take it home with you

not agood look for fishos , so if you go fishing anywhere , take all your rubbish with you when you leave ,
have seen a fair bit of this type of thing over summer on the beaches south of here
you go down the beach early morning , and see camps with young blokes in swags waking up still looking hung over with burnt out fires , stubbies , plastic, busted gazebos, etc
then it all to often gets left behind

how hard is it to take it home ,
most do the righty, but the usual 5% dont, you can guess it is highly likly only a matter of time before some councils make proposals to bann us from fishing & 4 wheel driving



Meelup Regional Park Management Committee environment officer Mandy Polley says volunteers have noticed a correlation between the autumn fishing season and increased volumes of litter in the park.

Ms Polley told the _Times _ the recent Meelup Coastal Cleanups initiative had seen more than 200kg of rubbish removed from Meelup's beaches from December to Easter this year.

"Much of the rubbish left behind is fishing related, including bait bags and lines, and also fish body parts, as well as food and drink packaging," she said.

"There is also evidence of fires where people are cooking their catch."

Tangaroa Blue's Renee Mouritz agreed and said it was disappointing to see people destroy what they "came to enjoy".

Ms Polley said another bad season for litter was summer, when visitor numbers peaked.

"A lot of this is left behind by people camping, but also just general users of the beaches," she said.

"So you could say that for nearly half the year there is a significant litter problem in the park."

Ms Polley said the message for visitors to the park, or any natural area, is for people to clean up after themselves.

She said people could even pick up other rubbish to "keep the place clean".

"We want to keep it beautiful for everyone to enjoy," she said.


OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


EL SYD's picture

Posts: 599

Date Joined: 16/08/10

I am seeing a trend in my

Fri, 2015-04-24 09:14

I am seeing a trend in my neck of the woods of camping and fishing related rubbish. ..... sadly it is all from fishos .
Starting to think the people who do the right thing are in the minority.
Have lost access to some fishing spots because of vandalism and mess left behind

uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

Date Joined: 10/02/07

yeah its not really hard to take it

Fri, 2015-04-24 09:31

out with you,if you bring it in take it out,lot of places look like tips


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

Don't Believe Everything You Read in The Papers hezzy/

Fri, 2015-04-24 09:39

I've been going down that way twice a week for a month now doing a clean-up from Eagle Bay through to Curtis Bay and the guys are very conscious of cleaning up after fishing on the rocks and there's been a big improvement on previous years so the message is getting out there. You will always get a lot happening around Easter time just like you'll get a heap of rubbish on the side of the roads down this way but generally the fisho'o have been pretty tidy.

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

howard, iv enough experience

Fri, 2015-04-24 11:07

iv enough experience on the beaches /camping to know this is a growing trend , not just at meelup in salmon season
we have done several of these beach cleanups, at bunkers and along the capes west beaches , last one i filled my tandem trailer with shite , carpet, chairs , plastic, tins, bottles , bits of metal ,car & trailer parts , and lots of glass , intact and broken , as well as the standard vessel overboard stuff washed up

going to places like hamelin, deepdeene, sylvesters, peppy & minninup , you see it often , along with the 4x4 drivers & sandboarders who are cutting the dunes up ,

just people pressure alone is puttign pressure on to these areas
its only a matter of time before access is restricted even more if it does not improve imo



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


turtl3tim's picture

Posts: 203

Date Joined: 01/01/15

its just poor form, its not

Fri, 2015-04-24 09:44

its just poor form, its not exactly hard to take your rubbish away with you. it takes up less room once all the consumables are used and its just an empty container/bag/can thats left over. i can almost gaurantee its because they didnt think to bring rubbish bags with them, and they dont want anything leaking or smelling in the car?


 Good things come to those who bait.

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 I saw a pick of salmon on

Fri, 2015-04-24 09:53

 I saw a pick of salmon on the side of the road out near wanneroo pics of salmon dumped at south mole and wednesday went down the beach at alkimos for dinner and ended up towing a burnt up couch out of the dunes off the beach. What the fuck is wrong with these pricks. worst time of the year all day/night easterlys = all nighters and fuckwit weekend warriors.


Time to sell the 4bys as everything offroad will be banned soon enough. 

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

The state of the jet ski

Fri, 2015-04-24 12:30

The state of the jet ski beach in rocko was shocking just before they closed off access. Dunno if was closed beacause of rubbish, but it wouldnt have helped!

Good spots are becoming more popular every year with facebook etc its not going to get better. 



Bend over

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Maybe if the local

Fri, 2015-04-24 17:26

Perhaps the local ranger could be persuaded to take a drive to these places last thing on a Friday afternoon and "show the flag" so's to speak it might make some people think twice about acting like pigs.

If he also gives them the eye and takes note of what their camp consists of it would be a sobering encounter.

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 persuaded, its there bloody

Fri, 2015-04-24 17:32

 persuaded, its there bloody job. just dont have enough power to scare the imbeciles

Posts: 626

Date Joined: 27/11/09

Check ID

Fri, 2015-04-24 22:55

Give the ranger's rights to view and record the ID of everyone (if they don't have that power already) - for many just the thought that they are being watched and they are not anonymous is enough to do the right thing.

Pretty hard to police arseholes...unless they are caught in the act (logistically difficult without massive govt funding). Harsh penalties for those who ARE caught - i.e. massive over the top fines, bans etc may help.

I've seen secret spots disappear over the last five years due to an influx of people - destroying the vegetation and leaving their crap behind. I keep moving further away, but I'm seeing it happen again now through the mid west in some sleepy areas that have been previously more or less untouched.

We know the govt wont address the issue through any other strategy than taking these places away from us. No good complaining about the minority that ruin it. If we are truly passionate about what we have, I believe our best strategy is to collectively and systematically work to make a positive difference. e.g.

- Organising group clean-ups of areas (especially trouble spots both metro and regional)

- Register a formal voluntary group "fishers for the environment" that is all about protecting our fishery and working with govt (local and state)

 - Spread the word, get out there and educate people in a constructive and professional way

There are probably heaps of strategies like that which would make a positive difference over time - however small it's an improvement. Who knows, we may even start getting government funded trips to the Montes for a clean-up mission ;-)

My view - it's our job as rec fishos to do what we can. We have the numbers and the passion to make a difference....we just need to work together.