all hours or only for a little while ? 


My YouTube channel, Fishing Rigs & How To's and more:




420casts's picture

Posts: 281

Date Joined: 25/03/13

We have trolled mulies

Fri, 2014-08-01 12:47

We have trolled mulies before, and also lures - both seem to work when we have tried. 

 Pete D, Are these night tailor around until all hours or only for a little while ? 


My YouTube channel, Fishing Rigs & How To's and more:




Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

We are only under for about

Sat, 2014-08-02 17:10

We are only under for about an hour...or before the cold gets the better of us.  We enter the water just on dark.

Cheers Pete

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 There's an episode of "The

Fri, 2014-08-01 13:02

 There's an episode of "The Water" hosted by Steve Correia that you can find on youtube which has a segment of trolling mulies in the river.

Callum24's picture

Posts: 1015

Date Joined: 24/06/12

christmas trees mate i dont

Fri, 2014-08-01 15:37

christmas trees mate i dont bother with any think else on the troll when the tailor are on we just handline them and easy get enough bait/dinner if spinnin for them small rapalas and floating sticks my fav stick is the orange clear and yellow atomic


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

Went down this morning. Only

Sat, 2014-08-02 16:36

Went down this morning. Only very small fish caught. This time the year some bigger Tailor get in there under the fresh

Troll some deep divers in the day around deeper areas in the salt down deeper.

Look for birds


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